"Hey, Shawn." Mia, a girl in their grade, said. Shawn was at his locker. He turned around.
"Hey, Mia. What's up?" Shawn said. He always liked Mia. He always thought she was pretty.
"Nothing much. I was just wondering if you were doing anything...maybe this weekend."
"That depends." Shawn smiled at her with his most charming smile. "Why you asking?"
"Oh. I don't know. Maybe you would like to go out with me?" She smiled back.
"Well maybe I would."
"Talk to you later, Shawn."
Mia walked away and Courtney walked up.
"Ahh, Mia. Mia Roberts. Be careful, Shawn. Be careful. I don't want you to get your heart broken." She said.
"That bad, huh?"
"Well, not that bad. It's just that every guy she's gone out with...she broke up with them. So, be careful." Courtney walked away.
Finally, it was the end of the day. Shawn was walking down the halls when Carmen, another girl in their class, came up to him.
"Hey, Shawn. Can I ask you something?"
Shawn saw who it was and he started blushing. It was Carmen. He always thought that she was hot.
"Sure." He replied.
"You wanna go out with me sometime? Maybe this weekend?"
Shawn knew that Mia had just asked him out earlier but he couldn't reject Carmen. So he smiled that smile of his at her.
"Sure. Sounds great."
"Talk to you later, Shawn."
Carmen walked way and Courtney rushed up to Shawn.
"Ahh. Carmen. Carmen Thomas. She's--wait! Didn't you already get asked out?"
"Shh! No one needs to know."
"But Shawn. That's wrong."
"Let's not talk about this right now. Come right over to my house and I'll explain." Shawn said.
"So Mia Roberts and Carmen Thomas! Way to go, Shawn!" Courtney exclaimed.
"Wait. Weren't you just saying it was wrong of me to accept both?"
"Well, yeah but you've always had your eye on both of them for as long as I can remember."
"So which one?"
"Which one do you honestly like better?"
"Well, Mia is sweet and pretty but Carmen is way hot!"
"Okay, so who are you going to go out with first?"
"Oh. I didn't think about that. Flip a coin?"
"I can't believe you, Shawn. You're flipping a coin to choose a girl?" Courtney asked. Shawn gave her a look that read "Duh!" Courtney sighed. "Here's a quarter."
"Alright. So here it goes." Shawn flips the coin. "Heads. Which one is that?"
Courtney sighs, "You tell me."
"Shawn." He looked up at her. "You made that decision on your own."
"What do you mean?"
"You forgot to assign who got heads and who got tails."
"I did? Oh, well, then I guess I like Carmen more."
"Great. Then go out with her first."
"Yeah. I will."
Shawn leaned against the wall near his locker. He had his arms crossed and one foot propped up against the wall. The bell rang and students were filling the halls. He saw Carmen and he ran up to her.
"So Carmen. I was thinking...is Friday night good for you?" He asked as he smiled at her.
"Yeah. Perfect." Carmen answered.
"Great. Pick ya up at eight." Shawn turned around and quickly went to find Mia. He finally found her.
"Hey, Shawn. What's up?"
"Nothing much. I was thinking...is Saturday night good for you?" He smiled at her.
"Great. Pick ya up at eight." Shawn turned around and went to his class.
It was 11:30 PM on Friday night. Courtney was sitting in her room when her cell phone suddenly started ringing. It was Shawn.
"Hey, Shawnie! How was your date with Carmen?" She asked.
"Horrible." Shawn answered.
"What happened?"
"All she did was complain about herself. How her hair wasn't right. Or that her make-up was smudging or whatever. I don't even think she said a word to me! And get this! I tried to kiss her and she's all like 'Sorry but I'm wearing new lip gloss. I'm testing to make sure it stays on all night.' I mean, seriously?"
"Wow. Sorry about that, Shawn."
"It's alright. I just never want to see her again. She treated me like I wasn't even there. Ugh. Hopefully my date with Mia will be better."
"Of course it will. Things get worse before they get better."
"Yep. Well, I'll talk to you tomorrow. Goodnight, Courtney."
"Goodnight, Shawn."
They both hung up.
Courtney's cell phone rang at 11 PM on Saturday night waking her up. It was Shawn.
"Shawn. How'd it go?"
"Good. Not bad."
"What happened?"
"Nothing really. Mia's so sweet and so pretty but...I don't know. I just don't feel that attracted to her."
"Hm. That's a shame."
"Yeah. So I don't know which one to choose. Help me."
"Tomorrow, Shawn."
"Okay. First thing. My house."
"Okay. bye, Shawn."
"Goodnight, Courtney."
They both hung up.
"So is it Mia or Carmen. Carmen...or Mia." Shawn said while pacing back and forth. Courtney sat there on his couch.
"Which date was better?"
"Mia obviously! But I'm just not attracted to her. Sure she's pretty but...I don't like like her. I mean I did at first but now she's just..."
Shawn kept rambling on. Courtney tried to get his attention.
He kept rambling. This time about Carmen.
He kept rambling. This time about Mia.
He kept rambling. This time about Carmen and Mia.
He stopped. "What!"
"Which one?"
"Mia! Now shut up and listen to me I'm--"
"Mia. It's Mia." Shawn smiled.
"There ya go."
"Yeah. She is very beautiful. I guess I just need more time with her. Maybe once I get to know her I'll start to like her."
"Well, I gotta call her."
"You do that." Courtney got up and started walking away. Shawn grabbed her hand and pulled her closer to him.
"Thanks for helping me with that." He smiled at her.
"Aw. Shawn. You made the decision all on your own. I did nothing."
Shawn's smile quickly went away. He let go of her hand. "R-right. Well, I gotta call Mia. Talk to you later, Courtney."
"Goodbye, Shawnie!" Courtney said as she started walking away. She opened the door and walked out.
Shawn grabbed his cell phone and dialed Mia's number. She picked up after the first ring.
"Hey, Mia. It's Shawn..."