What happened To The Twilight Fan When She Met A Real Vampire.... (submission for the W.U.A.M.)

What happened To The Twilight Fan When She Met A Real Vampire.... (submission for the W.U.A.M.)

A Story by ShaneBerry

a short story about dumb teens and real vampires


 What happened To The Twilight Fan When She Met A Real Vampire....

(submission for the W.U.A.M. Group on writers cafe.)

The night was cold and dark as Britney walked down the alleyway, only a flickering streetlight provided the little light she used to see. In her hand she held a note, written on it was

go to the alley behind Starbucks, to meet the real Edward Cullen”

being a huge fan of the popular book series by Stephen Meyers, she could not resist the temptation. The thrill of meet an actual, beautiful, sexy vampire. He body shook with anticipation. She could then hear the foot steps of another, she turned to face a man, he stood at least seven feet tall, he wore a long black leather trench coat, with the collar popped up. His eyes were a silver-gray she had never seen before.

“are you Edward?” asked Britney with a smile on her face.

The man tilted his head.

“No, I actually lured you here so I can give you proper education on vampires.” replied the man irritated.

“so, you lured me here with pheromones?” asked the girl intrigued.

“EEW!no, I don't even think you know what that word means! I lured your dumb a*s here with that letter, and because your face book status said twilight lover 4ever” he answered with a disgusted face.

“oh..” replied Britney disappointed.

The man then walked over to a turned upside down trashcan and sat on it, placing his chin on his knuckles and with a sigh said.

“first of all, we are not bloodthirsty psychopaths, we control it quite well. We are not flawlessly beautiful, and we do not sparkle,”

“but you can go out in the daylight right, its just a myth that you cant right?” asked the girl as if she knew all.

“no you dumb a*s, we cannot go out in the daylight are you stupid? Stop thinking about twilight for two second pleas? We cant even go out on a cloudy day, it is inside, or night time, that's it! Next, we do not have unique powers, we all have the same abilities, there is no vampire covenant, we are pretty much rouges of our own species.” explained the vampire in a teachers tone.

“so...what would happen is a human and a vampire had sex?” asked the girl.

“nothing, if a cat, and a dog f**k, do you expect to have little half dog half cat monstrosities running around?” asked the vampire.


“then there you go, you could have answered that one yourself. Next, were-wolfs, and vampires do not hate each other, in truth were-wolfs are very dumb creatures. If we are hunted by anything, then it would be a slayer, or a Lycan. By the way, were-wolfs cannot choose their form, only Lycans can do that.” he then sat on the can waiting for the girls response.

“so...is there anything in the novel that is true?” she asked.

“yes, we love blood, and we can turn humans into vampires.” he replied looking at his fingernails.

“so, why did you bring me out here?” she asked.

He then licked his lips, and walked over to her slowly.

“well, I said we can control our blood lust, but I never said we could quench it.”

he then grabbed the girl by her shoulders and lifted her into the air, he slammed her against the wall of the Starbucks, his fangs were dripping with saliva, and his eyes were wide with hunger. The girl began to kick and scream for her life, she cried and shouted for help but no one could hear her at this hour.

He then bit into her jugular vain and began to drink the ruby red liquid he had been craving for he past few hours. Soon, the blood ceased flowing and the girl was dry. He dropped her to the ground and lit a match. As he dropped it on her hair and she caught a flame, he Chuckled,

“there is one good thing Meyers has done for us... she has given us plenty of dumb horny schoolgirls to drink from.” he then walked away.

Moral Of The Story?

Stephen Meyers is the number one leading cause of death by vampire in the world....

The End

© 2010 ShaneBerry

Author's Note

i coulldnt stop laughing while i was writing this...tell me if i made any typos pleas lol.

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Featured Review

lol Good one. But it is Stephenie Meyers not Stephen. There are quite a few typos as well. You need to read my piece "Dear Stephenie". Pertains to similiar ideas. Not quite as funny as yours, but I think you'll find it on familiar grounds. Kudos.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Even though this is pretty much a carbon copy of the other reviews, the grammar was terrible but I barely noticed because I was laughing so hard. Glad to know I can still have some faith in humanity :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

LOL.. this was superb man.. there wer a few typos for sure.. but forget it man.. still can't stop laughing.. all twilight fans shd be forcefully made to read this.. my message to all such dumbasses... this is the truth... get it clear in your heads.. and stop joking around shitheads :) :D.. superbly written mate.. :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

This made me laugh out loud I love it!

Posted 14 Years Ago

0 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Entertaining. Probably could have been a bit longer.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Crap. Didn't even laugh, and Twilight is toilet paper...

Posted 14 Years Ago

i couldnt stop laughing either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i still am!!!!!!!! hahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahhahaaaa!!!!!!!

Posted 14 Years Ago

0 of 1 people found this review constructive.

HAHAHA! I love making myself laugh too. It made me laugh. It is good to know that not everybody is buying into this "Twilight" plague. Thanks for the laugh. I love your sense of humor. You should write the "real" story behind the vampire trend. It ain't as pretty as they make it seem. Nice! Yeah, the grammar could improve, but you have the right idea and I enjoyed reading this.

Posted 14 Years Ago

I feel like I have read this before, but I guess I haven't. :) I respect what you are saying here, but I feel like it could have been written with more...finese? I'm not sure if that is the right word.
Still, I like this. It made me smile for sure. :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

funny story

Posted 14 Years Ago

0 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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34 Reviews
Shelved in 5 Libraries
Added on July 15, 2010
Last Updated on July 15, 2010



denton, TX

My Chemical Romance “The Ghost of You” Name: Shane Douglas Berry Age: Born on 8/4/1992 Hair color: Brown Eye color: Green Skin color: White, Freckled Tattoos: Oroborus (red, center.. more..

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