Chapter 7 - Demon

Chapter 7 - Demon

A Chapter by AngelBeat

By me :/


    Time was running normal, but when Lilith looked over towards Rory, Lilith could tell that she was in pain from what she had done to her wing.

    Class seemed to drag on and occasionally she would look towards Devin, who seemed to be in a state of shock. I wonder what's wrong with him...

    The bell rang, finally! She got up and headed towards the door but something stopped her. Someone was gripping her arm, she turned around and saw Devin, his eyes were a mixture of baby blue and gray, his eyes are so pretty, "come here," Devin said sounding demanding.

    "I need to go... Sorry,"

    "Please, it won't take long," Devin pleaded,

    Lilith sighed. "Okay." She followed Devin

    "Just sit there." He pointed to a seat right by Rory, who was sitting opposite of Seth and now Lilith sat opposite of Devin.

    One of them finally spoke, it was Devin. "What the hell happened to you two out there?" He looked at Lilith, then at Rory, then right back to Lilith again.

    "We don't know what you're talking about Devin," Rory lied.

    "You're lying. Now, start talking. This time make it the truth,"Seth  said, sounding demanding. He looked over at Rory and quietly said "please."

    Lilith finally spoke, "what did you see?" Half sighing and half speaking.

    Devin looked up at Lilith. "You and her," he gestured to Rory without even looking at her," y-you had wings and then you started fighting but not with your hands and fists.. You fought with powers.. Some kind of superpowers."

    Rory and Lilith looked over at each other. "Boys, Lilith and I need to talk in private for a second okay... We'll be right back," Rory said grabbing Lilith's arm and taking her to the farthest side of the classroom. Lilith and Rory both looked shocked and confused. "How did he see that?!" Rory whispered, demanding to know.

    "Rory, you know only angels and demons can see past paused time!" Lilith whispered back, then added, "use your heart to sense him".

    The girls walked back over to their seats and sat back down. Lilith looked at Rory from the corner of her eye and could tell that she was using her heart to sense him, then her eyes widened in shock and she ran out of the classroom, "Seth... She knows. What you are, I mean-"  Lilith said, but he was out of the class room after she had finished.

    There was an awkward silence between Devin and herself, but then he finally spoke. "Lilith..."

    She looked up and saw that Devin was looking right in her eyes.

    "What are you?" he asked gently,

    "I-I'm a  D-Demon,"

    "What are you doing here?"

    "I can't tell you..." Lilith looked away,

    "Why not!?" He demanded,

    "Because He might kill you," Lilith said still looking away,

    "Who's He ?" Devin asked, confused,

    "He is The Devil,"

    "Why are you here?" He asked again,

    "I can't tell you,"

    "Please just tell me! I don't care if I die!" he took Lilith's hands and squeezed them tightly,

    "I can't tell you!" This time Lilith started to cry,

    "I'm sorry I asked, I already know why you're here... It's to watch me, right?" Devin asked gently,

    Lilith said nothing but looked away from him.

    "I'll take that as a yes.." Devin spoke, "but why do you need to watch me?" He asked,

    "You'll die anyway.. So I might as well tell you.." Lilith locked her eyes with his. "I have to watch you because The Devil thinks that you might be gaining Angel Powers.. Which you are.. And when he finds out that you do.. He will make me kill you.." She spoke the last words quietly as if she didn't want to believe them herself, which she didn't.

    Devin let go of her hands and stood up with shock and anger in his eyes, "So you're going to kill me?!" He demanded,

    "Of course not!" Lilith stood up furious, "I want you to stay alive!" Lilith started to cry again,

    "Why?! You're a Demon! You shouldn't care if someone dies!" Devin yelled at Lilith.

    "I know I shouldn't care! But..." Lilith looked away, wiping away her tears with the back of her hand,

    "But what?!"

    " I love you! That's why I don't want to kill you!" Lilith's legs gave away and she dropped to her knees, with her hands covering her face, which was pouring with tears, "it's because I love you..." she said slowly while Devin just stood there in disbelief. She heard the door open, she turned around and saw Seth holding Rory, who was in pain, in his arms.

    "Rory's wing needs immediate attention!" Seth yelled, looking directly at Lilith.

    "Okay, lay her down in front of me," Lilith spoke while wiping away her tears.

    Seth walks over slowly and lays Rory on the floor. Lilith starts to draw power into the palm of her hand, then she starts moving her hand slowly to the wound in Rory's wing and puts her palm on the wound, Rory cries out in pain and then Seth Kisses and her cries of pain die away. Lilith then exerted the power in her palm into Rory's wing, then Seth kissed her even more deeply and held her hands tight. Lilith removed her hand from Rory's wing and with that, Athena's cries had gone away and she just lay on the floor kissing Seth. A slight smile started to form on Lilith's face.

    Lilith backed away and the whole room seemed to be spinning for her. What's happening...

    Then everything went black.

© 2012 AngelBeat

Author's Note

Mistakes? (I have no idea what to say anymore)

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where is it?

Posted 12 Years Ago

Boy(s), Lilith and I need to talk in private... one mistake
I loved it all!

Posted 12 Years Ago

You missed one Damon but other than that its real good

Posted 12 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on February 3, 2012
Last Updated on February 4, 2012



New Zealand

(Lets change this again~ -_-) I don't come on here as much, rarely ever do now. I am more on dA. I like to do art stuff. Thats it ._. *** I'm sorry if you don't like my stuff :) I don't like it eith.. more..

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