![]() 12: Day Without TomA Chapter by Mikey S.![]() Tom disappears for a day and the Crew have to get by without him.![]() Lakeside High: Entrance Michael W.: Is so. Andrew: Is not. Michael W.: Is so. Andrew: Is not. Michael W.: Damn it, would you stop saying is not. Andrew: Well it isn’t. Michael W.: What the hell. Tom what do you think? Silence among the Crew arises. Richard: Tom’s not here. Michael W.(turning away from Andrew): What? Michael roams around looking for Tom then comes back. Michael W.(freaking out): Where’d my little boy go? Marie: You’re just now noticing he’s not here. Michael W.(still freaking out): I’ve been arguing with Andy since I got here. He probably didn’t notice either. Andrew: I noticed. Michael continues to freak out over Tom while everyone just ignores him. Kim: So where could he be? Tim: Class is about to start. Richard: I had something to ask him for Kyle to do after school today. Courtney: He couldn’t. Drama Club meets today. In fight among Richard, Courtney, Kim and Tim uproars. Marie(shout): EVERYONE CALM DOWN! Richard, Courtney, Kim and Tim stop arguing and Michael continues to freak out. Marie thumps Michael on the head and he calms down. Marie: I’m sure he’s just running late. Michael W.(cheerful): Yeah that’s probably it. My little boy’s just running late. The late bell rings. Richard: Well Kyle will just have to ask him later then. Kim & Tim: We can always talk during lunch. Courtney: And I’ll see him after school. Marie: Good, now everyone off to homeroom. Michael, Richard, Courtney, Kim and Tim head off to homeroom. Andrew: Wow! You tamed them all like you were their mother. Marie: I was talking to you to son. (shoving Andrew off)Now get going. Lakeside High: Gym Kyle: Andy it Tom here today? Andrew: I guess not. He didn’t show up this morning. Kyle: That’s a real shame. Sarah, Richard, Savannah and I needed two more people for the game today. Sarah: I told you it would be useless asking them. Coach Manson(announce): Everyone pair up for today’s activity. Sarah: Well that’s too bad for you since your little friend’s not here today. Kyle: Maybe I should work with Andy today? Sarah: Forget that. You’re working with me. Kyle: Sorry Andy. Sarah pulls Kyle away leaving Andrew alone. Lakeside High: Room A120 Instructor Vigon: Sorry class I wasn’t here yesterday. My father flew in from England yesterday and I went to pick him up from the airport. Today were going to continue with your presentations. Starting with Tom and Michael on China. Michael W.: Um Mr. V, Tom’s not here today. Instructor Vigon: Then you’ll have to give the presentation by yourself. Michael W.: Tom has the presentation with him too. Instructor Vigon: Today is the last day but you two can present it tomorrow assuming he comes. But until then your grade remains an F. Michael W.: Yes sir. Lakeside High: Room A203 Michael W.(whining): How could my little boy leave me hanging? Marie(annoyed): Don’t panic. Tom comes tomorrow and you’ll get a better grade. Michael W.(still whining): Not that. How could he ditch school and not tell me? I would have tagged along. Marie punches Michael on the arm. Marie(mad): Seriously! (calm)What about you Andy? Did Tom mess anything up for you? Andrew: No. The late bell rings and English class begins. Instructor Smith: Today we’re going to the computer lab to begin research on the authors that you were assigned. Get into groups with others that have the same author as you and create a PowerPoint presentation as well. The class separates into groups and head to the computer lab. Michael W.: Great we all have the same author. But who’s the last member of our group? Marie: Think about it. Twenty-eight students in class, seven authors, four people to a group and six groups are already complete, how many people does that leave? Andrew stands in the background trying to solve the problem. Michael W.(solving): Twenty-eight minus twenty-four, Andy, Marie and me, Tom. (solved)He’s the last member of our group. Andrew finishes solving the problem. Marie(sarcastic): Correct, want a cookie? Both of you. Andrew: So we’re doing Tom’s half of the work too? Michael W.: Looks like it. Andy’s doing Tom’s half. Andrew: Why me? Marie: We’re never going to get done. Lakeside High: Auditorium Paul: I’m guessing Tom’s not here. Is he? Courtney: No he’s not. So I guess you’ll be replacing him today. Elliott(working on light): Tom skipped out today and didn’t tell anyone? Paul: When did you get here? Courtney: Terrible isn’t it? The light Elliott’s working on starts to spark. Paul: I’m not a professional but I don’t think that’s supposed to happen. Elliott: Yeah, yeah laugh it up. Looks like Ronald’s here so I’ll be laughing pretty soon. Lakeside High: Entrance- Next Day Michael W.: What the hell. I can’t believe he’s not here again. Andrew: Something could have happened to him again. Kim: Infectious disease? Tim: Near death experience? Courtney: Assault? Kyle: Or he could just be out like yesterday. Marie: Yeah, you guys are just exaggerating. Michael W.(panicked): Of course you would agree with Kyle. Marie and Michael argue back and forth. Tom walks by and into the school. Andrew and Richard are the only ones that notice. Marie(annoyed): Just calm down. None of us know what’s going on so there’s no need to sweat over it. Kim & Tim: Pretty much all we are saying is if he’s not here then where could he be. Richard: Inside the school. Everyone turns to Richard in confusion. Courtney: How do you know that? Richard(pointing to the school): Andy and I just saw him pass by a few seconds ago. Lakeside High: Cafeteria The Crew head into the cafeteria. They find Tom having a conversation with another student. Kim & Tim: He was here the entire time. Andrew: For the last five minutes at least. Over by Tom. Tom: Ok thanks. Michael W.(hugging Tom): You idiot. Where in hell’s name were you? How could you make your father worry about his son? Tom(choking): Hey Mike, what’s up? Could you let me go now? Michael releases Tom and Marie punches him. Tom(in pain): Ouch. What was that for? Marie: For skipping a day and making me baby-sit everyone here. Tom(confused): I was just out for a day. What happened? Marie: Michael became an emotional idiot without you, Kim and Tim access the worst case scenarios when you were not around, Courtney and Richard argued over if you’d be free to do something or not and Andy… I don’t think there’s anything wrong with him. Kyle: Pretty much you hold everyone together. Andrew: Where were you anyway? Tom: My mom had business out of town and took me with her. When did I become your son anyway Mike? Michael W.(cheerful): Someone has to be the child in our group. Tom: Ok but it was just one day. Richard: One day away for you and one day of chaos for us. Tom: Well sorry. I was being rushed so I didn’t have time to tell anyone. The late bell rings. Tom: Well I’m back now so well just talk later. Seya. Tom leaves for homeroom and Andrew quickly follows. Michael W.: Well there goes one guy we can’t live without. Marie(whisper): Tell me about it. Michael W., Courtney, Richard, Kim & Tim: What’s that suppose to mean? Kyle laughs. Tom’s conversation with Andrew. Tom: I didn’t know me leaving for a day would cause such a riot. Andrew: Yeah, you really are troublesome. Tom(happy/shoving Andrew): Your one to talk Andy. Andrew shoves Tom back. Tom laughs.
© 2010 Mikey S. |
Added on August 3, 2010 Last Updated on August 3, 2010 AuthorMikey S.MDAboutWhat's up all? I've been writing since I was 12 starting with short stories and thus far they have been my best forms of work. I do a bit of poetry from time to time but it's sometimes rare for me.. more..Writing