

A Chapter by ShaneBerry

Heard of Pokemon have you? well enter the new world of Pokemon. Professor Smith has just received terrible new about his colleague and friend James Ferris.


Professor Smith dropped his coffee cup as the terrible words seeped out of the phone. His grey head of hair almost stood on end as if he had seen a terrifying ghost.  Sinclair, his Reuniclus slowly floated toward him reading his thoughts and growing sad as it too now knew the terrible news.

                “Are you ok Betty? Where are you and Nick? Do you want me and Charles to drive out…?” Smith’s words where interrupted but Sinclair’s Humming. Two hums always meant “no” he took this as his Pokémon’s way of telling him to not finish the question.  Professor Smith talked to his childhood friend for a few hours. Betty Ferris, the wife of his colleague James Ferris, who had been missing for several days after he went on an expedition to Mount Silver. He hung up saying,

                “Please call me if you need anything Betty, you know I have no life so I’m always here for you and Nick… Betty, everything will be alright I promise you.” Though she replied in her soft voice saying she believed him, he knew his words could not stop her tears. He could hear young Neculai in the back ground, only four years old but already comprehending the terrible news.

                Professor Smith turned to Sinclair, He was asleep in the red leather lounge chair identical to the one Smith was sitting in. his green transparent shell had a calming effect on the professor. And the small almost infant like creature in the shell could stop even the heaviest tears with its cute appearance. But the tears for his dear lost friend, who had now been officially reported dead, could not be stopped.

                Professor Smith stood and walked to the back door, out in the moonlit field he could see James’s Stantler and Turos grazing on the grass.  A day before his friend had gone missing, all but one of his Pokémon where sent to the professor via PC. This made Smith believe that James knew he was going to go missing, or that he knew something terrible was about to happen, and wanted to protect his Pokémon. It was well known that if a Pokémon was left in its Ball for too long it could starve to death. But why wouldn’t he just return home and get out of danger? Why didn’t he send a message letting Smith know why he was sending them to him? This question burned at his ears as he stared at James’s sleeping Victrebell.  He now thought of Nick, the poor child, only four years of age and lost his father. The boy had always expressed great interest in raising Pokémon, but was still far too young to understand much about the battle breeding or research processes. James’s sixth Pokémon, a newborn Litwick was sent to his son, with a note instructing that he be trained well. Along with the Pokémon there was a dusk stone, though not many people in the Kanto region had ever seen a dusk evolution stone. As a Pokémon professor, Smith knew that the stone unlocked the true potential of Litwick’s evolved form Lampent.

                Why did this all happen? What is going to happen next? The world is fresh out of a war between the Johto and Hoenn continents. Kanto was also invaded by terrorist from the Orange Island gangs not but two years ago. Did James’s disappearance have anything to do with the rumors of the remaining Terrorists hiding in the Silver Mountains? 

Smith walked out to the garden, his white lab coat over a button up black dress shirt keeping him warm and cozy in the misty winter air. His brown leather loafers stepped lightly onto the flagstone step stones so as to not wake the sleeping Victrebell.  He could see the dim glow of Mr. Ringer’s Joltik, the tiny six legged bug Pokémon had snuck out of their home and into Professor Smith’s garden to chew on the growing Bell peppers and firm red tomatoes.  It slept with its Blue feet covering its even deeper blue eyes, the Yellow fuzz covering its body was a warning to would be predatory bird Pokémon, “I’m Electric, and I will kick your a*s” is the way Professor James would describe it. He picked up the sleeping Joltik and walked across the street to the Ringer’s family home. As he reached to knock on the door he stopped his hand. “Do they know?” he thought. “Is it my place to tell them if they do not?” he was now nervous, but regardless he had to give them their Joltik back or risk letting him eat all of the crops.

Smith gulped and knocked on the red oak door, he could hear his knock echo through the two story house. He heard the thud of Mr. Ringer’s feet as he walked down the stairs and to the door. As the door opened Smith saw a surprised look on Mr. Ringer’s face.

“Jonathan? It is three A.M. what’s wrong?” he asked, but then looked into the professors arms and saw the Joltik now awake and making a mischievous hissing noise that was almost annoying.

“Oh damn it all, did he sneak out again? Nero you know you are not allowed to go out without one of us with you!” Mr. Ringer scolded as the Professor handed Nero to him. The Professor smiled as the Joltik crawled down the hallway and up the wall towards the second floor bedrooms.

“I am sorry Jonathan, that little devil is almost impossible to keep in one place longer than two minutes. How much damage did he do?” Mr. Ringer was a kind man; he worked at the local bank after being a Breeder for years. But after his first child Chase was born, he decided having twelve electric Pokémon running around the house was not the safest idea. Nero was the only Joltik he kept, being his favorite Pokémon and a bred champion at shows and competitions. While he was dressed in blue stripped sleeping clothes, he still looked like a professional, his hair was neatly combed and his face smoothly shaved, not like the professor who had messy hair and five o’clock shadow from his neck to his upper lip.

“He didn’t do much damage; it’s no problem at all I just didn’t want him and James’s Braviary to get in a fuss.” The professor explained, as he said James’s name though he became covered in goose bumps. The look of depression on Smiths face did not go unnoticed.

“What is it? Jonathan, you are not good at hiding emotions. You look like you just deleted all of your pokedex information on accident. What’s wrong old friend?”  Mr. Ringer Asked, placing his hand on Smiths right shoulder.

“Its James’s… Betty called me about an hour ago. He has been missing in the silver mountains for a month now. The police have deemed him dead. They won’t search for him anymore.” As Smith said the words he could see Mr. Ringer’s eyes widened. While Smith and Betty where childhood friends here in Viridian city, James Ferris and Charles Ringer where best friends in Celadon city. Only moving to Viridian City after meeting Betty and her friend Suzan, who eventually became their wives and mothers of their children.

Charles’s legs grew weak as he processed the information, he slowly turned inviting Smith in, they walked through the neatly kept house, pictures on the walls of the children Chase and Rebecca chase was already six years old, and Rebecca was the same age as Nick. They soon walked into the study where they sat in adjacent leather chairs separated by a table with brandy in a crystal flask.  Charles poured himself and Smith full glasses of the beverage. Like an unspoken agreement not a word was said until they had both completely drained the glasses full of the strong amber colored liquid. Smith finished first and lightly placed the glass back onto the table, he then said,

“Last time I had drink this good was before James left on his expedition, said he was about to find something no one ever thought was possible...” as he finished his words, Charles sunk into his chair, he inhaled deeply while tapping the side of his glass with his finger.

“He was looking for evidence of the true ghost Pokémon.” Charles said without hesitation he stood and walked to his desk, where for the first time in a long time it was covered in papers and research documents on Pokémon rather than pages from work. Smith walked over to the desk and began to scan over the notes In James’s handwriting, dated no more than two weeks ago.

Dear Charles,

                    I am one step closer! Jonathan is going to have a field day with all of the information I have compiled! We know that there are already Ghost Pokémon, but they are not really dead spirits, rather they are the evolutionary link between Dark and Psychic Pokémon. Though there are attacks that we cannot teach Pokémon, they are born or hatched just knowing the attack, such as Curse and Will-o-Wisp; I believe that this may be the beginning of finding a new type of Pokémon. I am calling them Energy Type Pokémon. Though it seems that they are not the friendliest Pokémon. I will write back when I understand more about these creatures. They seem to enjoy the company of children. I know Nick will never remember them, but he is the only person I have seen holding one! This is an astounding discovery!


Professor Smith’s Jaw dropped as he read the information; he then picked up the letter and turned to Charles.  He was now angry, why hadn’t he been told any of this? Why did Charles keep it a secret form him?

                “WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME ANY OF THIS DAMNITT?! What was going through your head these past two weeks! You get a message from your missing friend and you just don’t tell anyone?!” Professor Smith grabbed Charles by the collar of his night shirt and slammed him against the bookshelf, as he did several books flew off of the shelf and Charles cringed from the force. Charles grabbed Smith’s wrist and pushed him off, then, with reddened eyes from holding back guilty tears he said,

                “Because, the day before he left he asked me to keep all of his research notes a secret even from you before he knew for a fact it was a new species and not just a new ghost or dark type Pokémon.” It was clear that Charles didn’t see how it could have possibly helped them find James. Smith, still angry poured another glass of the dark amber brandy, as he slammed it back he turned to Charles he said,

                “Well, was it a new species or not?” as he asked he could hear the study door open, Suzan walked in very confused. Smith dropped the question and walked toward the door. Suzan walked passed him dressed in a light blue night gown, her auburn hair seemed to flow as she walked.

                “You need to discuss this with your family. Hopefully Nick and Betty will be here within the week. We need to be strong for them. I’m sorry for how I reacted, Charles” Smith said as he walked out to the hallway, then let himself out. He was no more than five steps away from the door as he heard Suzan begin to cry; no doubt Charles had given it to her straight. As he approached his home he could see James’s Braviary roosted on the roof, his silhouette could be seen perfectly in the moonlight. Already people where wakening to get ready for work in the city, lights where appearing in the distant housing complexes. Though the city would soon be alive and buzzing with life, it seemed a cold dark place now that James’s would not be here anymore to grace his friends and family with his smile, and charismatic personality.

© 2012 ShaneBerry

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Author's Note

ok things are starting off heavy in Viridian City we are introduced to Professor Smith and Charles Ringer, who have a brief confrontation after their friend goes missing and is declared dead while on a mission to find a new subspecies of Pokemon!

how am i doing describing the Pokemon? Google the names of the Pokemon to see pictures of them. let me know if i'm doing good at it.
i'm hoping this does well because i want to do a book for each main continent in the Pokemon game and film series. this is also my first real fan fiction. but i'm hoping people will see it as much more than just another fan fiction.

grammatical mistakes? plot holes? does something not make sense? please let me know!!! and let me know how you feel about this, Pokemon fan or not. please let me know how i am doing, this is an in between project (i'm still working on Blayders and F/A/B/A/P/F, but i am taking my time on them.)
-S.B.- by the way, my favorite Pokemon is Flygon!!!

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i would like it more iff you diden't have swaring

Posted 11 Years Ago

My boyfriend is a pokemon nerd. He is the best.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Litwick’s evolved form Lampen----from

that was the only mistake I found. This was a great spin on the Pokemon world and I really enjoyed it. I love that you had a small amount of swearing, its more realistic that way. Great job!

Posted 12 Years Ago

A very good introduction. I like the situation in the chapter leading to good discussion and some history of the characters in the story. A very good storyline. I shall keep on reading. A excellent introduction.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on April 7, 2012
Last Updated on April 7, 2012
Tags: Pokemon, fan fiction, anime, experimental, Shane berry, pikachu, kanto, johto



denton, TX

My Chemical Romance “The Ghost of You” Name: Shane Douglas Berry Age: Born on 8/4/1992 Hair color: Brown Eye color: Green Skin color: White, Freckled Tattoos: Oroborus (red, center.. more..

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A Poem by ShaneBerry