![]() The Devils AdvocateA Stage Play by shanemusic![]() A drama solo that I wrote and performed for the Assembly of God National Fine Arts Festival.![]() Devil Is this thing on? Oh! It’s on! What a wonderful opportunity this is to speak to the youth ministry at this church. I am blessed. Tonight I want to tell you a story about a dear friend of mine. He’s charming…handsome even. Oh everyone loves him! He’s the apple of his parent’s eyes! He’s a good listener, and he gives the best advice! He’s a really... Boy Dude, I totally get it. Just recently, I got in this huge fight with my dad. See, I want to go to school for art, but he wants me to go for business. Eventually, I got up the nerve to calmly share my dreams with my dad, and he listened. So, my advice to you: go home, apologize to your mom. Does that sound?... Devil So yeah, he’s great. Thing is, he’s got some skeletons of his own. On the outside he’s perfect, but on the inside he could use a real friend to shed some light in his life. Take this one night for example, his girlfriend dumped him, and he... Boy I can’t believe it’s over. I treated her right. I listened to her; I was there for her when her Mom died. I gave her everything…she was my first. What did I do wrong, why wasn’t I good enough? I can’t handle this! (Run over to chest, open drawer, pull out knife, set on table, close drawer, look at knife, take a deep breath, cut back)... Devil Ooooh! That one hurt! Nothing but idle time on his hands, and I LOVE idle time, it’s where I do my best work. (Covers mistake) Oh... Uh... back to the boy. The next day in school the boy was depressed. He just pulled his hood over his head and buried his face into his desk... (Enraged) When this wretched girl thought it would be great idea to reach out to him by reciting a quotation from something that ends with 29:11 or whatever! (Cover eyes and talk normal) Ugh, please excuse me... I’m just passionate... (Enraged) Who knows what would have happened to the boys life had she accomplished this! So! A little (whisper) fear was whispered into the girls ear... Which was great! Because later that night, already feeling the weight of a break up, the boy was about to walk into his families version of World War III. Walking through the threshold of his house… Boy (On cell phone) Yeah, I’m gonna be at my Dad’s this weekend. Alright, talk to you later. (Hang up phone) What!? (Pause) Mom, please don’t start with me right now. I was at the mall! No I wasn’t with her, she broke up with me! Mom- Mom, I know you didn’t like her! Well maybe if you were a little nicer, she wouldn’t have left me! Maybe if you were a little nicer, dad wouldn’t have left you either. You know what, I’m getting out of here... Devil So, he grabbed the keys to Mom’s minivan, and took off like a bat outta…well ha! The radio blaring, the windows down…speed was now the outlet for his pain. Instead of putting a blade to his back, he put his foot to a pedal. Ignoring all of the stop signs and the little white lines, a tree came out of nowhere and BOOM! Boohoohoo a tragic ending for the boy’s life. Oh but now I see him all the time, he’s with me everyday…forever. With all of his Someone save me!... Please help me!... Oh he never shuts up! But guess what buddy... No one can hear you! But heres the sticky part of the story: had one of you pursued him the way I did, then maybe, just maybe things would have turned out a little differently…ya know had someone obeyed the big guy upstairs. Well, it’s time I bid you adieu!Goodnight! Farewell! (Do horns) I’m going to go sit with that kid in the back. © 2012 shanemusic |
Added on March 14, 2012 Last Updated on March 14, 2012 Author