awwww.... I LOVE this piece. Wonderful word-smithery here and a perfect flow. Gosh, you've really hit the nail on the head on this topic. Our minds.... you'd think they were designed to assist us... but mostly they get in our way, don't they? lol
This poem also reminds me of myself and my man in ways. I'm the one in the job I hate... and we're both damn cranky! lol
An excellent piece, I truly adore it!!!
You two need a vacation together haha. Life can be a b***h and can make people unbrearably cranky. That's likely the case, we always assume the worst case after all. No reason to assume he is cheating, could be in dire need of a break from everything. There are situations where it does happen to be they are cheating, but there are a lot more signs than that usually, and they are extremely obvious. Sadly that was the case with both of my parents. Ah well, they did what they did, and I hope too be able to learn from their mistakes when i can. Neither were good at opening up and just yelled when they were cranky, so it didn't help. I'm trying to fix it. But yeah, likely he just needs a break, and you too by the sound of it. Both of you ought to go up to Sedona for a weekend or something. :)
Lack of communication/communication skills creates such issues sometimes.
Those who've been through it will tell you that it's important to talk to each other to avoid such complications. But many of us (including myself) do not possess that skill.
Cranky can also mean, 'not in good working order and likely to break down or operate unreliably'. Applied to your fella and yourself - you are both in need of some quality shared TLC (tender loving care) - the sooner the better!
Great little poetical composition, highlighting the results of all work and no (adult) play!
fact of life: sometimes people are just in a bad mood lol. I loved the ending here - "cranky old man". I think we all go through those times - when it just takes too much energy to engage other people. I hope his mood improves for your sake! nicely done.
My name is Sandra Ferrara Gentry. I am a writer, artist and no longer a stay at home mom. I went back to work in the restaurant business. I'm 44, a mother of 3 daughters, Samantha 23 , Kayla 19 and Ke.. more..