![]() One track mind, derailedA Chapter by Sialyona![]() Cilly is trying to handle, but hunger and do things to a person...![]()
Love was once said to be magic, but magic can be an illusion. So is mine real, or is this the start of a new reality? Cilly stared at her empty refrigerator. It stared back. It was a grueling duel of wits to see who would cave first. So far, the refrigerator was winning.
Cold hearted b*****d. Cilly slammed the door shut and turned back to her kitchen. It was clean, obvious from her lack of using it for the past couple… months. Any sign of moth balls had been picked up by the puerto-rican lady who barged into her apartment every so often and well… cleaned.
I need food. It was a base reminder when Cilly’s stomach gave a long drawn out groan that she needed to eat. She looked at her self in the mirror across the hall. Her long brown hair was pulled back into a ponytail she had put up days ago and was slowly unraveling itself. She was wearing her computer glasses which were crooked from sleeping on her face. Add a pair of too-big sweats that said ‘bootylicious’ on the back and a oversized sweater and you had Cilly; famous writer extravagant…. Who couldn’t feed herself.
Food. Cilly knew what she had to do. Putting on a brave face, she made her way back to her room. Her room was littered with math papers. Most of it wasn’t in her handwriting. As a matter of fact, the only thing written by her was E=MC2 and even that looked doubtful to her. She had to ignore the math symbols on her floor for now though. If she looked to long she would lose herself, and eventually the fire department would break down her door only to find she had fully decomposed and was vacuumed by the mini-vac she had caved and gotten. Stepping over her mess, Cilly went to her closet and opened it. There were very few things in there. All she saw was her wedding dress and the leather suit her friends had gotten her as a joke one year for her birthday. Cilly sighed.
Hmmm, what to wear, what to wear? There was a push at her toes and Cilly looked down to the mini-vac, attempting to suck up her toes. She glared at the thing. It was so much like a dog. It runs around her house, eats things off the floor, and then tries to eat her while she’s not looking. She had begun to think it was the reincarnated soul of the hound of Baskervilles so she named it Cujo. Right now Cujo was getting on her last nerves. "I don’t know Cujo, what do you think I should go out as? The corpse bride or Catwoman?" Cilly asked her canine/vacuum friend. It gave a short whirl and a groan of frustration. Cilly nodded in agreement. Decisions, decisions… Finally she made it. "Might as well make it good for something." Fifteen minutes later, and Cilly’s in a grocer’s down the street. She had on her wedding dress, and her white high tops so, you know, she would match. That was what she convinced herself, yet she kept getting strange looks from people in the store. After a while, she began to ignore them and marched down the frozen foods section. The frozen foods section was in a all out war. The pizza was totally topping the green beans but the pees were knocking down pizza boxes. Cilly watched the battle rage and decided which side she wanted to win; the healthy foods or the junk food. Cilly sighed. "Where’s cujo when you need him?" She mumbled to herself. She decided she had no right to interfere in this grand war and took a little from both (though she was strategic in her choices). The pizza and the green beans can figure out who’s evil and who’s not. Next was the drink aisle. Cilly forwent the alcohol and went straight to the good stuff; Raspberry white tea. She looked down the aisle, making sure no one was there, before pushing all the bottles in her basket. The job was almost over before she noticed a black haired stranger come down the aisle and look at the empty space where the white tea had been. He frowned and looked around before his eyes fell on Cilly… then her cart. Cilly pretended not to notice. "Hey," The man said. She looked at him and smiled, nodded and turned around. "Hey wait," The man came up to her. Cilly stopped hesitantly and looked into his smiling face. "Can you spare one of those? Or … wait, they’re for your guests aren’t they?" Cilly frowned and looked down at the bottles in her basket. "I don’t have any guests." She sighed and handed him one. She could almost see the little guy sniffle at her. "Thanks, so what? Making a last minute… er, trip?" The guy asked conversationally. Cilly blanched for a moment. She hadn’t talked to a stranger in… three days. Its odd. "A trip to what?" Cilly asked blankly. The guy looked her up and down. "For your wedding or whatever." Cilly hesitated then smiled. "You think I’m getting married?" "Well you are wearing a wedding dress. I just assumed…" "I’m not getting married." Cilly nodded and the guy’s froze and looked at her, a puzzled look on his face. "You’re not?" "Affirmative." "Then why are you wearing a wedding dress?" "Because I have no other clean clothes." For some reason, the man seemed further confused. "Oh…" "Though I am curious. If you thought I was married then why were you hitting on me?" The guy took a step back as though winded from that brutal attack. He looked at Cilly shocked. "Whoa, a little blunt there aren’t you?" When Cilly didn’t answer he said, "Well for starters, I wasn’t hitting on you. It’s a little unconventional for a woman to be running around the supermarket wearing a wedding dress and I was just curious." Cilly pondered his response for a minute, and cocked her head to the side. "I suppose." Another growl came from her stomach. Cilly put her hand on her stomach, remembering her initial mission. "Well, it was nice meeting you… guy, but I have to be eating." Cilly turned away feeling better. She had a feeling that the bottle of Raspberry ice tea she had given to that man would feel a little better after that conversation. She did. Cilly quickly paid for her stuff and went home. She made a mental note that before she changes out of her dress she needs to go down to the cleaners and clean her clothes. Before that though she took out a small pale of ice-cream and lays down on her bed staring at the ceiling. While taking a large scoop of ice cream into her mouth, she shifted and heard the crinkle of the math pages under her weight. Her heart skips a beat at the noise and after staring for a few minutes, she puts down the ice cream behind her head. Turning onto her side she immersed herself in the smell of the papers suddenly feeling the weight back.
Its back Cilly, and it will just keep coming back. With a sad sigh, Cilly buried her head in the papers becoming comfortable. She barely registered the subtle ring of her phone before she finally picked it up. "Hello?" "Cilly, what are you doing? You’re not laying in bed all day are you?" The voice of Cilly’s best friend Kaden filled Cilly’s ear. She smiled softly though the smile did quite reach her eyes. "Hello, Kaden. Nice to speak to you too." "Oh c’mon Cilly, your not are you?" "No," Cilly lied. Kaden sighed. Neither of them said anything thing for a moment when suddenly Cilly broke it. "Hey Kaden," Cilly sighed, pulling a picture up to her face. "Yes?" "Reality sucks." "I know honey, I know."
© 2008 Sialyona |
1 Review Added on February 15, 2008 Author![]() SialyonaHell, AK, ZimbabweAboutI love writing, obviously. I knew I wanted to do it when I was 6, along with several other things on the side but hey, I still am a writer. Right now I'm stuck writing in present tense so excuse my su.. more..Writing