AmericA A Nation Divided Episode 1 (The beginning)

AmericA A Nation Divided Episode 1 (The beginning)

A Chapter by Klaus SheX

Throughout the past few years, Americans have become more upset with their country. The US starts to take a bad spin and could battle another civil war. (First Episode)


 Scene 1- Dinner

Scene starts out in a small town located in New York known as Keow. A family sits down to eat dinner its about 6pm. Its June 23th,2014.


Mr. Johnson- So Kids how was school today.

Joe- Fine dad, I got a 90 on my spelling test.

M r. J- Nice Joe, and you Jenny?

Jen- Umm, lets see I got yelled at for wearing short shorts.

Mr. J- Well, your mom always said you were going to grow up like her.

(TV cut in, ANN, Breaking News)

TV reporter- Breaking News into the Newsroom, we have conflicting reports that 4000 people have been killed, in a bombing raid just north of Los Angeles, CA. It is not known who is responsible for the attack, but as of right now no one has claimed responsibility. We will keep following this live for you throughout the night.

Mr. J- Holy S**t, are you kidding me

Joe- Dad who would have done this.

Mr. J- hold  up bud I got a phone call (answers call).

Mr. J- Hello

FBI- Hello agent Johnson, this is Larry Moe from the FBI, we need you to come into the city for an important meeting.

Mr. J- For what?

FBI- Have you seen the LA bombings?

Mr. J- Yes, why?

FBI- We think that someone from the office in Atlanta is responsible for it.

Mr. J- What like a spy? (WISPERING)

FBI- Don’t know just come in.

Mr. J- alright I’ll be there soon. (Hangs up). Well kids I got to go into work for a while

Joe- For what dad?

Mr. J- we caught a criminal.

Joe- Be careful dad

Mr. J- alright Joe, Jen watch Joe, if I’m not back by 10pm, go to Mrs. Kramiel and see if you can stay with her.

Jen- Alright Dad.

(John Johnson leaves to go to NYC to his office. The kids are home alone.)

Jen- Joe, what do you want to do?

Joe- I don’t know, play some video games.

Jen- of course.

Jen- I’m going to go watch some of this news.

(turns on TV, ANN is on.)

TV reporter- Welcome back to ANN, I’m Jessica Lyron. We are following that Bombing in LA, right now here is what we know, A C-17 armed with heavy guns, and rockets, attacked a neighborhood outside of LA. The attack left 4,000 dead, and thousands more injured. We are getting conflicting reports that someone inside the government is responsible for this. We have also reports that an anti-American group called Pledge of 1 is responsible for it. We are following this as it develops.

Jen- I wonder if that’s what dad went in for, that would explain why he left.

Joe- Yes home run (playing baseball on his PS3) yea Martinez.

Jen- Joe I think we should go to Mrs. Kremiel’s house.

Joe- Why you scared Jen, huh huh

Jen- Well Joe I just don’t feel safe to stay alone. Lets go to Mrs. Kremiel’s house.


Scene 2- the office

Agent Hopkins- Good evening John.

Agent J- evening, Bob.

Age. H- So what are we here for.

Age. J- I think its something about the LA bombings.

Age. H- DAMN

(Lucy Lin comes in she is the office hostess)

Lin- Good Evening Gentlemen.

Age. H- Hey Lucy, what is this about.

Lin- I’ll bring you to the meeting, men follow me.

(Lin brings them to a Dark room in the FBI office. Where The NYC director of FBI and others are waiting)

Lin- Here we are gentlemen room 123

Director Loretta- Hello agents Johnson and Hopkins

Agent J- Hello sir

D. L- take a seat men

Alright here is what we know, There was an attack North of LA, 4000 have died, thousands injured, we have evidence that the attack was planned and executed by FBI, and CIA agents from our Atlanta field office. The agents are possibly double agents working for another country. We also have reports that they support a anti-American group called Pledge of 1. Now our main goal is to infiltrate this organization

Age. H- what about our families sir

D. L- We will put them in hiding until this is all situated. I will send someone to go and secure your families.

Lin- (comes in an whispers to D. Loretta) Sir we have the president on line 1

D. L- thanks, excuse me gentlemen and ladies I need to take a call

President Howie- Director Loretta

D. L- Good morning sir

P. H- Sir do you have any evidence of involvement of any US government workers

D. L- we have evidence of a Double agent or agents, Sir from the FBI and CIA

P. H- that is interesting, I need to address the nation tomorrow

D. L- sir due to national security do not disclose any of this info I passed along to you

P. H- well due Sir, have a nice day

D. L- alright sir Ill brief you when we get new info.


Scene 3- Mrs. Kremiel’s house

(Joe and Jen go to Mrs. Kremiel’s house)

Joe- (knocks on door) Mrs. Kremiel

Mrs. K- Hey children, what do you need dears

Jen- Our dad told us to come and see if we can stay with you because he went on a call at the office.

Mrs. K- Alright kids you can stay.

Joe- Thanks Mrs. K

Jen- did you see those bombings in LA

Mrs. K- Yea that is really sad, they said 4,000 people died.

(they Enter the living room, the TV is on)

ANN reporter- Good evening its, 12:01am im Jasmine Powe, and we are following the Bombing last night just north of LA. We have conflicting reports coming in that a terrorist organization is responsible for the bombing. President Howie is going to address the Nation at 12 noon today. Lets head to ANN reporter Jeff Dominguez live in San Francisco. JEFF

Jeff- Good evening, Jasmine. America I am reporting live in San Francisco, the streets have been shut down in the city. 500 SF Police officers and 400 National Guard Troops are patrolling the streets. A curfew has been established, and if you are caught out after dark you will be arrested. Now businesses are closed in the city until further notice. Now just north of us in LA the city has been completely closed down. Air Force Fighter jets are patrolling the air. LA police and National Guard are patrolling the City, streets and neighborhoods. Now the governor has said that all California schools will be closed until further notice. The governor is also condemning the attacks, calling for a manhunt to begin. He is also asking the state senate to propose a declaration of a state of Emergency, and a disaster declaration. He is also asking for 3000 Army, and Marine troops to be sent to the disaster area. Back to you Jasmine

Jasmine- Thanks for that Jeff, ANN is following this story until further notice. Watch us on TV, on your local ANN Affiliate, and online at

Mrs. K- Oh my God, please help these people

Jen- Mrs. K, are you scared

Mrs. K- No hunny, we need to just stay here where I feel safe

Jen- Ok Mrs. K

Joe- Jen, can we go get the PS3.

Jen- Sure, Mrs. Kremiel we are going home to get the PS3 we will be back

Mrs. K- Ok hurry back

(Joe and Jen go home to get the PS3, up comes a marked FBI car, out steps 2 FBI agents)

Jen- who are you guys

Agent U- (shows badges)  Im agent Umile and this is agent Bernard, we are from the FBI protection program

Jen- Protection Program? Are we in any danger?

Agent B- Maam, we can not disclose this with you know, we need you and your brother to get your belongings and come with us into the city.

Jen- alright, we will be right back, lets go Joe

(the kids pack up their belongings, they enter the Car with the 2 agents)

Joe- So where are we going?

Jen- New York City duh to see dad

Agent U- Alright guy and Girl we are going to the FBI PP place in NYC

(they Drive to the City and arrive at the Headquarters)

(They are greeted by a Man in a Black Suit, He is a guard)

Guard- Good Morning gentlemen, we have a room for the Johnson’s

A.U- Alright lets get you guys all situated


Scene 4- The Plan

Its June 24,2014 around 3am

D. L- alright guys we are coming up with a plan to infiltrate the terrorists. I have briefed the president on the things that we know.

A. H- Briefed?

D.L- what do you mean saying it that way

A.H- Sir do we really think the president will not tell the public

D.L- I trust the President

A.J- Sir the president better not disclose any info, national security is in his hands

D.L- yea, I know

Lin- Mr. Johnson, your children are secure and in the PP house just down the street

A.J- Good to know that

Agent Kimmel- Sir, I think we need to contact the CIA. If there is possible double agents.

D.L- we will contact them soon. Damn we need to get a news briefing together, the nation must be given some info.

(scene shifts to LA)

Mayor Greene- Guys we need to figure out where to put out some food distribution centers.

Corporal Poline- Sir the Police checkpoints are in place.

M.G- that’s good to know, Jess contact the Director of CEMA

Jess Thompson- alright sir, (calls CEMA) Sir the Mayor would like to see you

William Smith- alright tell him I will be in later today

Jess- alright Sir. Mr. Mayor he said he will be in later

M.G- that’s good to hear.

(City report from KBLA channel 21 anchor in Dallas. 5:00am)

Good Morning im Larry Jose reporting for KBLA from Dallas, TX. Right now we are following the LA bombings. The city police and Red Cross are setting up relief and food distribution points in the city. You will be able to see them at the bottom of your screen when they become available. Also all city schools will be close until further notice. Parents are encouraged to teach their kids at home. Also the Police have set up checkpoints in and out of the city. Troops are patrolling the streets. This city is on quarantine, we have been declared safe but we are under a declaration of protection. We will continue following this as it continues.

M.G- Ok here is what we need to do. Move all hospital patients and put them in a secure location. We also need to use the sports stadiums to place people who are homeless.

(Scene switches back to NYC)

D.L- Guys we need to contact the President and tell him that if he releases any of that info he will put the nation in trouble.

A.H- alright let’s call him and tell him to not disclose any info.

(they call the president)

Pres- Hello

D.L- This is Director Loretta, sir remember the talk about not disclosing any info to the public. We may have to move you to a secure location, sir

Pres- Why? Is that necessicary?

D.L- yes sir there could be assassination plots against you.

Pres- An assassination plot?

D.L- sir, we would rather not tell you now

Pres- Ok

D.L- its better for your security

Pres- I understand

D.L- alright sir I will Talk to you later

Pres- Ok, bye

D.L- Alright its almost 8am, president will broadcast a message to the nation at noon.

A.J- He knows not to disclose any info right

D.L- Yes he knows

A.J- alright sir.

Episode ends in the dark FBI room where all of the agents are discussing a plan to find this terrorist organization.

© 2011 Klaus SheX

Author's Note

Klaus SheX
NOTE: This is a show script, but is in the form of a book. This is a History-fiction. About the US going into a second civil war. the US is hit by a homegrown terrorist organization aiming to take down the government and send the US into kaos.

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wow matt interesting its lik a mini movie lol

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on November 24, 2010
Last Updated on January 11, 2011


Klaus SheX
Klaus SheX

Coatesville, PA

I love sports and video games. I like to write stories and plays. I love history. I love the civil war, for some reason that war is just so unique. I write music with my friends for our group. I am ve.. more..
