![]() Chapter 4: A BeginningA Chapter by shahzad roopaniIt was late in night, around
11, I saw car coming directly towards me, and hence I was walking on road, so I
jumped on the footpath to avoid any kind of mishap. It slowed down as driver
wanted to talk to me, He was Rizaan. “From where you coming from?”
inquired he As for no-surprise pretending
to be cool as same he seemed to be, I replied “just coming from friends home” “Get inside I’ll drop you home” “But my home is in another
direction”- I hesitantly replied to him “Its ok dude ... come on, it’s
not safe by the way” " insisted Rizaan Not safe? I pondered for a while;
this city is one of the safest cities in the world. Well I sat, “So was sup you and Gina?”
asked Rizaan, heavy topic to break an ice " thought I Hearing that question made me
little nervous, “we are kind of couple” I finally replied, as I was choosing
words to answer that question. He nodded with smile and
continued, “No, I meant you people had a fight right?”And he continued further
“I know it’s weird, none of my business, but you people look good together, I
like you both as a couple, just don’t ruin your relationship over any jealousy
or misunderstanding” Much needed words I wanted to
hear. That night I called Gina and apologized to her for my rude behaviour and
uncanny attitude. © 2015 shahzad roopani |
Added on February 26, 2015 Last Updated on February 26, 2015 Author