![]() 사랑해도 될까요...?A Story by Rachael T.![]() A Choikang Changmin DBSK oneshot... If you do not like, please don't read :)![]() "그만두다!!! 떠나다!! Are you alright?"
"Yes I'm fine! Don't worry about it alright?"
"Hey, you promised you'd stop worrying so much oppa!"
"Dong Bang Shin Ki is becoming a hit all across the world as they soon will go to the US again..." The radio droned as I drove my car silently through Seoul to a newer studio just set up. My smile flashed against the rear-view mirror as the sun glared through my view. Today was probably the best day in the world for me out of all of my career. I would be photographing DBSK, only the best band ever known to me and most of the world. They had the biggest fan-base for any group known, but that's what they get for being that good on music; all thanks to SBS. Every girl would dream of having my job; being able to photograph DBSK that is. Even I wished that would happen after my first start here in Korea... But photographing Dong Bang Shin Ki would take a price...
Which meant I had to keep my distance from them unless I wanted their fan-base coming to attack me in my sleep. Yeah, their fans are that crazy at times if you don't watch out.
But if I can keep their image the same, make their fans happy, and maybe continue to be their photographer, I think I could live with that.... For a while.
What can I say? Every DBSK fan wouldn't just be happy if they had to photograph them. But talking with them would be great, wouldn't it? Well to most people it would be. Other fans would stoop to stalking into their apartments when the door's unlocked and won't leave the halls until they talk to whomever they wish to speak to.
If I did that I would loose any chance of just staying by them like this. So, I was going to just be their personal photographer for the time being. For Korea and China. So the only time I couldn't see them, Japan. Why? Because I don't know Japanese that's why. And frankly I didn't want to learn it and mix up the languages, since Korean and Japanese both come from Chinese.
Apparently my teacher thought that I was good enough to take on the challenge, so thus with a lot of making me guess on what person or group I was going to photograph... I had only done mostly scenery pictures before, but I've taken pictures of people greatly without even noticing it until I looked back over it when I uploaded it to my Mac computer. Maybe this was a sign that going to Korea was a good thing after all!
"여보세요?" I asked my Haptic phone as I wedged the small video phone between my shoulder and my ear, trying to drive correctly on the highway. Living slightly out of where my studio was, wasn't a really good idea.
"Ahn Chohee! Are you almost to the studio? Dong Bang Shin Ki is waiting there as we speak!" Tapping my fingers waiting for the new red light, I listened to my boss' rant. "I know, I'm trying to get there trust me." I said and waited until I could hang up my phone without getting myself in trouble. That was the last thing I needed was to get fired from a job.
Driving up to the studio, I got out of my black car and walked inside bowing to my seniors in apology as voices were heard by the make-up tables. Which gave me time to set up without them noticing! And that's exactly what I did, I set every single piece up of my camera and what I would need while they were getting the rest of their outfits done and their hair finished along with make-up touches added here and there to make them 'superstar fabulous'.
Personally, I didn't think they needed that. But whatever it takes to make them shine through my work, I guess I can live with that little annoyance. Sitting back in my chair I played with my small charm bracelet that amazingly fit still. Why? Because I got it before I moved into the USA when I was 7. My wrists are naturally small so, thus the only way to get the bracelet on was carefully putting it around my wrist.
Shuffling was heard as all five members walked over one by one and bowed in thanks then smiled up at me, or down. All of them were basically taller than me. Bowing back to them, I flicked a hair out of my face while coming back up. "I'm Ahn Chohee, I'll be your photographer for... however long." I said smiling at myself as Micky nudged the youngest one in the ribs slightly as they whispered back and fourth.
"We'll go in alphabetical order." Yunho said nodding, almost reading my mind of wanting to know who wanted to go first. Which meant that the cute youngest boy whom I was a fan of, was up first. But what really didn't make sense is who they sent up...
Choikang Changmin.
Bowing to each other, I showed him where to go and got my camera set up with the angles, my bracelet hitting the camera every 5 seconds from moving them so much. Changmin stood where he was supposed to and watched me waiting for me to tell him what to do as if I was the one who held his life in his hands. Hah I think it's the other way around...
Everyone knew Changmin's last name was Shim... But sending him up first was a bit of a relief for me I guess. "Chohee ah, where do you want me to stand?"
Keeping my head down so he wouldn't see my face, I tried to calm my nerves. Ahh! Why Changmin up first, cool it, all he said was 'ah'. It's not like he said '애인' or anything! Okay, I can do this.
"Chohee ah?" Looking up I came eye to eye with Changmin oppa. "A-ah! You can just stand anywhere, y-yeah." I studdered nervously with a tinted face as Changmin smiled and nodded, doing as I said as my camera took photos for me, changing the angle every few times.
"Oppa~! I'll never forgive you if you don't wait!" "You'll forgive me still, won't you?" "Maybe, or maybe you just think that oppa!" "Just use my first name agasshi~!" "Now you're really going to get it oppa!"
Sooner than expected, the photoshoot ended as the band left bowing and thanking me. Unfortunately, but luckily, I got to shake their hands in gratidude as they all walked out one by one in the order they came. But at least it went well, in my opinion. All of them got good shots, even though I didn't doubt they wouldn't. They're DBSK, Asia's idols, they would keep an image easily.
Packing up my things, I quietly slipped my bag over my shoulder and hissed in pain. Looking at my finger, I had a paper cut. From what, who really knows. I was handling paper earlier, had I been bleeding that entire time without noticing? Aish, what if DBSK saw? If they did wouldn't you think they'd tell me... Its them, who knows.
Walking out of the studios a taller shadow seemed to loom over my own as I almost reached into my bag to use my camera as a weapon. Yes, that really wasn't a smart idea but it was my only weapon. "Don't you forgive me, aein? Or do I have to act cute to get your forgiveness?" The voice teased happily, calming my nerves of a stalker being there.
Looking back to see Changmin standing with a slightly nervous smile plastered on his face as I watched him dully for a minute, then messed up his thick locks of brown hair. "I'll forgive you, just for being cute oppa." © 2009 Rachael T.Author's Note
Added on January 8, 2009 Last Updated on January 10, 2009 Author![]() Rachael T.Des Moines, IAAboutHey! My names 唐樂琴, or in english Rachael. I like writing stories and my friend got me into making some stuff on here! I know they're not the best, but I like to write so I don't m.. more..Writing