Just then, the volleyball came right at Courtney and hit her in the face. Holli Woods, the most popular girl in their grade, started laughing. Courtney got mad. She picked up the volleyball, threw it up in the air and spiked it. It hit Holli right in the face. She fell backwards. Courtney and Shawn started laughing. Everyone else rushed to Holli's side. Courtney realized this.
"Of course. I should've known they would do that." She said.
"Yep. But nice aim." Shawn said.
"Courtney how could you do that!" Amy yelled at Courtney.
"It was an accident." Courtney answered.
"Yeah? Well then so is this!" Amy picked up the volleyball and spiked it. It hit Shawn in the face. "Oops! Sorry, Shawn!" Amy smiled.
"Why am I always the target?" Shawn said to Courtney.
"You're Shawn Adams. Get used to it." Courtney picked up the volleyball and throw it to Shawn. He caught it.
"That's her. That's the girl that hit Holli Woods in gym class."
"There she is! She nearly killed Holli Woods."
"Man, that girl's got a good aim. Did you know she hit Holli Woods right in the face?"
"She hurt Holli Woods. Now she's the most hated person in this whole world!"
Courtney heard those sentences through the halls for the rest of the day. At end of the day, Courtney went to her locker and a minute later Shawn appeared.
"Ya know...I never knew why everybody loved Raymond. But I have good idea why everybody hates Courtney." Shawn said.
"Seriously? Everybody?" Courtney asked.
"Well, not everybody."
"Who doesn't?"
"Well there's me, Jeremiah...me."
"Why is Jeremiah the answer to everything?"
"He loves you, Court. That's why."
"Ugh! I don't get it. Holli hit me first and I still get blamed for everything. It's like she's a precious little doll and I'm a...a..."
"A nothing?"
"Not helping, Shawn."
"So what am I supposed to do. They won't care if I just apologize."
"Just fight fire with fire. Works every time."
"Oh really? What fire have you been fighting lately, Shawn."
"I...I don't know. I just always hear that on tv and I always wanted to say it!" Shawn smiled.
"Heh. Nice. But I guess I could. What should I do?"
"Beats me. This is your problem. Good luck, Court!" Shawn tried to walk away but Courtney pulled him back by his shirt.
"Oh no. You're helping me."
"Why? I didn't hit Holli. You did!"
"You have more of an evil mind than I do."
"Is that compliment?"
"Well, then, thank you, Courtney. I should do something nice for you."
"Ooh. I know what you can do."
"Help me get Holli back."
"Well, I was just going to think of something to compliment you on, but okay. I'll help."
Courtney smiled.
"Oh, God! I did it again! Seriously...how do you do that?"
"Hm. I'll show you later. Come on, let's go."
"Ya know. I really don't want to become the most hated person so--"
"But you already are." Shawn said smiling. "I'm kidding!" He added.
Shawn and Courtney were sitting in Shawn's room talking about how to get back at Holli.
"Now, as I was saying! I really don't think I should fight fire with fire--"
"See! Isn't fun to say!" Shawn laughed.
"Will you concentrate!"
"So I think I should just try to apologize. I mean, what could possibly go wrong?" Courtney asked.
"I'm sorry, Courtney but I can't accept your apology." Holli Woods said.
"Why not?"
"Because..." Holli was whispering. "I'm popular. They are expecting me to hate you when I really don't. I'm sorry, Courtney. Now," She said in a louder voice. "Why don't you just run away now you little mouse."
"Well, who cares what they're expecting. Why can't you just not listen to them for once."
"Because then I won't be popular anymore."
"Of course you will. Come on, Holli."
"Courtney. I do forgive you...but I can't let them know. So just get out of here you little--"
"Okay. I'm leaving." Courtney walked away.
"How'd it go?" Shawn asked.
"She won't accept it." Courtney answered.
"Really? Fine. I'll talk to her."
"No! Don't!"
"Why not?"
"Because..." Courtney was whispering. "She forgave me."
"Then why'd you say she didn't?"
"Shh! Because she doesn't want anyone else to know. She thinks she won't be popular anymore because everyone else expects her to hate me."
"But, Courtney. That's not fair. Then you're basically being hated for no reason."
"Yeah, but that's okay. At least I know that she forgives me."
"But, Court, you don't get it. This isn't fair. If she forgives you you deserve to not be hated."
"Shawn you're overreacting. I mean, they probably forgot all about it." Courtney faced a group of people. Then were whispering and once they saw Courtney look at them they all threw crumpled up pieces of paper at her.
"Obviously not." Courtney said.
"So back to Holli. You know what we have to do right?"
"Yeah, we have to--wait...I'll let you say it."
"We have to fight fire with fire!" Shawn said smiling.
"Okay, Shawn. You come around the corner when you get the sign." Courtney said.
"What's the sign?" Shawn asked.
"Um, the sign will be...hm...Holli will probably say something like, 'You have no proof!' so that's your que."
"Got it."
"Okay, good. Ooh, look, there she is. Is it on?"
"Make sure it's working."
"It is, Courtney! Now go!
Courtney walked away from Shawn and up to Holli.
"Hi, Holli." She said.
Holli was surrounded by some of her friends. "Oh my God, Courtney! Please don't kill me!" Holli and her friends laughed.
"Holli. Listen. I'm sorry and you know I am. I can't take anymore of your tormenting. You know I'm sorry, Holli. Just leave me alone."
"Why would I forgive a killer?"
"Because you do. You know you do. You told me you do."
"What? I have no idea what your talking about."
"Oh but you do, Holli."
Holli sighed. "Girls? Could you please leave me and Courtney alone so I can talk some sense into her and try to figure out what she's saying?"
"Are you sure? I don't want you to get killed!" One of her friends said. They friends laughed then walked away.
"Courtney, what are you doing? You know I forgive you so just go away."
"Holli, I'm sick and tired of playing the victim when I'm really not. Why can't you just leave me alone?"
"I told you why I can't. They'll isolate me and I won't be popular anymore. They expect me to hate you."
"Don't you think I've suffered enough?"
"Yeah, but--"
"Then tell them yourself that you forgive me or I'll tell them?"
"What? They'll never believe you."
"They will after they see my proof."
"You have no proof!" Holli said.
"Oh but she does." Shawn said while coming around the corner with a camera. "Smile, Holli!"
"Holli, I meant what I said. Either tell them yourself or I'll tell them for you."
"F-fine! Whatever! I'll tell them. So did you really film me saying what I said to make me apologize?"
"No. This is for my next documentary. Nicholson High's Pretty Girls."
"Heh. That's enough, Shawn." Courtney grabbed the camera from Shawn's hands and turned it off. "So go ahead. Tell them you forgive me."
"Whatever. Next time, don't expect me to do anything nice for you." Holli walked away.
"Well, there ya go, Court. You're free. Now I don't know about that Raymond guy but everybody loves Courtney!" Shawn said smiling.
Courtney laughed and then looked at the camera. She turned it on and searched for the video Shawn just filmed.
"Shawn, where's the video?"
"In the camera, Courtney. Where else would it be?"
"No, I mean...it's not here..."
"What? Let me see it, you probably skipped right over it." Courtney handed him the camera and he looked through the videos and pictures. "Hm. You're right. It's not here."
"I told you!"
"Oh, no, wait. Here it is," Shawn laughed. "I took a picture instead. I thought it was on video. Sorry, Court."
"That's okay. So I guess we got her to apologize for nothing."
Just then Holli and her friends walked up to Courtney and Shawn.
"Courtney, they don't believe I really forgive you. Show them the video." She said.
"Ooooooh." Shawn and Courtney said in unison.