![]() A townscapeA Story by Shyamolima Saikia![]() A story of a town, unveiling its ugly yet significant aspects, its sad state which becomes a cause of concern for its denizens.![]() This sleepy
town where I reside, wakes up late,so that if you start early for your day’s
work, you find shutters down and few vehicles plying on the road.If a commoner, you might finally , manage to jump
into one of those ever-bustling three-wheelers criss-crossing the town ,but your ride is sure to be fraught
with disappointments.First, it’s because in this concrete jungle, we have roads appearing more like unpaved tracks where elephants
would’ve been a better option as a means of conveyance.Naturally, you get to
experience the craziest of jerks and jolts with your co-passengers.Much to your
chagrin, you might sometimes ,surprisingly become part of an adventure race
engaged in by these racers between themselves for their sheer
delight.Second,your journey through this town will be no less spectacular
than an African safari,for you get to
encounter the quirkiest of sights and of course, odd smells.You need to hold
your breath, literally,since you never know what ominous odours await you.Not
to speak of over-filled garbage dumps and brimful surface drains out to terrorise your olfactory organ , now
you get to encounter on your way, truckloads of filth being carried to and
fro from these garbage sites at the busiest hours of the day, marring all your
good feelings for the rest of the day.Third, you hardly cover a few
distance,when your vehicle halts for yet another half an hour scouting for additional passengers as you
begin to wonder as to where these would be tucked in, as there is no room for
more. This will be your plight, usually when you are scurrying and scrambling
in a hurry ,leaving you fuming and fretting over the loss of precious time.
Talking of
such grisly encounters, I’m reminded of
a particular scene at one of the traffic points of the town.Till a few months
back, you could witness an uncomforting sight,that of a vagabond who had put up his
home on a heap of garbage itself near the footpath and that too, with much pride.Now, this was a
man,whom people took to be insane,for now and then, he would give a cynical
laugh or sneer at and even shoo away pedestrians and commuters.Despite his
abnormal ways,he seemed quite sane in the sense that he appeared to mock at the
insane ways of the so-called sound people of this town,debunking their unmindful ,materialistic, inhuman and
reckless attitude towards life.The garbage man,so to give him a name, seemed to
regale ,though in an idiosyncratic way, by insinuating"‘Look, what have I made
of these garbage that you pile up every day.’But very soon, the people being
fed up of his uncouth ways ,had the
entire area cleared up with the man being ousted in consequence.Isn’t it an
irony that it took so long for the people to wake up and that too, due to the
nuisance created by the garbage man?Thanks to the attention thus created by him
towards the dismal site, that there now stands an eaterie, making that corner
no longer unappealing.
Coming to the word ‘appeal’
again, I’m afraid you’ll have to strain your eyes in vain as you’ll be disappointed to find a lack of
good taste in terms of beautification of the town.Arriving at one of its
busiest points,you might witness a marbled sculpt of a few unknown freedom
fighters, if I am not wrong, looking more like a mockery of sculpture"a work that bespeaks volumes of the lack of artistic taste of the town planners. A connoisseur of art would surely
curse his day after having witnessed it.Again,what you’ll be dying to see, like
the townsfolk longing for it for a long time, is perhaps a well-maintained public park, where one can
hop into, to refresh oneselves.There are, in fact, one or two public parks, most
notorious not only for the presence of tall grasses and creepy things but also for nefarious
activities, where one would rather not put one’s life to risks.Well,to crave
for objects d’art is asking for too much. But there is probably no denizen on
this earth who would’nt long for a minimum of needs in his place of abode. Besides,
this is no ordinary town, being significant in more ways than one and deserving
a status almost at par or next to the capital town of the state.
The ever-striding statue of Mahatma Gandhi installed at the same point, can surely boasts of the town’s well clichéd
assets"its tea-gardens, renowned institutions, bountiful resources et al.,but he probably might not have
witnessed much development of this town except, of course the increasing number
of cars and people on its road.Nevertheless ,it’s reassuring for us denizens
that we can still have a view of the sky above coz sky-rocketting buildings haven’ t yet eclipsed
its sky line. We can also boast of the fact that we haven’t yet faced any of those chronic ills of large, expanding
cities"over-crowding, an acute shortage of water or a condition of even
purchasing or stealing water, an alarming rate of noise and air pollution and a state
of nature stripped of its greenery. But we are getting to see dismal signs of such an onslaught soon .Why not, the increasing vehicular
traffic on the road is surely a cause of concern. On other fronts, the arrival
of a multi-storeyed shopping mall has ushered in a steady wave of urbanisation, which of course comes at
a price.The townsfolk are lately quite
excited to see this piece of urban life but such euphoria deserves censure .Being
provided with such showstoppers in the name of urban development , is like being asked to eat cakes if not bread at
a time when we have more pressing issues at stake.For this
age-old town of ours is in a precarious
state, buffeted as it is by the
ever threatening danger of erosion
looming large over its distant horizon and giving sleepless nights to its denizens. Unless effective countermeasures are not taken, the day is not far when this
town shall move towards a slow,silent
destruction and be totally obliterated from the earth’s map. © 2013 Shyamolima SaikiaFeatured Review
3 Reviews Added on May 4, 2013 Last Updated on May 5, 2013 AuthorShyamolima SaikiaIndiaAboutOne who carries the notion that life is a palimpsest, which is constantly in the making and writing is one of the most effective medium to capture this flux. more..Writing
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