Three: Memories

Three: Memories

A Chapter by Gem

Part three of Juuni and Allwyn's story


Nightfall came not a moment too soon for the weary travellers; scouting the area Allwyn came to the conclusion that they would be safe here. For tonight at least. On returning to the small clearing Allwyn looked on at Juunikyu who was now perched on a tree stump preening dirt and bits of tree out of her hair, stifling a giggle she walked over and joined her friend. For what seemed like an age they both sat there in silence until Juunikyu finally broke the silence.

“You never did say why those big creatures were looking for you.” She asked quietly, not knowing whether she wanted to know the answer or not.

Allwyn leant back and recalled the suppressed memories before she arrived at the guild and proceeded to tell her story.


It was a young elf that emerged from her room that day, both in body and in mind. Dressed in formal attire she walked awkwardly along the castle’s east wing towards the central staircase of the great hall where the residents of The Glade were waiting for her first ceremonious occasion where she would have to actually behave like the royalty she was.

“Here goes, just try not to fall over this time. Once is embarrassing, twice is just shocking”

As all eyes focused on the staircase as Allwyn made her decent, gliding down the stairs like a true princess she arrived at her father’s side as planned. They entered the Great Hall and walked the length of the room to the ceremonial set-up at the front of the hall. Once seated before the gathered noble-men of the forest Allwyn’s father gave the traditional speech for such an occasion. Every sentence counted Allwyn down to the moment she had been dreading since her mother had originally told her about the ceremony and the traditions her family held. Once the speeches were done He was introduced to the gathered congregation.

Lunar was a traditionally handsome elf; slight of frame, flowing dark hair and a mystical aura which nobody could place. He didn’t even look nervous as he walked the length of the hall cutting a pathway through the crowd as he progressed. Upon reaching Allwyn, Lunar simply knelt and kissed her hand and moved to the chair already placed for him.

Allwyn and Lunar were the perfect match; they were both adventurous and shared the same lust for life. Many an evening they could be found on the edge of the Glade just staring at the stars or watching the river flow by in the moonlight.

As it became clearer and clearer, Allwyn’s father was convinced that Lunar was the perfect suitor for his daughter and promptly made the announcement that they were to be wed during the upcoming summer solstice.

The night before the wedding a shadow was seen leaving the Glade. If anyone were to have followed that shadow they would have seen not an elf leave, but a changeling.

“Lunar, report…” Came a husky voice somewhere deep in the forest.

“All is going to plan so far, the elves suspect nothing. The wedding is tomorrow and we attack during the speeches after the ceremony. Wait for my signal.” Was the response.

“And you’re sure nobody saw you?”


Unfortunately for the changelings Lunar had been watched as he left the Glade and the message relayed back to the elves was one warning of an ambush.


“Everything happened so fast after Lunar and his kind attacked, my father had heard of the oncoming ambush and had prepared a hidden defence around the ceremony. He let everything go as planned and once Lunar had been detained my name was mentioned. As soon as the guards turned to me my fight or flight instinct kicked in and I ran. Now both my family and the changelings are after me. The bounty hunters at the guild are working for the changelings, they want me because Lunar is still being held in the castle and I could be used as ransom against my father. I’m too scared of what my father will do to even think of why the elves are after me.” Allwyn sighed and leaned back against the tree. “Pretty messed up, huh? I’m just out of my teen years and I’m already a fugitive.”

Juunikyu looked back at her friend, feeling a new found protectiveness over the young elf. Allwyn looked different somehow; not being able to place the difference Juunikyu sighed and sat upright in an attempt to look more certain then she felt.

“You should go back to the Glade.”

“Are you crazy?!” Allwyn shot up from her reclined position against the tree. “What if my father wants me hung for treason? I’ll be walking into my own funeral! I can’t go back.”

“But what if you aren’t in trouble? I can help you get back, I’m not as weak as I looks” Giving a sly wink Juunikyu rolled over and feigned snoring, waiting for her friend’s retaliation. On hearing none she fell asleep. Allwyn waited for the feigned snoring to turn to real snoring.

“I promise I’ll go back, just not yet.”

© 2008 Gem

My Review

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At last we get the back story that you teased us with in the first chapter. In this installment the brevity I think works in your favor. There are still a few instances where it doesn't quite flow right, but overall I liked this chapter the best so far. One thing that really struck me however was that I still have no idea what Allwyn or Juunikyo look like. The other sticking point for me, that Allwyn ran away at all. I mean she has what seems to be a loving family, and she is royalty... Why on earth would anyone take the word of an enemy over hers? However it feels here like you are leading into her realization that she ran for no reason. I look forward to seeing if this is the case.

Posted 15 Years Ago

Very well writen.
Keep up the good work and feel free to send me a request.

Posted 16 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on February 5, 2008
Last Updated on February 11, 2008



Cardiff, United Kingdom

I'm a 22 year-old undergraduate student in Cardiff, Wales. I'm studying Biomedical Science and use my writing as a vent for emotions and trials that occur through life. I like to explore the darker si.. more..

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A Poem by Gem