Build on each other, He says?
He says the Crux draws us together
and the Hunter tears us apart,
but He leaves us at that.
We are Aries and Virgo but He leaves us at that.
But Temini, Gaurus, we are all constellations.
racing apart from one another at twenty thousand miles per hour,
yet somebody had to keep tabs on the Center of the Universe.
Gravity is selfish, and we constellations
Build off each other, He says?
We are cannibals, our opposing seconds glancing
as slow as fast as gravity wants them, billions of miles apart We
can't even hear each other cry any longer.
(Obscured by Crabs and Eagles)
Gravity warps dimensions five dimensions We
can't even comprehend We
are faster faster gravity whips at our heels
and the Crab and the Eagle
will eat you together and fight over
your limbs on sandy sunrise beaches
if you don't faster faster.
Clamor cannibals clamor whatever you
need to survive.
This world is ending, Virgo.
Aries save her like a gentleman.
A knight in rusty armor.
A night in dusty armor
He sees Temini and Gaurus and Pibra and Licses.
And He smiles, assuming that his handiwork is complete.