Chapter 2 unknown life form

Chapter 2 unknown life form

A Chapter by Morgan stangeland

the story continues...


                Chapter II
         unknown life form

I gaspt as the sky turned red, something was falling from the sky.

We were not sure what it was but it looked like some sort of comet

sam and thomas was watching the sky closely as the flying rock just came closer before they started running.

Run sam run thomas shouted’’

I shouted back while trying not to look back ‘’oh s**t oh s**t oh s**t its going to freaking hit nearby!!!’’ then everything went black as the comet hit the earth with a massive force, the entire area shaking like crazy.

A few minutes later sam could feel a arm shakeing him as he looked up at thomas, barely scratched while sam had a big cut over his face leading all the way down over his eye and cheek.

‘’wow you okey there sam? You have a big cut over your freaking eye, tought.. your eye does not seem to be damaged’’ thomas said.

I shaked my head slightly before noding, ‘’uhh.. yeah sure tottaly.. it’s abit blurry but im fine.. what the hell happened anyway?’’

thomas kept looking at me before talking ‘’im not sure sam.. the comet or whatever that was crashed nearby we should take a look and find out what the that was’’

I gave out a slight nod before standing up as we started to walk towards the big crash wich was a few minutes away nearby a forrest.

It took us a few minutes as my foot was slightly damaged, the crashsite contained a a slightly large crater of the size of a house but yet we saw nothing until thomas yelled

‘’hey sam theres something here...some sort of green slime’’
looked at thomas before shruging

‘’ hey thomas? You still got that glass container in your bag?’’ I asked

thomas answered fast and noded
‘’yeah sure why?’’

I kept looking at the green slime before talking again.

‘’i think it would be best if we got some experts to find out what this is.. it could be of great importance’’

thomas slowly noded at me before grabbing the glass container from his bag and handing it over to me.

I held the glass firmly and lifted the green slime up and looked at it before it suddenly started making movements almost like it was binding to me, I gave out a loud gasp before pushing it into the glass!
‘’holy f**k that thing is f*****g alive.. jesus christ!’’

wow wow just calm down and lets head home so we can do some research on where we can find some experts for this.. thing’’ thomas said

I gave out a short sigh as I looked up again, still slightly shocked and afraid of what I had just held in my hands.

‘’o-okey.. but you keep that f*****g thing in the the god damn glass.. we could be dealing with some serious alien s**t here man’’

thomas gave a nod again as he put the glass back in the bag.


A few day passed and the day was a thursday, 3:22 am and I looked at thomas.
‘’Hey thomas why don’t you get some sleep, you been awake forever’’

thomas smiled back at me before talking back.
But so have you sam’’

i’ll be okey you need the sleep more then I do’’ I said before going back to researching the web.

Hour after hour passed until...
6:35 am I had finaly found a place at the web a certain professor by the name mr.crane and another by the name of james smith.
I was sitting for myself for abit before I found my microscope set, it was my own secret sort of as I always studied science, no one knew tought.

I slowly opened the refrigerator and took out the glass of slime before cuting a small part of it and placed it at the small glass plate of the microscope I studied it for a few mintues and tought back when I had felt it those few days ago... the feeling of..power I gave the slime a slight nudge with my finger while watching it closely in my microscope.

It was unlike anything I had ever seen before.. a life form for sure but something... more aswell the intellect.. increasing massive within secounds, I pulled it away from my fingers as I had few glimpses... like a memory

I saw... a spaceship of some sort then space.. it was amazing, then I saw it..a light blue suit with yellow gloves and boots and then it ended, what was so special about what I had just seen.. and most important what was up with the random blue suit I had just seen...

yet again a few days passed until sam and thomas walked on a few rounds then I said ‘’here it is thomas, strong elm pike street 13’’

we walked to the door and knocked 3 times and waited for abit, the door slowly opened as a thin male with round glasses and black hair looked at us.

‘’Mmm yes, what can I help you two young boys with?’’
I looked up at the tall thin man before talking

‘’yes hi.. um my name is sam and well we found out you’re a professor that stuidies space and well aliens, a few days ago there was a crash nearby the forrest in town and we found this slime there.. it seems to be an organism.. of some sort, a very powerfull one’’

he gave me a serious look before talking again
‘’ you two wait here while I get dressed... we need to head out of town to the
Observatory, my partner would know a lot more about this.. organism you’re talking about’’

by the time we got out of town to the Observatory it was night time, the sky dark and the stars shining brightly, and it was so amazingly beautiful.

We walked up to a big door before it slowly opened as the professor pushed in a pin code, it was a rather large place and then finaly we were at the upper part of the Observatory.

Then another young man with brown hair in a white lab coat shaked my hand.

‘’mmm well hello there young boy and who might you be?’’

um im..sam sir I replied slowly.

‘’Ah nice to meet you sam and what brings you here?’’ he was then interrupted by his partner mr.crane with we had met earlier

‘’james... there no time for introduction these boys have found something amazing, they think it might be an alien life form of some sort.. its a organism or sumbiot’’

james smith gave mr.crane a serious look before talking again
‘’crane.. find my microscope.. I want to see this for myself’’

a few minutes passed and james gave out a gasp as he studied the life form closely
‘’oh wow they weren’t kidding this organism has an amazing level of intellect like i’ve never seen on an organism before’’

he kept touching it before sam shouted
‘’don’t touch it, its a organism that feeds of others I think I’ve felt the power myself it cannot be controlled!!!’’

but it was to late within secounds the green slime jumped on james with incredible speed transforming him as his body grew bigger and bigger, massive muscles.. green flesh and 4 tentacles eyes and one in the middle of the body with a big mouth under that... long sharp teeths aswell

mr.crane gasped as the now new big crature punshed him with massive force causing mr.crane to fly thro a wall, the big creature laughted and looked down at me

‘’ah finaly free... another being to live upon and another world to destroy!!!’’

I looked up at the massive creature slightly scared before talking
‘’w-who are you?’’

the big muscular green alien gave a wicket smirk at me
you may call me.. Dul’gah commander of the na’gaga order here on orders by lord arcanius to find the blue powersuit and then this world... will fall!!!

© 2013 Morgan stangeland

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Added on June 23, 2013
Last Updated on June 28, 2013
Tags: superflie, superhero, hero, sci-fi


Morgan stangeland
Morgan stangeland

sandnes, rogaland, Norway

my name is morgan im a 23 year old male wich likes to mostly write, draw and make animations. whenever i don't do these things im ususely using my time on other stuff such as gameing as im a gamer as.. more..
