I like the way it reads in both French and English. Nicely done. I would suggest something different in the last line though. Its meter is off a bit with the rest of it. Perhaps "Scathes my skin" instead or something to that measure. Overall, I like it very much. Kudos.
I took french a long time ago so I was able to read the first version somewhat :) I would have to say the one thing that you might want to look over is in the meter of some of the lines. It can be a little bumpy. I enjoyed this piece though. The imagery of the fire and the passion are very nice and it was a treat to read in both french and english.
Keep up the great writes. Look forward to reading more!
I like the title best of all 'love of sin' - you could do so much with that.
I like that you've tackled poetry in another language, just not something I'd feel comfortable handling, so kudos. Some good choice of words, nice piece, the thought and approach has a lot of potential.
I like the way it reads in both French and English. Nicely done. I would suggest something different in the last line though. Its meter is off a bit with the rest of it. Perhaps "Scathes my skin" instead or something to that measure. Overall, I like it very much. Kudos.
I can't read correct in french, so I can't tell the rhymes, but the english version has flawless rhyme. The love of our sins is a great concept, and is displayed with wonderful imagery!
'im jure avec desir'........... im?
i gotta say i like the French version better, though i wouldn't understand it without the English one ;) nice poem ~L
My Chemical Romance “The Ghost of You”
Name: Shane Douglas Berry
Age: Born on 8/4/1992
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Skin color: White, Freckled
Tattoos: Oroborus (red, center.. more..