Chapter Two: Finding the Time Keeper

Chapter Two: Finding the Time Keeper

A Chapter by Short.Nerd

"D****t!"  Kaysen Hastings screamed kicking a bright pink electric scooter.  The dumb thing had died on him, which meant he would have to walk the rest of the way to Jackson, Florida.  The old scooter was his sisters, and he hadn't thought to charge it or check the battery.  "You stupid piece of junk!"


Kaysen's large, chocolate-brown eyes glared at the electronic device.  He ran his hands through his floppy brown hair trying to figure out what to do.  He could easily throw the scooter off the road since he was strong, but how would he get the rest of the way to Florida?  He was in Alabama at the moment, only a few miles from the border line of the two states.


"Is this some sort of dream?"  Kaysen yelled out into the frozen world getting nothing but silence in response.  After a few minutes, if he could count them as minutes, Kaysen picked up the pink scooter and threw in a ditch.  If there was an off-chance that someone was driving they wouldn't hit the scooter at least.


Without knowing what else to do Kaysen started walking towards where he thought Jackson, Florida was.  His eyes looked around his surroundings. He was on an old cracked black road with towering pine trees on both sides. 


"What is the point of all this?"  Kaysen called out to know one kicking a stray pine cone that somehow managed to find its way to the road.  "Why the hell am I one of the people who has to fix this screwed up world?"


In the distance Kaysen saw a small figure ahead of him that was moving.  At first, he thought it was his imagination, but soon he thought that it might be a person.  He was right.


Kaysen started running as fast as he could.  His white sneakers hit the black pavement making a plopping noise that filled the air.  As he got closer the figure turned around, and he saw the shape of a young girl.


"Hey!"  Kaysen yelled without hesitating.  "Hey wait up!" 


The girl stared at him.  She looked as if she was from Asia.  Her hair was perfectly straight and the color of a starless night sky.  She had brown eyes that were an almond shape.  The girl was a bit small, she was about the size of a twig and looked to be about 4 foot 8 inches.


The girl stared at Kaysen with wide eyes.  She was wearing a pair of old faded blue jeans and a crimson long-sleeved shirt that was loose-fitting.  With tan sandals on her feet.


"H-hi."  She said in a hushed voice.  The poor girl looked as if she were a deer in headlights, or maybe she was closer to a startled rabbit.  Either way, she was shocked to see Kaysen.  "Who are you?"


"I'm Kaysen Hastings, and I'm apparently one of the heroes of this world."  Kaysen replied bitterly looking at the girl in front of him.  She didn't look any older than 11.  "And you are?"


"I'm Mikayla Toms."  She answered back gaining her voice.  She sounded as if she were from up North rather than the south like he was.  "And I have no idea what's going on."


Kaysen cracked a smile at Mikayla.  In a way, she close to his little sister.  Sweet and innocent like any child should be until they have to become adults, and face the world.


"Well kid, join the club."  Kaysen answered looking towards the open road.  "You coming with me or what?"  It was weird knowing that he didn't have to worry about getting somewhere before dark.


"Yes."  Mikayla answered scurrying closer to Kaysen as if she expected him to disappear or freeze up at any moment.  "I'm coming."


Kaysen smiled at Mikayla feeling as if his sister was here with him rather than frozen.   Then, they both started walking to whatever Time Keep had waiting for them.



© 2011 Short.Nerd

Author's Note

So this was just to introduce Kaysen and Mikayla. The next chapter is gonna be introducing 3 new characters(I think?) So what do you think? Does this point of view work or not. I'm not to sure....

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I don't mind the change of points of view. With my own novel, I'm changing POV's through 3rd person, but your first person change is good as well. The problem with that is that it can be confusing. Just be sure to tell us who's POV it is before writing the chapter if you're doing it in first person.
I really love this novel! It's getting to be more and more interesting each chapter. Please write more soon!

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


I like the view change, very cool. And i like the book so far, so im gonna keep reading...

Posted 13 Years Ago

Definitely can't wait to read more, which I will do right now.
You could try a couple different point of views on paper before posting them. See which one works best for you.

Posted 13 Years Ago

I don't mind the change of points of view. With my own novel, I'm changing POV's through 3rd person, but your first person change is good as well. The problem with that is that it can be confusing. Just be sure to tell us who's POV it is before writing the chapter if you're doing it in first person.
I really love this novel! It's getting to be more and more interesting each chapter. Please write more soon!

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I really liked this.

Posted 13 Years Ago

This is good so far i cant wait for more :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

Its good... I like how you described Mikayla.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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6 Reviews
Added on April 4, 2011
Last Updated on April 6, 2011



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