![]() Wild Animals Are Meant To Be Free!A Story by Joyrider![]() A serial Killer is on the prowl, two cops are pursuing with clues and their assumptions. This is a Prequel to my another story 'Jailbreak'![]() Eddie was
in his police car sitting deep in his thoughts. The car was driven by his
partner, Joe. As the car sped ahead Eddie’s thoughts drifted backward. He was
not relieved from the shock of what he saw, a few minutes ago in that lonely
house in that eerie place. The moment he
landed in that place a strange feeling started to itch his spine. The house was surrounded by tall trees,
shielding out the sunlight that must reach the house. As he and Joe moved near the house they saw a
snake coming out from the door. It was a shiny black one; it moved swiftly
through the leaves and disappeared into the woods. Joe
took out his pistol and shoved the door slowly and opened it. He first frowned at
what he saw inside and then took his hat off. He looked around for the sings of
any human alive. He saw Eddie hesitatingly standing outside. Joe took his radio
and mumbled something into it, probably confirming the crime scene and calling
for forensic. Eddie stood outside hesitatingly. Eddie
said “How’s it?” Joe
replied “why don’t you come inside and take a look at the beauty. The way she lays
is enough to keep you awake steaming in the bed.” Eddie
moved slowly inside as if his feet were wearing lead boots. “Agh!”
he almost puked. The girl was lying naked in a puddle of blood. The eyes almost
popped out. The mouth was still revealing it’s aghast of the monstrosity she
has gone through. There were cuts and bruises all over. Her stomach was cut
open reveling the intestines haphazardly stretching to the floor. “You
are right Joe, that’s enough to keep me awake for many nights, would you mind
closing those eyes?” Joe
leaned down and closed the eyes and he said “she is still hot” “How
could you be so mean?” “Chill
mate, look at the blood it’s still moving. What I meant was the condition of
the corpse. And that means we are late by an hour or so” “Hmm…how
about the alphabet ‘L’ engraved on her right thigh. “ooow!
That’s an intentional mark” Joe leaned to take a better look at it. Then he
raised his voice and said “hey Eddie! Come over here, did you see this?” Eddie
looked intuitively, it was a mark made of blood. It was like the paw trace of
some animal. Joe
“it seems like it was the work of a two feet animal” “Can
you keep the sarcasm to yourself? Do you have any idea about the informer?” Eddie
was thrown out from his thoughts by a sudden jerk. And before he was relived there
was another jerk from the back wheels. He
heard a dog squealing loud in pain. Joe stopped the car. Both of them turned
the head backward to see their victim. They saw a black dog getting up and
running away, as if nothing has happened. Joe
“Lucky Dog, but it scared the dog out of me.” ----------------------------- Soon
they were back in their office. Joe was sipping a cup of coffee. Eddie was
browsing through the photographs of the murdered girl, on his table. Joe
spoke -“Damn! This was the second murder in a month. Both victims have no
relation and nothing in common. Annie, the girl murdered in the lone house of
Industrial Area was a student and this girl Lisa, was a nurse. They belong to
two different families of two different regions. Probably they never crossed each
other in their life. And the only thing that connects them is the killer. What
do you think Eddie?” Eddie
folded his lips inward and sighed “Hmm….going by what we saw, it seems like a
serial killer is on the prowl” “You
mean he is going to continue murders? How can you say that?” “Look Joe,
how do you know it’s the same killer?” “By
the evidences at the crime scenes, the bloody paw and the first letter of the
victims name on their thigh. A on Annie and L on Lisa” “Exactly!
If he wants to do only two murders he would have done it quietly without
leaving any traces. Now he has left his signatures on the victims,
intentionally. To let the world know it’s him.” “So he
is going to come back.” “By
all means. He is an attention seeker. When all of this has settle down and no
one was discussing these murders anymore, he was going to strike again. It’s
called Histrionic Personality Disorder. ” Joe “hmm,
seems like you scored well in your criminal psychology courses” Eddie
didn’t mind replying to Joe’s sarcasm. ----------------------------- Next
morning, Malcolm approached a news paper stall. He grabbed a news paper from
the stands, quickly gave the change to the shopkeeper and walked away hastily,
as if his feet were having an aversion touching the ground. Malcolm
was tall lanky man. With clean shaved face. He was wearing a black sunglass and
a hat. Dressed in a long jacket and his black shoes glared the sun. After
walking for a while he slipped into a lonely alley and stopped. Carefully
opened the news paper and read the headlines. KILLER STRIKES AGAIN. Malcolm couldn’t hide
his joy. His lips mechanically stretched and drawn it towards the ears. Then it
slowly revealed his teeth. Malcolm in a satisfying tone and tune said to himself
“here I go again.” Malcolm
read further. He enjoyed every word written in it. Suddenly his smile turned
into a frown. He asked rhetorically “two murders?” his upper lip curved to the
right “What about my other works?” Malcolm
touched his clean shaved chin. He bit his lower lip as he thought. Then he
declared “I won’t let my work go unnoticed. I’m going to let them know it and
get my due credits.” Then he folded the newspaper and continued to walk with
hasty steps.
----------------------------- Next
evening, Joe arrived at Eddie’s house. Joe -
“what’s up mate? Should I take your invitation as a date?” Eddie
" “I don’t want to waste my breath responding to your dirty talks. See this.” Eddie
pointed to a stack of 4 newspapers. Joe-“what
is this? Your newspaper boy delivered newspapers for one week” Eddie
" “it’s the edition of Croland.” “Why
are you interested in news of Croland? It’s a 100 miles away from here” “I
didn’t order it. It was dropped at my door by someone last night.” “Wow!
What was the news in it?” “It is
of four different dates, but it all has a similar headlines. The news of some
innocent girl murdered in some lonely place and their first letter carved on
their thigh, with an animal Paw drawn with blood of the victim” Joe
was shocked now, he couldn’t think of any sarcastic lines. He grabbed the
newspaper and sank into a nearby chair. Eddie brought a bottle of water and
said “here! Now wet your throat”. Joe did it obediently. Eddie continued “it was
obvious that whoever dropped these newspapers here wanted me to know the
history of the killer. What I meant by History, is his previous works and not
his biography.” Joe
“by the first letter of the Victim’s name and the Blood Paws, what do you think
he was trying to say?” Eddie
“lets analyze, the victims are Lisa and Annie from here and the name of the
victims in Croland are Mary, Angie, Isabella and Nikki” Joe
“that will be L, A, M, A, I, and N. that makes no sense lamain?” “That’s
the puzzle we have to solve. It’s a jumbled up letters; we have to find the
word.” “Hmm.
The Psycho must have gone mad after solving the puzzles in news papers.” After
few minutes of silent contemplation, Joe excitingly said “Eureka………I found it,
its lamina” Eddie
replied in serious tone “you almost got it mate. But I think the killer was
trying to tell his character through this word” Joe
“what do you mean?” Eddie
“just reverse LAMINA and you will have the answer” Joe
“damn! It’s ANIMAL. It surely describes him. The way his victims are torn
apart……….. it can only be the work of an animal” Eddie
smiled in a victorious manner and declared “if we have solved this puzzle, it
means the killer has finished what he wants to show, and hence we can expect
that he will not come up again” Joe
quickly threw in his sarcasm, “but Eddie, what if the killer hasn’t finished
what he wants to say?” Joe was smiling wickedly while he said this, as if he
had scored a point over Eddie.
----------------------------- One
month passed by peacefully, then one day….. Eddie
and Joe were zooming in their police car. The car cut the wind and moved
forward with a whirring sound. The tires were merely touching the road. They were
rushing because five minutes earlier police control room received a call; rather
it was a scream for help. The voice was of a girl. The voice was desperate and
it was evident from her tone she was crying for her life. Her sense of urgency
suggested a menacing dagger was right behind her shoulder. The call was abruptly
discontinued, but it was enough to trace the location of the caller. Malcolm
grabbed the mobile phone from the girls hand and looked at his prey. He asked
in a loud angry whisper “from where did you get this, this was not in my plan”.
He threw it on her face. The girl screamed in pain, just as the blood started
to flow from her broken nose. She lay helplessly weeping on the floor. Malcolm
slowly licked his lips at the sight of the blood. The girl’s hand stumbled upon an iron road.
She grabbed it, clenched her teeth and with all her might sprang on the feet
and hit on Malcolm’s head. Malcolm gave cry of pain as he held his head with
both hands. She shoved him and kicked on his stomach. Malcolm fell on the
floor. She threw away the iron rod and dashed downstairs. It was
a two floor house in the middle of many trees and the surrounding ground was
covered with dried leaves. The house was poorly lit by two feeble bulbs one at
each floor. The girl on reaching the front door, tried to open it. She hit the
door with all her might and kicked again and again. The door did not budge. She
found that it was having a lock from inside. She felt helpless. With all her vulnerability
she screamed. It was of no use, except scaring away the bats of the neighboring
tree. She heard them flapping away. She
decided to go upstairs to take the iron rod and break the lock. When she
reached upstairs she saw Malcolm still lying on the floor holding his head and
wincing in pain. She mustered all her courage and dashed towards the rod on the
floor. She picked it in a flash and with all her might started to beat Malcolm
haphazardly. Malcolm cried in pain and rolled on the floor. She then left him
and walked downstairs. She
reached the front door. It was an old iron lock. Now, that lock stood between
her life and death. She raised the rod as much she could to hit the lock. Wham!
She was hit by shovel on head from behind. Her head got squeezed between the
shovel and the door. Blood jumped out of her mouth. Before she fainted, she saw
Malcolm standing with a big shovel in his hand. Malcolm grabbed her left leg
and dragged her on the floor. The blood from her head made a trail on the floor.
Malcolm continued his drag, as he climbed the stairs. Her head hit every
climbing step, making a blood stain on the each step. ----------------------------- Two cop cars skidded and stopped outside the
house. Eddie threw himself out of the car, took the gun and ran to the front
door. He found it locked. Soon Joe and the other two cops joined him they broke
the door and entered. There was no one. Then they saw the blood trail on the
floor. They quietly followed it and reached
the stairs, the blood was trickling down from each step. Then they heard a bone
cracking sound from the first floor. Everybody
ran up to the first floor. They saw Malcolm devouring from the gut of the girl,
who was lying on the floor. “Freeze” shouted Eddie. Malcolm twitched his head
up to see. Blood flowed from his mouth. His eyes were shining out of his face.
He didn’t like the interruption. Eddie -“Put
your hands up”. Malcolm didn’t move. Joe lost his control and he kicked Malcolm
on his face and then he pounced on Malcolm and started punching. Eddied and
others caught Joe and removed from Malcolm. One of the cops took out the
handcuff and put on Malcolm’s hand. Eddie
asked Joe “do you know this girl, Joe?” Joe
folded his lips inward and said in a very sad tone “yeah………..it’s the Jailors
only daughter Wilma” On
their way back, Eddie turned to see Malcolm sitting in the back seat
handcuffed. He was bruised badly in the face but it showed no signs of regrets.
Eddie said “so! It was you who put those newspapers on my door” Malcolm gave a
victorious smile and replied in a loud whispering tone “and who do you think
was the informer, calling you after every murder?” ----------------------------- Six
months later. Malcolm was sentenced to lifetime imprisonment. His last victim’s
father, Mr. Angus got a transfer on request to the jail in which Malcolm was
imprisoned. On his very first day in the jail, Angus visited Malcolm’s cell. He
stood in front of the cell staring at Malcolm. Malcolm came near the cell door
and stared back. Angus
in an angry tone, “you have no idea what this jail going to do to you”. Malcolm
laughed out loud. Angus didn’t stay to hear his laugh and walked away. Malcolm
pushed his face against iron bar and shouted “Mr. Angus, I am a wild animal and
wild animals are meant to be free. You can’t detain me in this cage for long”.
Malcolm laughed again. © 2013 JoyriderAuthor's Note
Featured Review
8 Reviews Added on August 11, 2013 Last Updated on August 13, 2013 Tags: Serial killer, crime, thriller |