Moonless Sky

Moonless Sky

A Story by Sid

I walk the long winding road, called life, hand in hand with the ones I hold dear. The guiding light emanating from these bonds, illuminates the damp unknown road leading to an unknown end; the mystique in itself a drug. I walk down the flowing stream, at peace with the world and with myself for I’m with the ones I care for. At the end of the stream lies a green pasture and we lie down and talk long hours, carefree and joyous. The prosperity and serenity in every ones company a warm blanket that separates me from the harsh world. As I walk further down this everlasting road, I come across a field of beautiful blossoms which on closer inspection seem to have thorns of potential lethality and yet I feel unperturbed for I have the help of my friends. Together we walk across the field of thorns and feel only the blossoms kiss our feet for the thorns are gone in company; the thorns only stand in the way of the lonely for the lonely are doomed to misfortune and I count myself lucky for the friends I have.

As I walk farther down the road I grow wary of my black shadow, a reflection of some unknown darkness buried deep inside me. I fear that greater knowledge of my shadow, of myself, might become a reason for loathing me for the darkness inside, should it exist; but I believe that darkness exists in everyone and success depends on how well you keep this darkness hidden behind the joys of a merry social life. I curse my shadow and try to maintain a distance but nevertheless it follows, for it is me, hidden in the depths and still very much me. Though black in itself, it helps me strengthen the veneer of health visible to one and all around me as it reminds of the darkness that might exist within me. My friends around me help me in relegating this ominous presence to the depths of my existence and in return I rely on their presence.

As we walk this winding road I grow accustomed to their presence and feel content in knowing that they will always stay by my side; without the will to, I start taking this presence of theirs for granted and in all my ignorance and arrogance at my ability to make friends I grow ever distant to some while getting closer to others and before long our path diverges from an old friend turned outsider and yet we press on down this enlightened road for the one that left is just one of many. As we continue our merry way I come to realise that our feelings about the lost friend are anything but unanimous as some grow discontent of the path we take while some others grow wary of the methods; they feel that our journey lacks focus and that we are merely walking down this road without much thought and they feel that our accepted bliss is nothing but ignorance and there lie other roads leading to other destinations and after much deliberation and rising distrust a small group of friends take the second road at the fork that lies ahead of us. Still my group walks merrily down our chosen path content in the joys provided in our path by the mystical life.

The weariness and distrust as also discontent of our way of life begins to take its toll and still more friends take their own path, though they do so in a more humble way for they have been our companions for a long time and are thus a part of our life. Their loss from our journey leaves a smaller hole in my heart than the previous group, for in that group were those friends of mine who had stood with me as equals and who came along with me for the simple reason that the roads of their lives and mine were aligned. They had one other reason for being with me: they cared about me as I cared about them and if they left me it had to be because I must be wrong in choosing this merry path and doubt starts gnawing at my heart; still I persevere on even as the path becomes more and more tumultuous and treacherous. As I continue down this treacherous path more out of pride than sanity, I steadily lose my friends as their eyes open and they do not wish to jeopardise their lives for the sake of following my insanity.

Before long, I stand alone staring out at the vast stretches of land with no clear path visible; I am lost and alone with no inkling of my destination. The land before me seems like it was forsaken by the Lord many eons ago and wildness has come to call it its own. I push through the overgrown forest, bruising and burning amidst the thickets growing around my feet, the loneliness gnawing at me. I feel apathetic at my situation for I know now the reason for it is none other than me. I manage to push through the forest, battered and bruised and I let out a cold, mirthless laugh which echoes back just to haunt me. I am alone and suddenly the weight of all the pent up emotions come crashing down on me like a falling building, as the walls I built around my mind to escape the cruel forest give way. I let out a scream, hoping beyond all realm of possibility that someone would hear me and come to my aid; that they would miraculously fill up the emptiness inside me till I feel whole again. But, like my brain told me and against my hearts failing whisper, none appear before; not my friends, not the angel nor death to take me away. I am alone.

Much time passes with me at the bottom of despair, but after much consoling and counselling I drag myself away from the edge of the forest and into what seems like a desert, scorched and lonely. As I trudge along on the parched earth, an old fear starts creeping up on me: my shadow seems stronger and blacker than ever under the unrelenting Sun. Wary, I try to make haste as if by hurrying I could put some distance between me and that dreadful part of me that follows my every move. In my tired haste, I stumble amidst the sand and land face down in it; I lay there instinctively waiting for the hands of my friends to reach down and pull me back on my feet and I realise again that none of them remain with me. In my daze I curse everyone and everything and before long everything becomes hazy.

I wake up in the middle of the night with the moon shining in all its glory; my shadow the only other presence in the vast wasteland. Fearful I withdraw into myself trying to block out its presence but soon disguised by the chilly wind I hear voices, faint and inscrutable. These whispers on the wind keep me company throughout the night and I lie there awake afraid of what I might hear if I let the voices speak freely. I bury much of my body into the sand underneath me and yet the voice and also my shadow stay with me, haunting me, now with visions of unfathomable misery.

“Why do you hide from me? Why do you push me away? I am but a part of you and you can learn much by listening to my voice.” After a few days of destitute wanderings during the day and lonely sleepless nights of haunted mockery, the voices have become clear as day and in some depraved, disturbed way they seem like my only solace in this accursed existence. They seem like my only friend, deformed and evil, but still my only friend even though I still pay no heed to what they say; I cannot deny their existence anymore. In truth at the end with nothing more to be alive for, I look forward to their presence every time I stop moving along this damned path, for the voices seem like my final link to sanity even though they belong to my shadow.

As the days, maybe months or perhaps even years pass (I have no inkling of the time in this bizarre existence anymore) pass by my shadow has become my only companion for better or for worse, it is the only creature that has stayed with me and though I still refuse to converse with the voices, I find solace in its presence. I believe it is simply because of the deprivation of friends that I resort to the company of my once feared entity: the darkness in me, my shadow.

* * * * *

It has been a long day of nothing and at the end of it I feel tired beyond words; it is starting to get dark and I decide to stop my so called journey for the one-sided conversations I have grown accustomed to. I drag my feet a few paces more, as always unaware of my destination but unwilling to stop. Farther down the wasteland (with no hint of a direction) I stop, fall on the ground as gently as possible and look down at the ground to find that realm of solace and for the first time I see complete darkness, a darkness devoid of the one presence I have come to cherish in my loneliness. My shadow is gone or is it that there is no light to cast it there? I look up to see the sky and to my horror realise that it is a moonless sky and without light there can be no shadow. In my aimless, thoughtless wandering I had failed to realise the complete absence of light as the darkness had felt no different than the moonlit sky. I feel broken over the loss of my last link to sanity as if this is the final ominous conclusion of the lonely path I took a long time back. I frantically search around hoping, against all sanity, that my shadow is buried somewhere around me; I dig and dig in earnest till I finally collapse on the ground.

The darkness closes in and I feel suffocated like some invisible wall surrounds me and boxes me in. It feels cold and hopeless, a chasm I cannot escape from and frantically, with maddening unrest, I lash out at the darkness. I wish to all the Gods that I could somehow pierce the darkness and end the solitude it brings and desperately I swing my arms in all directions hoping to either break free from this prison or to catch hold of someone that might dwell in the distance. I try with all my might to get up off the ground and walk but my legs give way before I can even get any hold on the ground and cursing like a wretched creature I fall once again, face down onto the cold hard earth; the cold harsh truth of my reality rushes into me like some unseen force and before long tears stream down my face. I am helpless and finally broken.

I sit in grim silence and spend the next few moment thinking about my fate and I feel regret to the point that I wish it would all end; any way possible. I desperately wish I had chosen a different path and then I wish I had at least talked to my shadow before it disappeared; maybe I could have understood something about myself that I still don’t know. I curse the sky, I curse God and before I realise I start cursing myself for all the foolish choices I made. I pray to anyone who would listen, I pray “Send me all the way back, I will do things differently; I would make different choices and I will not end up in this hell.” I wait for what seems like hours, waiting in agony for an answer that never comes. Finally at the edge of sanity, I howl at the sky like some crazed beast, out of its mind, waiting and wishing for the end which still lingers out of my grasp. In the end I scream, “Let me just go back to my last friend and I will mend my ways or at least let me talk to my shadow; that is all I ask,” and I lie down, spent and unable to move.

I see in the distance, a flickering light like one from an earthen lamp. I fight against my body and mind and follow that fleeting hope of an escape from the darkness and the solitude. As I draw nearer, the light seems like nothing more than glowing embers from a fire long gone and I stare at it a long time, earnest in my hope for a miracle. I look around me, desperate to find my shadow but the light is not enough for a shadow to exist and yet I don’t give into despair as finally after all those long hours there is hope for my shadow’s return.

“Why do you look for me so desperately now when you even refused to listen to me earlier?”

I turn around and there I see the faint outline of my shadow; the light seems to be returning and I feel alive like I haven’t in days.

“It took your disappearance to make me realise your importance. I am sorry for that.”

“So it seems like I am the last link to your sanity but talking to me will reveal your true nature; are you sure you are up for that?”

“I don’t know for sure and to be truthful I’m just happy that you are back; any more solitude and I would have been at my limit.”

“Are you ready to really and truthfully talk? Sooner or later you will have to confront me and I believe you have had enough time to ponder that question.”

I feel lost and nervous: am I ready for a revelation about myself? I have kept my shadow buried for so long I have no idea on how to deal with it. I still feel afraid it might reveal something about me that I won’t like or find hard to deal with. After some deliberation, during which my shadow maintains an aloof silence, I decide to face it all because I feel tired of running and hiding.

“I am ready; though I have to ask what are you?”

“Me? I am just the physical manifestation of your inner desire that you bury away deep inside. You put up a facade that feels one with all the others around you but you have steadily been losing yourself to that veneer.”

“Then tell me what is it that dwells deep within me? What am I on the inside: a normal person or a monster of some kind?”

“A monster, why do you ask that? Do you feel like a monster inside?”

“No, not really; I just want to be ready for anything that you might reveal.”

“You are no monster, inside or outside; though you are in the wrong world pretending to belong. Do you truly believe the path you took is the right path?”

“The fact that I ended up here definitely tells me it wasn’t the right path but on a more serious note, I know very well that I made mistakes throughout. I should have at the very least listened to my friends’ cries of mending my ways but in all my arrogance I ignored them. To make mistakes is human, but when given the chance correcting them is the absolute.”

“I’m talking about your very first path choice; any subsequent ones are but a consequence of that first choice. Do you believe the very first path you took in the new phase of your life was the right path?”

“Do you mean my choice of pursuing the path that was considered the right path by one and all including me?”

“Yes, that very path and why do you refer to it as the right path when any path chosen with your dreams in mind is the right path for you?”

“It was the logical choice as it made sense to walk along the well beaten road that leads to prosperity; isn’t that what everyone desires? To be truthful I too felt it was the right path because it was the proven choice and why should I take the chance of playing with choices that might jeopardise my future,” I stand there quite for a moment wondering about the very first choice. Was it really because I felt it was the right choice or was it only because everyone around me thought it was the logical choice. “I wasn’t really aware if other choices and paths existed as all I saw through everyone’s eyes was that sole path and it felt right because it was the logical choice. It felt right because it made everyone happy.”

“It felt right because it made everyone happy? Is that your justification for the path of life that you took? In reality all you did was blindly follow others’ choice without even finding the truth inside your heart. All this time you wanted a different life and different goals and in your ignorance you stumble forward blindly on a path that doesn’t belong to you hurting yourself and those around for whom you chose this path. Reflect upon your actions since you started walking this new road; have you truly made anyone happy in all this time? Have you felt any real happiness?”

As I stand there and look back at the years, a burning rock falls not very far away from me. Startled, I jump, jolted out of my reverie; as I stand there staring in amazement, more such rocks fall onto the ground like comets from the sky and yet I can't decide exactly where they are falling from.

“What are they?” I ask my shadow.

“The dreams and desires that you burned in order to be the perfect son, the perfect friend; in the end becoming none of those. Look back at your life, what have you accomplished in your chosen field?”

I stare at the falling rocks and I feel those desires inside me; when I look back at those  years on my chosen path all I see is vast emptiness and I feel regret like never before. What have I accomplished on this road? As questions flood my mind I talk at length with my shadow, my true self and I learn much about myself and about my life. Deep inside me I wanted to travel along a completely different path but because of a weak resolve I ended up on a path chosen for me by others, a path I’ve hated inside all this time and now I stand at this wasteland staring down the lonely road I have spent many important years of my life traversing. I feel lost and at the same time I feel calm for now I finally know what it is that I truly desire and I am relieved in that. If I were to escape this inferno and get another chance I would choose a completely different road to travel in my vagabond shoes. Finally exhausted I fall to the ground and before long I lose myself in the world of dreams for the first time in ages.

The following day I wake up only to find the sun up in all its glory, shining resolute and with a wary optimism I start my walk down the desert, closely watched by my shadow. Despite the unseen and unknown wasteland sprawled in front of my eyes I don’t feel the usual frustration and for some reason my footsteps, though without a destination still, feel light as if buoyed by the new found insight. In contrast to the many days I have spent here, now I feel a calming warmth from the sun and a sense of hope from the gentle breeze.

“Why does it feel so different? Not much has changed because in the end I’m still walking in this wasteland with no destination in mind talking to my shadow which happens to be my only companion and still I feel...I think I feel alive. The scorching sun feels like a soothing light warming me inside while the arid breeze a balancing harmony to the sun,” puzzled, I ask my shadow.

“It seems you are at peace with yourself and even in this great wasteland you feel hope for you see a true future waiting for you if you could only cross this phase. Now you don’t have to walk the path you hate but instead have the choice of following a path that you desire and for that simple reason you can take the harshness of the world and still move forward with great resolve.”

The next few days pass by without much change in scenery and hopeless as it seems, I don’t falter for something seems to be driving me, resolute to take me to the path of my choosing; unfortunately during these days the presence of my shadow has been weakening and today I sense almost nothing from it and worried I ask, “What is going on? It feels like your presence is disappearing; is it because of something I did?”

“No it isn’t because of something you did but because it is the natural order of things; over the past few days you have grown to understand yourself well and for that reason my existence is no longer a necessity. Soon I will disappear entirely for as I said I am but a part of you and hopefully soon I will be you and you will be me.”

I look at it oddly; it makes sense that it will soon be a part of me as it always was but I find it unsettling that soon that assuring presence that has guided me for some time now will disappear entirely. Then again I think it can't truly disappear for it is me; it will only end up being the way it was supposed to be as I accept it as me.

“Well weird as it sounds I think I will miss you even though you are me but I can promise you, one way or the other I will not falter nor will I forget all that I found out about myself and no matter the condition I will walk on through this desert until I reach the crossroads of my life where I must choose my path, if such a crossroads does exist,” with that, tired from all the walking I lie down on the ground and fall asleep amidst thoughts of my future.

I wake up to find myself near a crossroads; surprised and confused I ask my shadow, “What is this? Where are we and wait does a crossroad of life really exist? Last night I think I was just talking about the unknown in ways I pictured it,” and I wait in vain as no answer comes forth. I look around and find my shadow but it seems my shadow is truly a part of me and no reason for its sentient presence exists. The decisions about my life now rest with me and me alone. I walk up the straight path leading to the crossroads and find myself face to face with three paths " one to my left, one straight down and the third one to my right.

I peer down the first path and I see the mundane existence of the myriads that go about their lives as set up by fate or destiny and I feel no interest in it whatsoever. I stare down the second path and I see my old and dear friends calling out to me to join them on the road that we had taken together all those years ago and I feel tempted, a growing sense of longing and I peel my eyes away from the second road and gaze down the third. It seems laden with my desires and yet I cannot see too far, for it is hazy and veiled in mystique. I feel my buried thoughts rising, clashing with my longing for my friends. I stand there, as the clash inside me grows more violent with profanities hurled from both sides and I watch as if from the outside even as the third road overcomes the longing for the second.

I look at my friends and say, “I’m sorry; even though I really want to join you and walk down that road with you, my wishes stare back at me from the road on my right. I feel like I’ve betrayed you and for that I apologize again but this is my life and I do wish to shape it as I see fit and for that reason I cannot join you.”

And my best friend replies with a smile, “Finally you are talking some sense; you definitely should go down that road and see for yourself what lies ahead just as we will walk down this one and shape our lives and all this time we will always be friends, well at least long as you don’t fall dumb again.”

We laugh even as they turn away to see where their road leads them; I stand there for a while, a tear running down my face as all the experiences come crashing down on me and with a new determination I turn right and start my walk down the hazy road, content in friendship and fulfilled wishes...

© 2012 Sid

Author's Note

I'm looking for reviews so please take the time and give me your thoughts...

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Sid, I am one of those people who reads the bible, and I have to tell you man, passage after passage came to mind as I read this. One of the greatest poems ever recorded was Psalm 23:1-6 (not related here because everyone knows it). but another passage that came to mind was Isaiah 11 6-9

The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb,
and the leopard shall lie down with the kid;
and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together;
and a little child shall lead them.
And the cow and the bear shall feed;
their young ones shall lie down together:
and the lion shall eat straw like the ox.
And the sucking child shall play on the hole of the cobra,
and the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice' den.
They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain:
for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD,
as the waters cover the sea.

I am not saying that your message was the same. I am saying that the quality reminded me of the greatest works that have survived 4000 years! (many other passages as well btw).

I guess my point is your writing is still poetry. before I was 1/2 way through the first paragraph I was thinking ...this is poetry... and I thought it throughout the entire piece.

You have an amazing talent. what ever you are doing in your life, if it is not leading you down a path towards being a writer, it is a crying shame!


Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

Thank you Nicholas, it pretty overwhelming to know that this reminded you of a passage in the Bible,.. read more

12 Years Ago

Congratulations on placing with this write in the "GZine Issue 3 Poetry Contest" you deserve it man .. read more

12 Years Ago

Thank you Nicholas, it's good to know it placed!
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This rings of Richard Bach and I liked the continuing message throughout. The form and word selection is very good and it is something I would read again soon.

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

Thank you Dr. glad you enjoyed it!!Hope you will be back soon.
wow this was really great, i loved how you put it all together.
Very much enjoyed this one :)

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

Thank you, glad you like it!
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Which came first the poet or the story teller? I have no idea…you do both equally as well. I really enjoyed this and it was finished too soon for my liking. I love stories where the detail is important and the writer is careful when thinking them up and you do exactly that. It is easy to get lost in your words.
“It has been a long day of nothing and at the end of it I feel tired beyond words; it is starting to get dark and I decide to stop my so called journey for the one-sided conversations I have grown accustomed to. I drag my feet a few paces more, as always unaware of my destination but unwilling to stop. Farther down the wasteland (with no hint of a direction) I stop, fall on the ground as gently as possible and look down at the ground to find that realm of solace and for the first time I see complete darkness, a darkness devoid of the one presence I have come to cherish in my loneliness.”
Incredible, incredible, incredible…I could read and reread this passage for hours. And the story is so well thought out and interesting. And more that it has meaning…not ramblings of someone with nothing to do.
Sid what more can I say, you’re fantastic!

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

Thank you Mia for taking the time to read this long-a*s story and well a review from you always make.. read more

12 Years Ago

It was a pleasure to read!! You are welcome :D

12 Years Ago

Wow...once again, your writing leaves me speechless. I've read so many poems and stories about "the road of life". It's probably the most well-known and often used metaphor about life that you'll ever find. But You took that overused idea and created something special out of it. It's beautiful the way you describe everything. The imagery is perfect (or close to it), your sentences flowed greatly, and the ending was too beautiful to describe. There's no way I can give this piece the credit it deserves. Suffice it to say that this is the most thought-provoking, inspirational, beautiful piece I've read it.

:) :) :)

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

Thanks a lot Becca!! This review makes me really happy. :D
This reads like something ancient and sacred; it really reminded me of The Prophet by Khalil Gibram. The descriptiveness in this piece is astounding. The imagery is tactile; I really felt that it was spot on. It was like a puzzle that had all the pieces already. You painted a really great picture.

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

Thank you for your kind words...glad you like it!!

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8 Reviews
Added on October 21, 2012
Last Updated on November 1, 2012



Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

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A Chapter by Sid

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