Finding the Key

Finding the Key

A Chapter by sheenara

Chapter two!! Hope you like it! Some of your questions will be answered and a lot more will arise.


               I simply stared.  A boy not much older than myself stood in front of me. In his left hand was the shot gun which held my fate, and in his right was a small hand gun, pointed towards the lighted room. His breathing was heavy and his fatigue showed as the shot gun wavered in front of my face. Suddenly both arms dropped to his side.  As he stood there catching his breath I remembered that I was unarmed. Keeping my head positioned towards him I shifted my eyes towards the ground in search.   I found it about three feet to the left of me lying in a puddle of blood. Slowly, I moved my hand along the damp brick. My fingers waded through the pool of warm blood until finally resting on the metal.  

               “Don’t.” He stated, forcing my eyes to turn back towards him. His eyes were covered by dark brown shaggy bangs that hung just above the tip of his nose. After placing the pistol into an inside pocket, he lifted his head and shook the long bangs away from his eyes, revealing two bright sapphires. Tipping his head to the side he calmly said, “I’m so glad I finally found you.”

My eyes went wide. “What…Who is he, what does he mean,” I thought to myself staring into the sapphires. He bent down until our faces were level and then reached forward placing his free hand over my left. The heat off his hand radiated throughout my entire body as he smiled.

“Are you hurt?” he asked, in utter sincerity. 
“N…No,” I stuttered. My heart beat furiously, yet for some reason I felt safe. Questions ran through my head about the mysterious boy, but my thoughts were interrupted, when the deadly smell returned.
I turned towards the darkness, knowing what was approaching. This gesture must have surprised the boy, because he also turned his head. Noting could be seen, but footsteps and a light chuckle echoed through the tunnel. His grip tightened on my hand slightly as he shifted his weight to his toes, preparing to move. 
“See I told ya there was cause to celebrate!” The tall one smirked as he emerged from the shadows, raising the cigar in the air.   “She just didn’t want to be seen being escorted out by us two old timers. Must have been looking for someone a little more debonair, I am I right?” he smiled and cocked his head at me, “Good job Takaya!”
                The shorter one came out next, grumbling under his breath. Takaya let go of my hand and stood up to address them. “Thanks guys!” He pointed towards the shorter one, “What happened to you?”
                He spit on the ground and then approached us. His bullet wound had been poorly dressed with red blotches showing through the wrappings, “Take your job seriously, you leave that b***h with the gun any longer she’s going to pull it on you.”
                “Na, she ain’t gonna hurt us are you?”
                I shook my head in compliance, but I didn’t remove my hand from the top of the gun. My head and my heart were in a heated debate. I could see how sincere this boy (well… I guess his name was Takaya) was to me, but my brain said, “Umm…Duh? All three of them have raised a gun towards you!” I stared at him not knowing what to do. Even if I did try to retaliate against them, I knew it would be no use. All of them were armed and far beyond my skill level.  The stouter one started to approach me. He glared down at me as he grew closer. Suddenly in mid step, he extended his leg out into a sort of side kick, striking my hand before I had time to react. The gun bounced thru the archway into the light as I screamed out in pain. My throbbing hand was covered in blood, but from what I could see it wasn’t bleeding; just extremely bruised up from the work boots attack.
                “What the hell was that about!” Takaya’s eyes glared at his partner, as he came back down to my level.
                “I don’t trust her.”
                “Why not, Logan trusts her?”
                “I don’t give a damn who Logan trusts!” He snarled, “How often do you see him coming out for jobs that”
                “Carl’s just a little upset because shorty here clipped him.” The tall one said, suddenly appearing behind his partner, who glared furiously at Takaya. He put his hand on Carl’s shoulder and tried to turn him away, “Come on we should call the pit and tell them we’ll be coming back soon.” But after he showed no sign of giving up his ground, he tightened his grip. I watched as veins started to show on the back of his hand as the vice grip tightened. He was obviously putting an enormous amount of pressure on the upper arm, because his bandage was all signs of the white and turning into a darker more burgundy red. 
                He seemed as if in a trance, until the pain must have finally set in. He coughed as his upper body fell partially forward, as if he had just been punched. His left hand flew up to his mouth. My shot must have been deeper than I had originally thought, because I could see trickle of blood running down the hand that cupped his mouth. Slowly, he straightened up again, as he wiped off his mouth and turned around towards his partner. The two of them looked at each other for a moment, but Carl again gave way to his partners plan and walked towards the door. 
                “We’ll be back in a sec,” he smiled as he reached into his pocket pulling out a blackberry, and started walking out, “It’ll probably take Leroy bout ten minutes to get here after I get a hold of him.” 
                “K, sounds good,” Takaya answered. He turned towards me and sighed as he looked at my hand. “Well I guess that means we better get ready to go too.”
                With the other two outside I took this moment to try and find out some info. I took a deep breath and said, “Who the hell are you guys, and what do want!” I must have more screamed more than actually just saying this, because his face looked quite surprised by my first act of defiance against him this whole entire time. 
Suddenly he broke out in laughter, “You’re a funny one Rylee, I knew I’d like you.” He continued to laugh as I realized how abrupt my outburst was… and suddenly it clicked.
“You know my name!”
                “Well ya, what did you expect? I might be a little lazy, but I do get my home work done. In fact, I probably know more about you than you think.” he snickered again as I scrunched my nose, not sure what to make of this comment. “No, no, no,” He said, quickly waving his hands in front of his now flushed face, “nothing like that… I mean…umm…” As he tried to find words I found myself letting lose again, as a small smile went up across my face.
                “Umm…never mind.   I guess I do owe you some explanations”
                “Ya,” I answered. This last year I had been trained to never let my guard down, but I couldn’t do it around this boy. I felt so awkward, and not in the same way that I had while learning different fighting techniques with men twice my age.   Although I had been proclaimed a prodigy, I was never accepted. I was simply an asset to them and a dispensable one at that. Maybe that was why I allowed myself to listen to what was about to be said. This door to my left was an option into a new way of life and Takaya was the key.

© 2009 sheenara

Author's Note

Hey everyone! Tell me what you think, I know ive prob missed some grammar stuff, otherwise critique at will! Thanks alot, I really appreciate it!!

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wow again an awsome read.when is chapter 3 coming,I cant wait.

Posted 15 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on August 22, 2009
Last Updated on August 22, 2009



MySpace Music Playlist at Hey everyone!!! Name: Sheenara Age: 18 Favorite Books: The seekers, The poisonwood Bible, anything Sherlock Holmes, the Hannibal Lector series, Memoirs.. more..

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