This is actually really simple but really good... I like the fact you repeat the word another one, showing how much you're forcing yourself to get to a non-existant (as it seems) target... The descriptions you use are very informative and show the main emotion and feeling which is pain... the way you've seperated it makes the poem have more of a beat meaning we go along with it even more, which kind of makes us feel what you're feeling whenever you do these work outs... well done... :) ♥ x.
I agree with Ashley, its like a chant and i lke it. Like the persons chanting MORE MORE MORE! Like its vital, the very essence of their life. Very nice.
Awesome, motivational, i like the "i burn like the sun" line.
Oh, and to Averia down there, your muscles actually tear to grow. The cells tear so they can actually grow bigger. So, Shaneberry, you're actually right on that. :)
My Chemical Romance “The Ghost of You”
Name: Shane Douglas Berry
Age: Born on 8/4/1992
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Skin color: White, Freckled
Tattoos: Oroborus (red, center.. more..