My mind throws a punch.
I flail, duck, and weave to dodge it.
Myself conscious kicks me down,
I stare at the ground made of past mistakes.
Fatigue picks me up by the collar of my shirt, and throws
I land in a puddle of self pity formed from tears.
My clothing soaked, I begin to stand again,
But mental perception drops its foot on my back.
“Why can I not stand once I have been knocked down?” I will
ask all four of them.
With no response, I am stared at by my own reflection.
I reveal the knife of my minds heart, and they all back
But in doing so I have blinded myself to reality.
Frustration, inpatients, and self hatred overcome my body.
The world disappears, and I am in my room, my phone vibrates
on my desk.
And the war is put on hold…
For now.