Unexpected Happenings

Unexpected Happenings

A Chapter by ~Shadow Kissed~

when Allison gets of the bus the strange things just keep getting stranger.


       In the mornig with some directions to town I started off. Cathrine had given me a bag with sandwiches, and jacket. The air had a distinct chill that meant winter was on the way, I could smell it. I could smell it? How is that even possible? Truley it wasn't possible but I new the crisp clean sent was from the early winter winds. How strange, but then again strange was my normal now. Cathrine had been very kind if not vagley annoyed when I wouldn't answer her questions. The bad part was I would have if I could have. Still I could remember nothing.

       It took me a little over two hours to reach the town. Grant, Oregon was like any town. The street I was on led me to the library. Shrugging I walked in. The librarian was a tall middle aged woman with a severe stare. Nobody every spoke above a whisper in this library if the look on her face was any indication. Trying to look inconspicuous and failing miserably I walked to the front desk.

       "May I help you?" she asked as she regarded me over the bridge of her nose.

      "Yes, ma'ma. I was wondering how I could get to Colorado," I replied. Cathrine had got out a map of the United States so I could decide where to go from here. Colorado was the state I chose. I'm not sure how to explain it, but looking at all the states Colorado had called to me. Oh well, it wasn't like I had anything else to go on.

      "We have bus that will take you to the town beside us. Do you have any money?" she asked. You could tell by the look she gave me she thought I didn't have any. I did though, in the pocket of my shredded pants I had found six hundred dollars, my only worry was why in the world did I have that much money on hand.

      "Yes, how much will it be?"


      The entire bus trip was completly uneventful. The next town turned out to be Baker, Oregon, and was about as interesting as the first town. The bus let me off near the border to Idaho.

      Stepping off the bus I looked around and gasped when I saw a little boy dodging traffic on the highway. He could only ahve been two years old, his mother was screaming trying to breach the heavy traffic while bystanders looked on. The boy was about thirty feet from me and without thinking I acted. I sprinted toward the little boy dodging the traffic with ease. I weaved in and out of the speeding cars. I reached the boy long before it should have been possible on two feet. I scooped the boy up, and raced with the same inhuman speed and grace to his mother.

      She took him from me crying the whole time. While she thanked me over and over, other people stared. They weren't too over come with greif and happiness like the mother not to notice my inhuman grace and speed. As the crowd disperced  I wasn't sure what to make of it myself. That should have been impossible. The little boy, and I should have been squished flat by the traffic. I shouldn't have been alive. Who am I? Or maybe a better question is what am I.

© 2009 ~Shadow Kissed~

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people can somtimes tend to explaine away strange things in there life. Twilight spoke truth about Adrenalin rushes. with them we are faster stronger and able to do things that other wise would be impossible. maby the charictor can find ways to explain away the strange things happening to her she would be scared and she would definetly not be thinking of questioons like what am i. of course this is all my opinion. do what you like

Posted 14 Years Ago

So, the plot thickens! With each chapter you keep revealing little bits and pieces of the event in the first which makes for a very interesting story. I like the way you only give away what should: nothing more, nothing less. GREAT WORK! KEEP IT UP!

Posted 15 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on August 3, 2009
Last Updated on August 4, 2009


~Shadow Kissed~
~Shadow Kissed~

Waverly, TN

My name is Amber. I'm now 16 and ready to take on the world. I'm an avid reader and a bad speller so forgive me. I spend my time with a book in my hand dictonary beside me, and pen and paper within re.. more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by ~Shadow Kissed~