![]() Chapter TwoA Chapter by ShaneBerry![]() Nick heads to the Professors house to get some advice from his god father. he receives a gift left behind by his father. and a special gift from his childhood friend. the journey is about to begin!![]()
Chapter Two Reporter on television: “As you can see behind me there is extensive damage to the Magnet Train monorail system here in Goldenrod city, reports are flying in that this is the first attack in over a decade by the hands of Orange Island Terrorists organization ‘The Reclaimers’. Five are confirmed dead and thirty seven are still missing. ” a well dressed woman was standing on the edge of a cliff looking over disastrous sight. Trees were crushed, and like a giant dead serpent, the long metal train was crashed into the ground. The back end was completely destroyed by what seemed to be a bomb. On the bottom of the screen was a news ticker that streamed a message saying. “The Orange island gangs The Reclaimers are
responsible for the attack on Fuchsia City and Cinnabar Island seventeen years
prior to this attack. This is still unconfirmed as the work of the terrorist
organization…” Firefighters conducted their water Pokémon to wash out the flames; magnificent streams of pure crystal clear water shot out of Poliwrath mouths and slowly diminished the fires. Marshtomps sent gallons of mud flying through the air onto the fires being caused by electrical lines. Fire fighters and Machamps pulled wounded and dead passengers out of the burning destroyed train. Kadabras used their telekinetic abilities to scan for survivors. It was a terrible tragedy, but the press seemed to eat it up. Nick pulled himself away from the terrible footage on the television. It was not the best thing to wake up to. Early in the morning he knew there were many people riding the train to work. He had ridden the train with his father when he was a small child, he could not remember it well, but knew how crowded it was on the train. Nick left the living room and walked into the kitchen, where again Singe and Serena where gorging themselves on the Pokémon food. Nick had a slight head ache; call it a side effect of sleep deprivation because he could not sleep at all the night before. He constantly thought about what was to come in the next day or so, he would leave the comfort of his home and embark on a journey across the country. He wasn’t scared of the journey so much as he was terrified of what would become of Singe. “Mom, I’m heading over to Professor Smith’s house. Can you keep an eye on Singe for me?” Nick asked as his mother sat at the table with a bagel smothered in white cream cheese. She looked surprised, Nick rarely asked his mother to watch Singe, and she knew Nick did not like how she spoiled Serena so much. “Sure Nick, is everything ok?”She asked, Nick didn’t really answer. He nodded and left out the door leaving his bag and wearing nothing on his feet but socks. By the time he reached the gate they were soaked in dew and made Nick’s feet cold. He ignored it as his mind was full of the many questions he was about to ask the Professor. Further up the road, passed the subdivision filled with cheap houses was a giant field gated off with ten feet tall fencing. A dirt road leads from the highway up to a moderately sized house that was the new Kanto Official Pokémon Research Center. As Nick walked up the dirt road he was greeted by a Girafarig, an unusual Pokémon from the Johto region, its front half is a buttery yellow color, and its back half is a dark brown almost black color. Its long neck was useful for browsing the area for possible predators and food, with odd and unexplainable tail end has a second head that warns the Girafarig if danger approaches from behind. Nick knew the professor only owned one Pokémon, so this was one that he must have been watching for a friend. The professor’s ranch also doubled as a daycare center for trainers who are uncomfortable with leaving their Pokémon in their poke ball for extended periods of time; at Pokémon medical centers, Pokémon that are not going to be used for a long time are converted into a sleep stage in the poke ball that can only be awakened when called out into battle. Though the more you do this, the more stress it causes to the Pokémon. The garden outside the Professors house was bursting with full blooms, Ladyba and Spinarak’s patrolled the edges of the garden for plant eating Pokémon, protecting the beautiful flowers and blooms. The Ladyba where round red bug Pokémon with black dots on their backs. And the Spinarak’s where a sickly green color with eight yellow legs and bright red mandibles for a mouth, both Pokémon where brightly colored to scare off predatory bird Pokémon. Nick walked up the steps to the front door and without hesitation walked in, being not only a friend of the family, but Nicks god father Professor Smith always welcomed Nick into his home and place of business. The
Professor was sitting in the living room with his nose buried in a book about
evolutionary links between humans and Pokémon. Sinclair, his Reuniclus was sitting
across from him in another chair, the pale-colored inner body of the Pokémon is encapsulated
within a blob of a translucent, green energy. Inside the substance, its large,
rounded head, with a striation down the length of his face as well as his torso
and stubby feet was perfectly visible. Using his Telekinetic abilities, Sinclair
could shape the energy encasing its body to any shape or size needed for
battle, or in this case leisure as he took the shape of a relaxed blob. Nick had known Sinclair since it was a Duosion;
it was the first Pokémon Nick had ever seen evolve. He could still remember the
brilliant white glow and the calming euphoria that overcame everyone there
witnessing the event. Before that day, Nick always believed evolution happened much
slowly in Pokémon. But in a matter of minutes Sinclair doubled in size, and
even power. “Hey
Uncle Smith, Can I talk to you for a moment?” Nick asked slightly shy, he never
liked getting people to help him. And he certainly never liked taking people away
from something they were doing. The Professor placed his pointer finger on the
page of the book he was reading then put his bookmark in the crease of the
book. He then looked up and said, “Sure
thing champ, what up?” Nick always hated being called Champ, but it was a nick
name the Professor gave him back when he was just a small child. Nick sat next
to Sinclair, who was now at full attention and confused as to where Singe
was. “Yesterday,
Chase and I decided that we need to let our Pokémon grow, and we are going to
take the Kanto Gym Challenge. I need….” Nick was interrupted by the professor
quickly, “That’s great
news Nick! I actually didn’t think you would have it in you. Wait here, there
is something I need to get for you.” Before Nick could say anything else Smith
had disappeared into the lab in the back of the house. Nick could her fumbling and
boxes crashing. Then suddenly he heard the professor shout, “Aha!! Found
you!” he then quickly sped into the room holding a small brown cardboard box. He
handed it to Nick and said, “This
belonged to your father, he left it for you when he sent Singe. Your mother
asked me to hold onto this until you where ready to take the responsibility of truly
training him.” Nick slowly opened the box, not having a clue as to what could
be inside. As he looked into the box he could see a small dark purple stone, it
was like a crystal that could almost be seen through, but not quite. Nick could
feel an odd energy coming from it as he touched it. “What is
this? It feels, strange…” Nick asked as he held the stone in his hand, Smith
smiled and signaled for Nick to follow him into the lab. The white linoleum flowing
and the stainless steel tables made the room feel sanitized and clean. The tables
where covered in papers and broken Poke balls, along with flasks and beakers
filled with odd liquids and substances. A large machine in the right corner of
the room meant for reviving fainted and weakened Pokémon was humming. And in
the center of the back wall was a large screened computer the professor used
for research and to publicize his discoveries. “What
you are holding in your hand is a rare type of evolution stone; it is called a
Dusk stone.” Smith said sitting in his lab chair. Nick gazed into the stone;
the energy he felt from it was an odd dark, yet calming feeling. Like a cloud
covering the sun on a hot day. He looked up at Professor Smith and asked, “What do
I use it for? I thought Singe would evolve on his own. Without any stone or
manmade device.” Smith smiled and turned to the large computer screen, after typing
in a few key words and sifting through the virtual pages he pulled up a picture
of a Litwick, it seemed larger and older than Singe. Beneath the picture was a
text document that read, “Litwick, the Candle Pokémon. Litwick appear
to be helping to guide the way of people by illuminating areas that are
darkened, but in reality they are actually leading them to the Ghost World. They feed off the life energy of people and Pokémon, and use it as fuel for the flames on their
heads. Litwick evolve into Lampent after doubling in power from numerous
battles with stronger Pokémon.” Nick was still confused; the data entry on Litwick said
exactly what he ready knew, but before he could ask the professor why he pulled
up the encyclopedia information on Litwick he clicked on the information on
Lampent and it read, “Lampent, the Lamp Pokémon, and the evolved form of Litwick. Rarely, Lampent can be found with Litwick leading people and Pokémon to the Ghost
World while stealing their life energy. Lampent evolve
into Chandelure after being exposed to a pure Dusk stone.” Nick was very surprised; nowhere in any of his books did it
state that Singe would need a dusk stone to evolve all the way. But his books
where all Kanto/Johto edition encyclopedias, and Litwick’s originate from the
Unova region. “Can you
show me the information of Chandelure? “ Nick asked eager to see what the final
form looked like. But the professor shook his head with a smile saying, “Nope,
that would spoil the surprise now wouldn’t it? The only way you are going to
find out is with your own means, either look it up on your own, wait till Singe
evolves, or go to the Unova region and see one for yourself.” The professor
delighted in making Nick find things out on his own. Nick huffed and said, “Fine be
that way… a*s.” They both laughed and walked back into the living room. Sinclair
was relaxed on the chair again. Nick was
a little calmer now; somehow the Dusk stone had an effect on him, like being
given the stone assured him that even his late father had faith in him. Nick sat
in the chair next to Sinclair and faced the Professor. “Did
you ever go on the league challenge?” he asked hoping for some helpful advice. Smith
tilted his head in nostalgia as memories of him and Nick’s mother travelling
the Kanto region filled his eyes. He laughed and said, “Briefly,
your mother and I traveled all the way to Celadon city. Colleting each badge
form each city along the way. But that was where I met a man named Gary Oak,
grandson of the great Pokémon professor Samuel Oak, and the man who made me
realize my passion wasn’t in Pokémon battling, it was in Pokémon research. That
was also where your mother and father met. You could say fate brought us to
Celadon city.” Nick had never heard this story before. His mother rarely spoke
of his father; she still grew sad knowing that his body was never found. And Smith
had never revealed when he decided to become a Pokémon Professor. Nick then
asked, “So can
you give me any advice on what to do? I mean, it can’t be as simple as just
traveling can it?” Smith laughed and looked at Sinclair, he then answered. “Yes it
is that simple. With your Pokémon there is not much danger besides wild Pokémon.
In today’s youth it is almost taboo to interrupt a trainer taking the Pokémon
league challenge. That doesn’t mean you won’t run into any bumps, or jerks
along the way. But the only way you can start the journey is by just going for
it one day.” Smith was still staring at Sinclair lost in nostalgia. Nick sat
back, a little more confused that he was before he had asked for advice. “So your
advice for me is that there is no advice to give?” Nick asked somewhat disappointed.
Smith nodded and stood walking to the window looking out into the field. “Nick,
there are many Pokémon in this world. And some most likely haven’t even been
discovered. Hell, there are nations that keep their wildlife secret from the
rest of the world out of vanity. The only way to truly see them all if to
travel the world. If you take the Pokémon league challenge, you will definitely
see a wide range of Pokémon and meet a variety of people. But you must know
your limits. And find a way to pass them. Understand?” Nick had never heard the
Professor speaking so seriously before. He was always light hearted and
comical. But the serious tone in his voice was impossible to ignore. “Yes, I do
understand. I’m just, scared for Singe. That’s
my main concern. What if he is not battle worthy? What if he gets hurt… or
worse…?” Before Nick could continue the
professor interrupted him quickly saying, “If that
is what you are worried about then you need to battle someone before you leave
on the league challenge. And regardless of the outcome you have to accept
defeat, and cherish victory. In more colorful terms, you need to get over yourself.
Singe is a powerful Pokémon, and a rare one at that. They are one of the
strongest when fully evolved and Singe deserves to feel his full potential. Don’t
you agree?” Nick had never thought of it that way before. And he definitely
never saw Singe as a powerful Pokémon. He struggled in defeating a Caterpie.
But that was easily explained because of lack of training. Nick stood and Sinclair woke up, his beady black eyes where
fixed on Nick as if to say, “A*****e you woke me up!” Nick walked over to the Professor and said, “Ok. I’m
going to go now. I still need to let my mother know my plans. And then I’m
going to challenge Chase to a battle.” Nick was confident in his plan now. If he
won he would take on the Pokémon League challenge. If he lost he would train
for one more year before starting. Before he could walk out the door, Smith grabbed Nick by the
shoulder and placed money in his hand. “This is
not much, but it is enough to get you to Pewter city. Even if you lost several
battles along the way. Remember you always pay the number of Pokémon used in
battle, multiplied by one hundred.” Nick knew the rules of payment in battle,
though some trainers would skip out on payment. Some would even trade items
worth the same amount of money to avoid paying actual cash. Nick looked at the
thick roll of money. It was at least
three thousand dollars. “Uncle Smith,
I can’t take this.” Nick said quickly, he had never taken money offered to him,
he felt it made him look weak and lazy. But the professor wouldn’t take no for
an answer. He put his hands on Nick’s shoulder and said, “Neculai
Ferris, you need to take all the help you can get. Don’t be so vain. I’m not
about to let my godson go out into the harsh world without a little financial help.
Besides, I don’t use it anyways, all my research is paid for by the government and
I grow my own food. You need it far more than I do.” He then walked Nick to the
front door and they said their farewells for the day, “I expect
you and Chase to be here bright and early for that match. It will be nice to
see you two show off your training abilities.” Nick could almost hear a slight
bit of sarcasm in Smith’s voice. But he decided to not tell him that the
outcome of the battle would decide whether or not he would go on with the
league challenge yet, he knew that if he did tell him, that he would get Chase
to throw the match on purpose. And Nick would not settle for an unfair victory. Walking home, he thought about many things, the advantage
Singe has over Boron in Type, but the Disadvantage Singe had against Boron in
skill and experience. Nick slowly walked past Chase and Becca’s house where he
saw Becca in the front yard half asleep on the picnic table. Nick studied her
face, her thin, yet rounded cheeks, her auburn hair, tiny nose and pink full
lips. He knew there was some truth to Chase’s assumption that he had feelings
for her. “Taking
a nap in the sun are we?” Nick asked, his voice startled Becca fully awake; she
jumped out of surprise and said, “Holy
s**t! You scared the crap out of me! Don’t do that!!”Nick couldn’t help but
laugh at her frustration. She stretched her arms showing subtle muscle tone and
soft skin, as she yawned her neck popped and her eye shadow covered eyes shut
tight. She took a deep breath in and asked, “Are you
and Chase serious about leaving?” Nick could hear the depression and heaviness in
her voice. “Yes. We both
have allot of things we need to find out about ourselves, and we are not going
to find any answers here.” Nick replied. Becca didn’t seem consoled by his
answer at all. “What
you mean is there is nothing left here for either of ya’ll?” she asked, Nick
could see small tears forming in her eyes.
Nick sighed and said, “I wouldn’t say
that. You are here. And…” he stopped and looked at her, she stared at her feet
half listening now, “Becca,
look at me. We are not leaving for good. We will be back. And I promise….” Before
he could finish his sentence Becca leaned up and pressed her lips against Nick’s
for the first time. For a moment Nick was completely caught off guard, but then
pressed his lips against hers. Both their eye’s where closed and Nick inhaled
deeply through his nose. The kiss lasted for several minutes. When it ended and
Becca pulled away Nick’s eyes where wide with surprise, yet his body relaxed
with ecstasy. “that better be reason enough for you to come back Nick…” she said quickly blushing beat red. She then ran inside her house slamming the door. Nick sat on the Picnic table for over an hour in the exact same spot still confused as to what had just happened. He had kissed many girls before, and had serious relationships in the past. But Becca’s kiss stayed on his lips the entire walk home, his mind was clearer, his heart seemed weightless. No one had ever made him feel that way before. Yet she left him so confused. “Why did she kiss me...” he thought to himself on the way home. He could only hope it would not be the only kiss he would receive from those lush pink lips. © 2012 ShaneBerryAuthor's Note
2 Reviews Added on April 8, 2012 Last Updated on April 8, 2012 Tags: Pokemon, fan fiction, anime, experimental, Shane berry, pikachu, kanto, johto AuthorShaneBerrydenton, TXAboutMy Chemical Romance “The Ghost of You” Name: Shane Douglas Berry Age: Born on 8/4/1992 Hair color: Brown Eye color: Green Skin color: White, Freckled Tattoos: Oroborus (red, center.. more..Writing