Chapter One: Finding the Time Keeper

Chapter One: Finding the Time Keeper

A Chapter by Short.Nerd

Sierra's point of view


"Maybe, I don't want to be your girlfriend anymore!"  I screamed at my boyfriend, or maybe ex-boyfriend, Alex.  I saw his face drop as he realized there was no hope left for us.  We had been neighbors since we were 5, and our fathers were old college buddies.  They always joked how we would be the perfect couple, but as you can see that wasn't going so well.


Alex had hazel eyes that were the shape of almonds.  His sand colored blond hair flopped in front of them.  He was about 5 feet 8 inches tall, while I was 5 foot 6.  Alex had a firmly planted frown painted on his tan face.


"Why?"  Alex asked sounding hurt.  Just like our parents he wanted us to work out too.  I felt like the black sheep of us all not thinking that Alex and I weren't suppose to be a couple.  "I don't understand, Sierra.  I thought we were happy."


I just shrugged my shoulders in response.  There were so many reasons to answer, but none of them were good enough.  Alex was a great guy, and everything, but I didn't love him.  To me, he would always be my wonderful next door neighbor. 


"I love you, Sierra."  Alex told me reaching out to touch my jet black hair.  "Why don't you love me?"


I opened my mouth to reply, but everything around me froze.  Alex stood in front of me with his mouth halfway open with his right hand reaching out towards me.  I waved my hand in front of his eyes that were just staring at something.


"Alex?"  I asked looking around my surroundings.  We were standing on the sidewalk and there was a red Ford truck passing us.  It was as still as a statue.  I'm sure I could have gone and touched it then ran back to my spot.


On the other side of the sidewalk there was a row of brick houses.  We were standing in front of Alex's house.  The green grass was bright as the sprinkler wasn't moving at all as it should be spraying water along it.  Alex's dog Sparky was running to a tall oak tree that had a squirrel scampering up it.  They weren't moving either.


"Is this some kind of joke?"  I called out to anyone that could hear me.  This was strange.  There was no way that any of this was possible.  The whole world could not be frozen. 


My phone started vibrating and I reached into the pocket of my dark blue jeans.  How could my phone be vibrating if no one else was moving?  This didn't make any sense at all, unless I was dreaming.


I gazed the screen of my blackberry and read the new message I had.  I was completely confused.  What the hell was going on?  Had I gone insane?


The text said this:

Congratulations!  You get the honor of trying to set this horrid world back to normal.  Now don't worry Darling, you aren't alone here. There are 5 others just like you.  They all have just gotten this same text.  Now, if you want to return to your wonderful lives, then I recommend getting a map, and going over to Jackson, Florida. 

-Time Keeper


I stared at the text and then glanced at Alex.  I could either wait this out, or I could go help be part of fixing this.  I decided I would fix this of course!  Who wanted to wait around to finish a fight?


© 2011 Short.Nerd

Author's Note

So is this an okay starter? I'm not sure if I want to do everything from Sierra's point of view or switch around with the characters. What do you think?

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Wow, what a grabber! I'll definitely read more.

Posted 13 Years Ago

I agree with Mrs. John Smith (Olivia) There isnt anything left to be said, so im going to read on!!!

Posted 13 Years Ago

Definitely can't wait to read more, which I will do right now.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Oh man, Shnerd, this is CERTAINLY a brilliant starter!! This drew me in faster than a spark of lightening. amazing! YOU MUST WRITE MORE~~~

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

You should definitely change the point of view, it makes the writing more interesting, but do be careful. It is easy to lose yourself when changing view points. Introduce the other characters before switching the points of view. Also, don't do too many chapters in one point of view, but not every other. Try every two chapters, switch points of views.

Posted 13 Years Ago

I like it so far i think that you should switch points of views but not that much cant wait for more let me know when you got more up :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

Really awesome beginning.
I like Sierra.
As with the other two reviews, if you changed the point of views, this would be totally interesting as well. Just saying, but the way you have it is awesome too.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Awesoems start! i absoluetly loved the beginning! Can't wait for more! ^^ hm, i don't know about switching POVS. Lizzard could be right, it would b intresting to see wat hapopened to the others, though right now I;'m concentrated on sierra's right now,but I'll just have to see how things go from others perspectives, i giuess it could make it more intresting...

Posted 13 Years Ago

I thought this was a really good start. I think you should do the different point of views, to give us an idea of the other characters' stories. :) This sounds like a really good idea. Can't wait for more to come out.


Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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9 Reviews
Added on April 4, 2011
Last Updated on April 10, 2011



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