![]() We Meet AgainA Chapter by Shannon Fuhrman![]() Chapter 3![]() I wake up the next morning and lay in bed for
hours. It’s Sunday. There’s no need to get up. I don’t have
anything to do or anyone to see. It’s around 11:30 by the time I finally force
myself to get up and that’s only to use the bathroom. After that I walk
into the kitchen. I think I’ll have breakfast. I open the cabinets
to look for some cereal, but only find Crunchy Oats. Ugh, those were for
Isa. I take the box out of the cabinet and just stare at it for a
while. “There’s no need for this anymore,” I sigh to myself. I toss it into the garbage that is already overflowing. I guess I should take that out today. I decide to order Chinese. That way I won’t have to make anything to eat for the rest of the day. The food arrives a little over a half hour later. I pay the guy and take the bag full of takeout containers to the living room. I take a seat on the couch and turn the TV on. There’s a marathon of sci-fi movies on. I relax, pick up my moo shu pork, and begin what I did for the rest of the day. I wake up early Monday morning for my Sociology lecture. My professors told me I could take up to a week off, but I don’t want to. I can’t sit around my apartment for a week and mope. I’d end up doing what I did yesterday. I would go insane from boredom. Plus, I don’t want to think about her anymore. I can’t, at least for right now. I just need to live my life as best I can. She’s not coming back and I need to get used to it. I grab a notebook and pen and shove it into my book
bag. I slip it over my shoulder, grab my keys, and walk out of the
apartment with just about ten minutes before class starts. It’s a chilly
morning. I should have grabbed a jacket. I hustle the short
distance to class and take a seat near the back. It’s not a huge lecture
hall, holds maybe 100 or so people. I normally sit closer to the front,
but I’m just not feeling it today. Normally, I really enjoy this
class. I like learning about why groups of people act the way they
do. It’s something that is relate-able to actual life, unlike most
classes. Today’s lecture is about gender and sexuality. The professor is talking about how women,
trans genders, and gays are taken more seriously if they are more
masculine. It’s actually a really
interesting topic. He started talking
about it last week and I was into it. I
was actually thinking of writing my term paper on this topic. But I just can’t focus today. I start dazing out and looking around the
room at the backs of peoples’ heads. I’m
not really thinking about anything, but my eyes keep going back to the same
person. Her hair is straight as a pin
and a golden color. Not blonde, but not
quite brown, it’s somewhere in the middle.
I think people call it strawberry blonde, but I don’t know for
sure. It’s hard to judge someone’s
appearance from the back of their head, but my gut is telling me this chick is
a knock out. The professor concludes the lecture, while I’m
still staring at this girl. “Alright, everyone turn in your homework assignments from last week.” Damn it. I forgot we had an assignment, what with everything that happened. I’ll just email him some crap I write when I get back home. He’ll understand. As I’m thinking about the assignment, I notice the strawberry blonde girl turning in her assignment out of the corner of my eye. She turns around and guess who it is. It’s the girl I helped Saturday night. I was not expecting that. Wow, she is even more gorgeous in the daylight. She catches me looking at her. She smiles and walks up to me. “Hey Brandon! I didn’t think I’d see you so soon. Wasn’t that a great lecture?” she says. “Me either, yeah I thought it was great. This is one of my more favorite topics in this class.” “Really? I would have never thought this would be a guy’s favorite topic,” she laughs. “I bet you’d be surprised by a lot of things about me,” I wink. Whoa, am I flirting with her? What’s wrong with me? “I bet. Hey, are you free? I was just about to get some lunch, would you like to come with?” “Uh, actually yeah that sounds great. I’m free for a while. My next class isn’t until 2 o’clock,” I answer. We start walking towards the cafeteria inside the student center. As we walk through buildings to get there, I can see guys check her out. I don’t blame them; she is really nice to look at. What surprises me is seeing girls look at her with envy. They must think we’re a couple. Well, that’s a bit of an ego boost if they think I’m attractive and don’t want to see me tied down. I laugh out loud. “What’s so funny,” she asks while cocking her head sideways. “Nothing, just something I thought of.” “Well, what is it? You’re not gonna keep a girl in suspense now are ya?” she says jokingly. “I was just laughing about how everyone is staring at us. Either because you are very beautiful or they think we’re some kind of striking couple,” I chuckle. “I didn’t even notice. How funny,” she laughs along with me. “Yeah, I guess I notice things like that.” “Hmm, so you think I’m beautiful huh?” she elbows me in the side. Either this girl is a natural flirt or maybe she actually likes me. I have no idea what I’m doing. I know I shouldn’t be doing this. It’s way too soon, but I just can’t help myself. It’s like my heart or mind, I don’t even know, is urging me to do it. And it feels so right. “You caught me, yeah, you are very pretty. Any guy would think so.” She blushes and smiles. “Well, thank you. You’re quite the charmer, ya know.” “Just comes naturally,” I smile. My insides are turning in that good way. The way it feels when you meet someone new
and it’s exciting. I haven’t felt this
feeling since I first met Isabella. It’s
so strange to feel it again after like five years. It feels good, though. Isa would be happy that I’m happy and living
my life. We finally make it to the student center and I hold the door open for Rebecca. “Thank you. I notice you’re also quite the gentleman.” I laugh out loud. “I guess I am, but I can’t help it. Pretty girls bring out the best in me,” I say and wink at her. “Stop it! You’re making me blush,” she laughs. “Now let’s get something to eat before you make another sweet comment and my face turns into a cherry.” “Whatever you want,” I say amused at her
reaction. Having this kind of reaction
on a girl is making me have a huge confidence boost. I feel like I could say anything to this girl
and she’d love it. We sit down after waiting in line for what felt
like forever. I’m surprised she grabbed
a cheeseburger and fries. Most girls
would have gotten a salad. Something
about them wanting guys to think they’re skinny and eat healthy. Some crap like that, that guys don’t care
about. She digs right in, too before I
can ever get a bite of my cheeseburger.
We’re sitting there eating, not really talking and it’s not even an
awkward silence. It’s actually really
comforting, being able to sit with her and not have to fill every minute with
stupid chatter. This girl is pretty
awesome. My phone vibrates in my pocket and I take it out to see I have a text message from my friend, Jeff. “Apparently, there’s a party tonight at one of the frat houses on Jefferson. Do you have any plans?” “Hmm, tonight? No, I think I’m free. Are you asking me out on a date?” “If that’s what you want it to be or we can go as friends and see where the night takes us,” I smile at her. “Sounds good to me. What time?” “Probably 11.” “Alright, I’ve got a class that ends at 8 so that’s perfect,” she says. “Cool. Well I have to get to class and then finish up that sociology assignment. Did you want me to pick you up for the party?” “No, I think I’ll be fine. I might be running a little late I’ve got some last minute transfer papers to turn in after my class.” “Okay, well give me a call if you need help finding
the place.” I write my number and the address on a napkin. Then, on a second thought, I write directions
on how to get there. “Just to give you a
little help,” I say. She grabs the napkin and puts it in her purse, and
laughs, “Thank you. That’s very
thoughtful of you. I’ll see you tonight.”
She waves as I grab my book bag and walk away from our table. I get home from my last class and decide to finish up my sociology homework. I’m done with that by 7:30. I’ve got a while before I need to leave for the party so I turn the TV on. It’s a Monday and prime time, so there should be something good on. I turn on C.S.I. It’s not my favorite show, but it’s a good way to pass the time. It’s in the middle of the episode and I’ve got no idea what is going on. Whatever, this will do. I’ll just search the web while I watch. About ten minutes into the next episode, Jeff texts me again. He says he’s got some good weed that we could smoke before the party starts. I stare at my screen. I usually don’t smoke, not since the one time me and a bunch of guys got way out of hand at a party. Isa always kept me in check and I don’t want Rebecca to see me at my worst already. I’m still thinking about what to do when Jeff texts me again and asks if I’m in. Oh, what the hell one smoke won’t hurt. I could use it anyway with all the stress. I text him back saying I’ll be over soon. I know I said I’d only smoke one, but I lied. We end up smoking the whole bag and then start on the hard liquor before the party even starts. By the time people show up I am trashed and it shows. People bump into me to get to the kitchen, and I shove them. I just don’t give a s**t right now. I guess I shove the wrong guy because he turns around. “You got a problem, bro?” he says to me and gets in my face. “Yeah, you. Watch where you’re walking,” I
respond. I shove him away from me again,
only this time he takes a swing at me.
He almost nails me right in the jaw, but my reflexes kick in just in
time and I dodge it. We’re about to get
into a fist fight and some guy from the frat is trying to break it up. “Hey, come on,” someone says to me and tugs on my arm. I shake out of their grasp and look at the person. Those eyes. The world around me stops and all I see are those perfect hazel eyes. I’m instantly calmed down, no longer looking for a fight. I don’t know if it’s because I’m high, but I swear I hear a silky smooth, alluring voice say, “Relax. This isn’t you. You’re better than this.” I know this voice. The soul staring at me through those eyes knows me. I thought I was delusional when I first saw those eyes and felt the connection, but here it is again. I know this person from somewhere. The world starts moving again and Rebecca grabs my arm for a second time with concern written all over her face. I put my hands up to show the other guy it’s over and that I’m done. I walk away and Rebecca follows me out of the house. “That was quite a show. Are you okay?” she touches my arm. “I’m fi, fine,” I finally manage to stutter out. “You’re totally gone. Come on, I’ll take you home.” She puts her arm through my mine and starts leading me towards my apartment. “Which one is it?” she asks when we’re almost there. I point to the building. “2B,” I say. I get my keys out my pocket. She takes them out my hand. “It’ll be quicker if I do it.” We walk through the front door and up the stairs. We stop at the top and she looks around for 2B. “It’s that way,” I point in the direction of my
door. She turns her head in that
direction and sees it. She pulls me over
to my apartment. She fumbles a little
bit with the keys, but finally gets the door open. She feels around on the walls and hits the
light switch that turns the corner lamp on.
She guides me over to the couch and I flop onto it. “Tha, tha, thank you Becca,” I manage to say. “You’re welcome. Here let me help you get your shoes and jacket off.” “You’re so pretty,” I say as she helps me out of my jacket. “Yeah, thanks.
I’m going to get you a glass of water and a bucket.” She leaves the room and goes into the
kitchen. She comes back with a tall
glass of water and my garbage can. She
sits the glass down on the coffee table and puts the garbage can on my right. She sits down on the other side of me and
grabs the remote. She turns the TV on
and starts watching some show where people are redesigning a house. That’s that last thing I remember before I wake up the next morning curled up on my couch. I’ve got a throw blanket on me, too. I rub my eyes and yawn. Oh, God my head is pounding. I guess I overdid it last night. I sit up and see Rebecca curled up on the other side of the couch. We were laying feet to feet and the blanket didn’t reach all the way to her, so she’s using my jacket to keep her upper half warm. She looks so peaceful. Her strawberry blond hair is a little bit messy and covering parts of her face. Her pink lips are parted ever so slightly. She looks so content. She stirs and her eyes slowly flutter open. She smiles, “Good morning, Brandon. How are you feeling?” “I’m a lot better, thanks to you. Thank you.” “Consider it a favor being returned since you helped me find my way home before. Oh, my God. What time is it?” she says and sits up in a panic. “A little after 11, why what’s wrong?” “I have to go. I’m late. I have a really important meeting.” She stands up rushes over to the door and puts her shoes on. She smoothes out her hair and throws it into a messy ponytail. “I’ll see you later. I’m glad you’re feeling better.” She waves and opens the door. “Bye,” I say just as the door closes. That girl is something else, I swear. She’s gorgeous, funny, and she didn’t seem fazed at all by my behavior last night. I don’t know how I get so lucky to have met two amazing women in this lifetime already. I grab some aspirin from the kitchen and hop in the shower. The hangover I got from last night is already in full swing, but I can’t stop my day because of it. I’ve got to get ready. I’ve got class in a little bit. © 2012 Shannon Fuhrman |
1 Review Added on June 24, 2012 Last Updated on June 24, 2012 Author![]() Shannon FuhrmanILAboutCollege student studying Psychology & Biology. Passion for writing & animals. Thought I'd finally share & would love to get feedback. more..Writing