

A Poem by Shelley Warner

a free verse poem with nostalgia, thank you to all you poets who inspired me this morning


I let Baxter, my white rambunctious terrier,

out the patio door,

reminding him to be quiet,

as he welcomed the morning.

Above his barking, I heard

a bird adding its welcome to the morning.

“Phoebe, Phoebe” it said,

calling out its name.


It took me back to an afternoon

in Boise, Idaho, in my garage,

door open as I sat on a lawn chair,

waiting for the school bus of my

granddaughter, who was still a little girl.

And I heard a bird welcoming her return.

“Phoebe, Phoebe,” it said,

calling out its name.


It took me to yet another time,

waking up in a small cabin

at Camp Nomacca in the beautiful

tree-filled state of Maine, when our

son was a young child, throwing rocks

with other children in a pond,

and our daughter just a baby.

In the quiet of the morning,

I heard a bird welcoming a new day.

“Phoebe, Phoebe,” it said,

calling out its name.


The years have flown by

since those welcomings.

Children have grown.

Some people have departed.

Some people have entered.

Life changes, but still

a bird welcomes life.

“Phoebe, Phoebe,” it says,

calling out its name.



© 2023 Shelley Warner

My Review

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Your poem is a poignant and nostalgic reflection on the passage of time and the enduring power of nature to inspire and comfort us. The use of the bird's call as a recurring motif creates a sense of continuity and connection between the different moments and memories in the poem, and the imagery of the changing seasons and the children growing up adds a sense of bittersweet nostalgia. You have a gift for capturing the essence of life's fleeting moments in your writing. Keep up the great work!

Posted 1 Year Ago

Shelley Warner

1 Year Ago

Thank you for such a beautiful review that describes perfectly what I was trying to do in this poem.
A lovely tale oh so true.
Time marches on.
But memories--they stay.

Posted 1 Year Ago

Shelley Warner

1 Year Ago

Thank you Melinda, I didn't see your review until this morning. Yes, time marches on but memories st.. read more
Really fine Work Shelley, and great to see a side of the States that never makes the Media in the UK. People living good and blameless lives and never doing any harm to anyone ✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️

Posted 1 Year Ago

Shelley Warner

1 Year Ago

Oh thank you Red 93. I really appreciate the feedback. Yes, I'm sure the world hears a lot of bad ne.. read more

1 Year Ago

Many thanks Shelley. Yes the Coronation has gone splendidly I am glad to say. Dare I say, pageantry.. read more
Shelley Warner

1 Year Ago

I did watch some of the pageantry. You''re right, the UK excels at it. The carriage, the crown...
I do love to watch the birds and listen to their songs. This was a lovely nature walk with a very particular subject. I enjoyed.

Posted 1 Year Ago

Shelley Warner

1 Year Ago

Thank you FG, I appreciate the feedback. May the birds sing for you today.
A wonderful poem shared dear Shelley. When I was young. Grandparent took me everywhere. Now I am the grandfather who takes the grandchildren everywhere. We are just adding to our memories. I loved the complete poem and thank you for sharing the outstanding poetry.

Posted 1 Year Ago

Shelley Warner

1 Year Ago

Thank you Coyote, I appreciate the feedback
Coyote Poetry

1 Year Ago

You are welcome dear Shelley.
I like the feeling of sinking deeper and deeper into time. There are layers to time, aren't there? It's not just the past, it's history, and there are layers. I also like the use of a bird. I don't think people use birds enough in poetry. But I'm guilty of that myself. Wonderful poem. tyfs

Posted 1 Year Ago

Shelley Warner

1 Year Ago

Thank you, I like what you said about layers. I have written other poems about birds and about grief.. read more
Hello, Shelley,

I like the repetition in this piece and I think it really holds the whole thing together. There is a natural sound in the diction and syntax that feels to me casual, like reading a personal entry in a journal, a conservational tone to it, you might say. which is what Mary Oliver wrote may have been a cause of the change from formal poems to free.


Posted 1 Year Ago

Shelley Warner

1 Year Ago

Thank you Winston, I liked that you noticed the repetition. I sat down to write the poem and out cam.. read more
the birds I remember most, hearing in the mornings. Up in Vermont...the Bob Whites....they said their name succinctly.

Posted 1 Year Ago

Shelley Warner

1 Year Ago

I've never heard a Bob White, but I've heard loons in Maine.
jacob erin-cilberto

1 Year Ago

they actually just sound like they are saying "bob white"---with the emphasis on the white.
Shelley Warner

1 Year Ago

That's pretty cool.
this is a sweet poem....and somehow all of these birds shared in this perfect nostalgic memory...or memories.
Each memory different, each bird different...but the name remains the same.


Posted 1 Year Ago

Shelley Warner

1 Year Ago

Thank you Jacob. May birds bless your day.
Your bird of the morning with its calling brought you some delightful memories Shelley, which you shared with us. A lovely poem. I love birdsong so much. It always lifts my spirits and makes my mind wander too, to past, present and future. Thank you my friend.


Posted 1 Year Ago

Shelley Warner

1 Year Ago

Thank you Chris. I like bird songs too. I've listened to Chickadees in the mountains of Colorado.

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11 Reviews
Added on April 17, 2023
Last Updated on April 17, 2023


Shelley Warner
Shelley Warner

Camas, WA

I like to write about my life. Sounds a little narcissistic, right? But it's the challenges, the griefs, the joys, the faith struggles, and the enjoyment of nature that inspires me. I have published t.. more..


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