![]() Chapter OneA Chapter by ShaneBerry![]() enter Neculai, a young man about to embark on a dangerous and exciting adventure.![]() Chapter One The mist had just settled on the grass outside Neculai’s house, Pidgeys and Tailows could be heard Whistling and chirping. A summer Sawsbuck could be seen slowly walking into the Viridian Forest to hide from the busy city noise. Its tree-like antlers where filled with fresh green leaves a sure sign that summer had begun. Nick could feel Singe tugging on his comforter. Singe, his father’s Litwick; was left to Nick with his father’s passing. Its mist like skin looked solid, but was actually just energy; its two yellow eyes glowed even in daylight. And on top of his head was a purple “flame” though like its body, was actually just energy that manifested itself as a flame. Nick slowly opened his eyes and looked down at Singe. “Hey Singe, seriously can’t you let me sleep in? Just once dude?” his voice was sore from the fan being left on all night, Singe hated when the fan made his flame dance around. Nick’s light brown hair was messy from the pillow; the sunlight from his bedroom window illuminated his sand colored skin. Nick leaned from his bed and lowered his long legs of the side. Singe floated up to Nick’s eye level and made a whisper sound, it was his way of asking for something, Nick decided this was Singe asking for food. Nick slipped on his blue denim jeans, there where holes in the knees from heavy wear and tear the bottoms of the legs where frayed and formed around the shape of his boots. As he walked down the stairs Singe slowly floated behind him spinning around in a happy display of dexterity, his simple moods could be changed by food or weather easily. Nick was greeted in the kitchen by his mothers Umbreon, a solid black feline Pokémon with crimson eyes and yellow banded ears and tail. Its tiny feet and thick tail made it a stealthy balanced hunter, but in this domestic environment Serena, as his mother named her, was clumsy and ditsy. The yellow rings on Serena’s forehead and legs reminded Nick of the moon on a dark cloudless night. Singe floated to the dining room table and plopped himself down at his placemat, in front of him was an empty bowl, Nick picked up the bowl and reached into the wooden kitchen cabinet above the sink grabbing the Poke food, it was a specific blend made just for Dark and Ghost type Pokémon, both Singe and Serena loved the sweet gooey texture of their food. Without hesitation they dug into their meal. Nick walked out of the dining room and out to the front patio, their yard was fenced in to keep his father’s Stantler; Jojo, and Turos; named Petro, safe from wild Pokémon that could be stronger like Persians and Mankys. From the patio Nick could see the grave of his father’s Victrebell; it was a grim reminder of how short the life of even the most powerful Pokémon can be. Nick could still remember the day he awoke to Litwick panicking from Victrebell’s wilted posture and closed eyes, after eleven years away from Nick’s father the Victrebell finally passed on, peacefully. It was hard to believe it was four years ago when the Pokémon passed away. “Nick, you are up early. Singe wake you up for breakfast?” His mother asked as she walked out of the house onto the patio. Nick now sat on a rocking chair looking out at the yard. He laughed and said, “Yeah, the little punk just can’t wait for me to wake up on my own.” Nick looked out to the road from his house, it was odd to think that just beyond the small bit of viridian forest that peeked out from the road there was a huge subdivision where hundreds of families lived. Nick’s childhood friends Chase and Rebecca Ringer lived in the only house in the subdivision that was not built with the cheap “over night houses” as Their Mother called them. Three days ago Nick had turned Nineteen, his second year as a legal Pokémon battle trainer. But he had not even thought of leaving on an adventure because he feared that Singe was not yet strong enough to fight in full on battles. Nick’s mother commonly said that taking Jojo or Petro could help even the odds, even Seeley his father’s Braviary could be a helpful addition to his team. But Nick wanted Singe to be his only Pokémon given to him, the rest he wanted to find and make his own. But he had never been too good at catching Pokémon either; he lacked the patients it took to dwindle down a wild Pokémon’s health to avoid it escaping the new poke ball. And when it came to aiming where to throw the poke ball, Nick had no depth perception. Singe had beaten a wild Caterpie when Nick was seven years old, and it escaped thanks to his clumsy tossing. Nick remembers this well because it was the first time he had ever attempted to capture a wild Pokémon, and the first time he had ever seen Singe in a battle. “Singe, how do you feel about going over to Becca and Chase’s house today? You can see Mila and Boron!” Nick shouted into the kitchen from the patio, as he finished, Serena walked to the screen door with Singe on her back jumping up and down with joy. Nick sometimes wished Pokémon could speak, but knew they would most likely just talk about food constantly. Over the years, Nick could see that Singe learned how to understand Nick when he spoke, and Nick learned the meaning of the subtle growls and hiss-like noises made to agree, disagree, or be fussy for not getting his way. It was hard for Nick to not see Singe as a toddler rather than a Pokémon meant for battle. Soon nick put on his tattered black boots, and grabbed his messenger bag; inside was just about everything you would need to be a Pokémon trainer, he had bought the supplies the week after he turned eighteen because he was planning on starting an adventure, until he watched his friend Chase battle a stranger who’s Pokémon nearly caused permanent damage to the Beldum Professor Smith had given him. That moment scare Nick away from leaving the comfort of Viridian city, and in turn, stopped Singe from growing. Most trainers started their “Adventures” the day of receiving their Pokémon license. It was seen as a type of occupation, battling trainers for prize money, and battling gym leaders; the elite trainers of specific towns, to obtain badges that would grant you access to the ‘Pokémon League’ where you would battle other trainers who had received the eight badges of the nation. The local gym leader, Marti, trained poison Pokémon and was one of Nick’s role models growing up. But recently Nick began to be angered by the strict and almost cruel treatment Marti gives his own Pokémon during training and battles. Chase agreed with Nick’s frustration, and defeated Marti at the age of nineteen. But after his defeat and almost injuring his Beldum, he too never left on his adventure. Nick left the house and began his walk towards the Viridian forest, Singe floated closely afraid of the forest and the many Pokémon that thrived in it. Pidgeys chirped but they could not be seen as they flutter around the tree limbs above Nick’s head. The forest had an earthy scent, a calm feel, and a cool breeze that thanks to the shade made it the perfect place to relax on a hot summer day like today. Soon Singe was more relaxed and began chasing Beautiflys and Combees. Nick then called out, “Singe be careful, stay close little one.” Being an only child, Nick saw Singe as a little sibling. Soon he could see the end of the forest, while the rest of the Viridian forest spanned for miles to the next route, Nick just had to cross a few hundred yards of thick trees and grass to get to the subdivisions on the other side. As they stepped out into the sunlight Singe’s body became an iridescent color for a few moments before the energy reformed into a thicker color of white like wax. Chase and Becca’s house was right off of route two, just before the man made entrance to the viridian forest. It was where Becca had found her Eevee that she eventually named Mila, it was an abandoned new born whose mother had been captured. When she found it, it was emaciated and slowly slipping away. Becca had a way with bringing Pokémon back from the brink. She even interned at the local Pokémon center. Becca was the same age at Nick, chase being two years older than the both of them; he often saw Nick as an equal but always made fun of his little sister for being short and naïve. “Nick! Nick! Hey! Over here numb nuts!” shouted Chase from the back yard; Becca and Mila could be seen from the road chasing each other. Rebecca’s long auburn hair seemed to float behind her the same way Singe floated around nick. Her petit build and angled face hid a short tempered woman that Nick rarely challenged. Chase had short brown hair that was almost black, like his father he was tall and had a muscular build. He contrasted Nick’s lightly muscled thin body but was slower in terms of speed and flexibility. One of Chase’s mottos was “people, and Pokémon, they both need to train together. Then they are truly equals” Nick would poke fun at his sop box statement saying things like “I’ll believe that that when you can shoot flames out of your a*s and ice out of your ear bro.” but Nick understood what Chase meant by training with your Pokémon. “Hey Nick, we haven’t seen you since your birthday party what gives? Getting bored with us?” asked Becca walking to the fence with Mila on her shoulder. Chase walked to the fence with his Beldum; Boron slowly floating behind him. Singe and Boron where very good friend regardless of the fact that they where exact opposite in type. Psychic steel for Boron and Ghost Fire for Singe. Nick had known Becca and Chase his entire life, but he always felt weird around Becca. Chase believed it was because Nick had a crush on her, Nick never argued with the statement. Mila and Boron mirrored Becca and chase in personality towards each other. While they always seemed to disagree, Boron protected Mila always and would even try sharing its food with her, but Mila being a Normal type Pokémon did not enjoy the hard, bitter Metal Type Pokémon food. Mila had light brown fur and a vanilla white mane around her neck, her long upright ears where constantly turning and twitching. She was an Eevee the pre evolved form of Umbreon like Serena. Eevee’s evolve into a wide array of different types of Pokémon based on what evolution you want in particular. Becca expressed how she never wanted her little Mila to evolve, for in some cases when Pokémon evolve they become completely different in personality, though it was rare. Boron was one that Nick always saw as odd looking, he looked like a blue stone, but felt like metal, he was shaped like a one foot long sideways pillar, with a round orb on one end; the head, and three sharp spikes on the back end. On the round end was a crystal like, scarlet red eye with a solid black pupil. It never blinked and saw everything as it happened. Nick always enjoyed hearing Boron try to communicate with Chase, its subtle beeps and digital sounding tones where soft and relaxing. Nick smiled saying, “Not bored with ya’ll just being dragged down by this one,” he motioned to Singe in a joking manner. While Singe, Boron and Mila Played in the yard, Nick, Chase and Becca sat at the picnic table near their front patio and talked. “So nick, have you been training Singe like we talked about at your party?” Chase asked Nick, who was now nervous to tell him the truth. “No… I haven’t. I just can’t be tough on him. You know I’m a softy.” Nick sulked slightly hoping Chase would change the subject, Becca seemed to just be watching. “Nick, you know that Pokémon don’t live forever. You need to train Singe so he will evolve, I know Ghost Pokémon and Psychic Pokémon both seems to never age, but you have had Singe for fifteen years now! They say Chandelure can live for fifty plus years. But base level Lit wicks can only live for about twenty. If you evolve him soon he will be stronger.” Chase was always very serious when it came to Pokémon lifespan. His first Pokémon, a Joltik his father gave him, only lived for three years, it was later on Chase had learned that evolving his Pokémon through training could have made him live for ten more years at least. Nick too knew this fact, but was so afraid of training Singe and getting him hurt he tried to never think of it. Becca joined in, “He’s right Nick. Singe is not like Mila, he is a Pokémon meant to evolve. Eevees are only evolved through manmade devices like elemental stones. So she will live for a while. But Singe should have evolved a long time ago into a Lampent.” Nick suddenly felt like he was being judged, but knew his friends were just trying to help him to do the right thing. Nick twiddled his thumbs on the table for a moment then looked at Chase very seriously saying, “Ok. Then I’ll do it, but you guy have to do it too.” Chase was confused at first, but quickly realized what Nick was asking of him and his little sister. Chase smirked and said, “I’m in, after all it’s been a while since I’ve tried, and Boron has gotten pretty strong. What about you Becca? Think you and Mila can handle going out into the wilderness alone?” Becca grew a look of complete confusion and surprise; she stumbled over her words saying, “W...Wait what? Where did this come from? I thought you two were not going to risk going out around Kanto like that! We don’t even have any money!” she was making excuses, Nick and Chase could see straight through her. Nick leaned back slightly, remembering that there was no back to the bench they were sitting on, and then quickly caught his balance saying, “Fine, you’ll stay here, while Chase and I go out into the world and become the most bad a*s trainers ever. Sound like a deal?” Becca paused for a moment then placed her head in her hand and her elbow on the wooden table closing her eyes as she said, “Fine, but I was pictures and postcards from every city you two go to! And souvenirs! I’m going to be left here all alone, just me mom dad and Mila, I see how it is. Jerks!” this was Becca’s own personal way of letting the boys know she disagrees but can easily come to terms with their unanimous decision. “Becca, you realize that’s not actually being alone, now if it was just you and Mila, that would make more sense.” Chase replied mocking his little sister once again. He was actually relived that she didn’t want to travel, he would never be able to relax knowing his sister was somewhere out in the wild all alone. The world is a dangerous place after all. Nick couldn’t believe what he had just agreed to, what he had offered. Singe was still playing with Boron and Mila while they decided where they would start. “Well, I have already gained the Viridian gym badge. So that’s where you need to start Nick. I’ll go on ahead to Pewter city, and we will meet up in a few months after getting all eight badges, then we will battle each other and the winner goes to the Pokémon league as the Viridian city champion, deal?” Nick couldn’t believe how well Chase had planned it all out in his head, it was clear that he had given this some serious thought before. Nick knew about the Pokémon league it was east of Viridian city and at the top of the Kanto Victory road. At the Pokémon league, a trainer from each city would do battle and the last one would face off with the champion of the former Pokémon league. So far, for the past three years the champion spot had been held by Richard Arius. Nick could remember a few months earlier at the beginning of spring when the Pokémon championships where being aired live and watching Richard defeat a boy from Fuchsia City named Jack Fredrick; who after his defeat became employed at the Fuchsia city gym. “The Pokémon league. That’s some heavy stuff right there…” before Nick could continue Chase grabbed him in a tight headlock saying, “Don’t chicken out you little prick! This is going to be fun and you know it!” though nick struggled as Chase’s bicep squeezed against his neck, he laughed think about what a huge life decision they had just made so quickly. What was to happen in the next few days to come? Nick could only wonder as he gazed into Singe’s dancing purple flame. He could feel the butterflies in his stomach as he whispered to himself walking home that evening. “I’m going to be a true Pokémon trainer…” © 2012 ShaneBerryAuthor's Note
4 Reviews Added on April 7, 2012 Last Updated on April 7, 2012 Tags: Pokemon, fan fiction, anime, experimental, Shane berry, pikachu, kanto, johto AuthorShaneBerrydenton, TXAboutMy Chemical Romance “The Ghost of You” Name: Shane Douglas Berry Age: Born on 8/4/1992 Hair color: Brown Eye color: Green Skin color: White, Freckled Tattoos: Oroborus (red, center.. more..Writing
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