Blue Friend

Blue Friend

A Poem by Floating on the feathers of a dandelion


I am seven,

Have a blue friend, Sky.

Its blue, bluer than my new dress.


I stare at the blue,

And it ogles back.

Surprised at my miniscule existence,

Ostensible innocence,

And, impregnable ability to pose questions.

But surprises me by its silence.

Yet we are the best friends !


I accompany it,

And it accompanies me even to the narrowest lanes.

Never leaves me !


We play hide and seek,

I hide and it seeks me.

Sometimes, not with an earnest attempt to find me,

So we fight.

And I go and sit at the highest peak,

Amidst small green shrubs,

That’s our secret meeting place,

Annoyed me, wait for an apology,

Fake egoist !


I hit it with small pebbles, I collected on my way.

And sulk away.

Sky and I don’t speak for hours.


“I’m going back home.’


And sky opposes, thunders hard,

Black clouds surround me to not let me go.


“I’m not listening.”


And a pure cold drop of water touches my protruded lip,

Another on my cheek,

And the tip on my little nose.


Tricking me in the best way.

I stare up, chuckle, and it rains harder.

Drench me.


“Okaaaaay, I forgive !”


I smile and wink.

Turn back humming,

Make way through the narrow paths,

Made by me treading up and down to my friend.

Splash on the puddles of water.

Try to catch every drop in my tiny palms curved into a bowl.

Amazed to watch the droplet on the leaf,

Slithering to another leaf,

And then to another,

Making a zigzag way.


I go a little down; the path is overwhelmed by rains,

I take off my slipper,

Let it go ahead, float with tiny waves.

And I wade through,

My frock pumped up to a balloon.


I am ecstatic!

I stare up,

Open my mouth, swallow some rain,

A gesture to forgive my blue friend

Spattering playfully, Making way back to home !




© 2008 Floating on the feathers of a dandelion

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Genius..........the thoughts, innocence, imagary
and the uplifting feel to the whole theme.........I loved this,
so many lines that I adored and would end up copying and
pasting the whole piece!

Surprised at my miniscule existence
Ostensible innocence
And, impregnable ability to pose questions.
But surprises me by its silence.

Such imagination and so that of a child.

�I�m going back home.�

And sky opposes, thunders hard,
Black clouds surround me to not let me go.

�I�m not listening.�

And a pure cold drop of water touches my protruded lip,
Another on my cheek,
And the tip of my little nose.

You forget the sky for a moment and it feels as
if its a living breathing person close to you.
I thought this was sheer power in its innocence.

Fave for me!

Posted 17 Years Ago

11 of 11 people found this review constructive.


Blue sky always appeal to me too. The vast sunny sky seems magical, isn't it? However, I don't have an imaginaiton as good as the girl, or else I would have more fun. I like this piece, and it's very sweet.

Posted 16 Years Ago

This is beautiful..the only thing I would question is that your first line is "I am seven"...I don't know many seven year olds that have this large of a vocabulary.

Posted 16 Years Ago

Hey! This is really a nice one!
So raw and vivid..
Full of emotions and yet so innocent..
Ammhhh!! I'm adding it to my favorites! Hope it's fine :)

Posted 16 Years Ago

A brilliant write. It is so childlike and innocent... you captured that very well. The theme of the sky as a friend and the dilemma of hide and seek was truly amusing and fascinating at the same time. Many cheers.

Posted 16 Years Ago

This is an incredibly great poem! I'm actually upset that I didn't find this sooner. I love your were able to go back to that place that not many of us can get to, at that level. Nostalgic and perfect.

Thank you for this.

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I agree with Bubo. A beautiful write. I'm one of these guys who love love the lightness of poems like this. Rain..

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

i know you were there with the sky so fair
the brilliant blue meant so much to you
when the droplets came you welcomed the rain
with your mind so clear you knew no fear
watching your shoe flow down there was never a frown
you have taken me on a trip so free
i must say to you i want to do this again with you

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Beautiful and wonderful. I love the imagery in this piece. Great write.

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Beautiful imagery and such a playful poem of life as a child. For some reason these lines grabbed me, "the path is overwhelmed by rains, I take off my slipper, Let it go ahead, float with tiny waves."

It seems that even when life rains down we can look up like a child and embrace it. Thanks for a great read.

Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

I am tempted to hold myself back from not wanting to jump into the world in which the words of this brilliantly constructed poem of yours exits. So breath-taking, the colourful tapesty they weave, adding dynamic, impressionistic vibe to thought.

Posted 16 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.

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37 Reviews
Shelved in 4 Libraries
Added on February 16, 2008


Floating on the feathers of a dandelion
Floating on the feathers of a dandelion

Underneath blueeeeeeeeee sky, India

Hmmm.... About me ?!?!? I am what i would have wanted myself to be, i am a butterfly when i want to tickle the flowers, i am a bird when i want to compete with the flecks of cotton, i am the river whe.. more..


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