This is Beautifully written... It reminds me of a movie titled "Ladyhawke" (1985) with Rutger Hauer and Michelle Pfeiffer...
"Dawn is a denouement of love
between two unrequited lovers
destined to suffer alone
And Day scorned as it is
goes on inflicting pain
on eternally scorched Earth
guilty of being ruined
by your sweet embrace"~ Absolutely captivating!!
You speak with an eternal tone humming through each line... vast and intimate, there is that unspoken fragrance that is poured over lovers that only they can smell... and often wish they could forget... Brilliant write.
"Someday, somewhere - anywhere, unfailingly, you'll find yourself, and that, and only that, can be the happiest or bitterest hour of your life”
― Pablo Neruda
Beautiful poem my friend...I'm a huge Pablo fan, I just admire his passion in writing...anyhoo, those lovely poisonous nymphs that control most men desires, is some times crazy bananas. ;)
so much to imagine here,...dawn ruining day in sweet embrace...
night and moon born of eternity...peaceful, secretive and silent, yet suffering. two stanzas embracing such vastness, this is beautiful in it's tortured ecstasy. Thankyou.
It's all universals.. and there's such a beauty to put fingers on.. it's extrapolated. the author is aware of space like correlation.. like the "romantic metaphysics" here.
This is Beautifully written... It reminds me of a movie titled "Ladyhawke" (1985) with Rutger Hauer and Michelle Pfeiffer...
"Dawn is a denouement of love
between two unrequited lovers
destined to suffer alone
And Day scorned as it is
goes on inflicting pain
on eternally scorched Earth
guilty of being ruined
by your sweet embrace"~ Absolutely captivating!!
An engineer, with a management degree, I am passionate about and fascinated by the arts – literature, movies, music and photography, et al. Creative writing, especially poetry is the raison d&rs.. more..