![]() What do I do?!!!A Chapter by seri_24Summary: "He is handsome, rich and talented!" That's what people said but, Jane Terrance never knew why people loved the famous idol - Allen spacer - so much. Will her opinion change when she finally meets him? or will it become worse than it already was?... A hurricane in my life Chapter - 1 (What do I do?!) . . . The rumors about the arrival of some famous idol has been spreading around like wild fire and I am practically burned by it. That is all what everyone's been talking about the past few days. Apparently the oh-so-famous idol will stay over at 'The Oswald Restaurant' "the place I work in- for about a week. I am not the least bit interested about his arrival and now that I think about it is kind of bothersome too. He seems to very rich and so the restaurant's owner has been putting all his best to please the important idol, due to which many workers like myself have to work overtime. ARGH! Life can be really frustrating sometimes. Oh! Forgive me for not introducing myself. I'm Jane Terrance. Terrance? The name sound familiar, right? Well That's because I once belonged to that famous family. My dad was the sole owner of 'The Terrance' cloth line. Our business bloomed and we were very rich, one of the richest in the country, but….Happiness doesn't last long. My dad lost his business over night. Everything went by so fast that I no longer remember how it felt like to be rich. And soon after the business went crashing down, my life became a living hell. My mother got into an accident and had been in a coma ever since and my dad….well, he couldn't take his horrendous life anymore and turned into gambler and only kept increasing the debts more and more. As for my brother…let's just not talk about him. At first I felt sad and cried almost all the time, but as time goes by you get used to things and besides you can't cry over spilt milk, can you? I eventually got used to living as a commoner and I realized that it isn't all that bad. I spend my entire day working at the restaurant and on holidays I worked at a café. As for school, I gave up on it a long time ago. Schooling is too expensive and I need to save money for my mom's medical fees. Working at a rich restaurant is tiring and can be really bothersome. Handling rich people is not like a walk in the park. They are really….. how should I say it?...Annoying? Yes, I know I was once rich as well but that was a long time ago and besides I never really acted like how a rich noble was supposed to act. I usually loved walking around the garden or climbing some trees over tea parties and ball rooms. It was much more fun. But like I said, things change over time and now I serve the people who were once my very own friends, not that they remember who I am. The existence of the Terrance family is long gone and no one bothers to remember it anymore. 'The Oswald restaurant' which is the restaurant I work in, belongs to Mr. James Oswald. He was once a close friend of my father but in the rich world when money goes so does your friends. Now I don't think he even remembers who my dad is. Stella Oswald- his daughter, was my best friend and still is, thankfully she is better than her father. We have been close ever since we first met six years ago. I was thirteen years old. I was new to school and she being the class representative was in charge of filling me in with information and we eventually spent a lot of time with each other and became friends. But we don't really spend much time with each other anymore as I don't really have the time to. I have a huge debt to pay off before I actually get to enjoy my life. "Oh my god! I can't wait. He's going to be hotter up close!" I heard some screeches as I was on my way to the kitchen. I couldn't take it anymore. What's so special about that guy anyway? So he is apparently good-looking and he also sounded angelic, well at least that's what people said. Speaking of which, I never really saw the guy's face except for a few glances when Stella use to fill me in with latest news of him (I pretended to listen so that she doesn't feel bad) I have never heard him sing either, not that it mattered. I have much more important things to do anyway. "Hey Jane, wait up!" I heard a familiar voice from behind me "oh hey Brad!" I smiled. Brad is my closest friend in the restaurant. He is in a similar situation to mine except that he was never rich. He is really kind and easy-going. We became friends the moment we met. "where ya going?" He asked returning the smile. "There are some rooms I have to clean up and also some other boring stuff on the fourth floor" "Great! I am on my way to the fourth floor too" and with that the both of us made our way to the fourth floor. The way was filled with conversations and occasional laughter. The topic of conversation was….well, similar to everyone else in the Restaurant, That famous idol (what was his name, again?) "see ya" Brad said waving as he made his way into some random room around the corner. "hmmm.." I hummed and went into some random room as well. The remaining part of the day went with more and more cleaning, I thought it would never end, but thankfully by 10:00 I was done. I had two more hours before I could leave so I had to find something to do but I couldn't find anything. The preparations for the arrival was complete as the idol would arrive tomorrow night and there weren't much people around who I had to serve so basically I had nothing to do. A few minutes later (which felt like hours) Stella decided to show up. "Hey!" I said upon seeing her. "Is he here yet?" she asked in a hurry whilst putting on some make up. I immediately knew who she was talking about. "No and he won't be here until tomorrow" I said, God! What is wrong with this girl?. "WHAT?!" she almost yelled " but, y-you told that he'll arrive today!" "If you listened carefully you would've realized that I said he would come tomorrow and not today" Man this topic of conversation annoys me. Everyone's been talking about this guy and when I decide to ignore the topic it decides to slap me on the face. "ARGH!" she groaned "I'll stay here today…Hey wait a minute! I can stay here for another week. You know till he decides to leave! It's going to be amazing! I might even become his girlfriend. Who would resist my charm?" I sweat-dropped at this. But I have to agree to that. Stella is one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen, She had long blonde hair that went perfectly with her bright blue eyes. She was indeed very beautiful, but I don't think he would take her as a girlfriend… "did you forget about his fiancé?" I asked knowing very well that it wasn't a good question. Ever since the day she heard about his engagement to Scarlet (some really famous actress/model) she'd been plotting ways to kill the poor girl. The moment I asked her she glared at me. "I'll steal him from that b***h!" she yelled and stormed off. 'When will she accept the fact and get over it?' I thought. It's already been an year and half since the engagement and people are already anticipating their marriage. There are people who even ship those two. I have nothing to say to my friend. 'Guess she'll eventually get over it…' I hoped. DING, DING, DING! The clock finally struck twelve, and the sound of the pendulum of the grandfather clock could be hard throughout the restaurant. 'finally! It's time to go back home' Man I had been waiting for this moment since the day started. Speaking of home. My home isn't all that special. In fact, there is nothing good about it. It is so small. It has a narrow corridor with two doors on the right side and one on the left, so basically my home had a room (me, my brother and dad shared the room. Weird! we really have no choice though), an almost empty kitchen and a bathroom with the basic requirements. The only room was very small as well and it barely fit the three of us. But, since my dad was almost never home (gambling out) me and my brother could stuff out selves in. The room had a bed and a cupboard in which all our clothes were kept (we didn't really have much to keep) it also had a small table next to the widow one sofa at a corner and table before it and to end it all we had a round mat on the floor. The home's small and suffocating but it was cozy enough…..I guess. I was finally nearing my home when I heard a weird noise from the alleyway. The wise side of me asked me to ignore it and simply walk away but my curiosity got the better of me and I decided to go check it out mentally promising myself that I would leave after a quick glance, no matter what it was. It's good as long as I don't get myself into trouble. Just when I was nearing the scene I heard some distant sirens and immediately knew that I had to make a run for it before the police thinks that I had anything to do with any of this at all. I turned around and was ready to leave….but I couldn't. Someone had pulled me closer to him/her, a hand wrapped around my waist and the other tightly grasping my mouth. I was fixed in my position for a brief moment, but I soon began to struggle under the persons grasp.' I want to live! I have a huge debt to pay off and I am only 18. Besides I have a younger brother who I have to look after and wait I have to pay off my mom's hospital fees too!' I yelled in my head. The person tightened his/her grasp around me even more to try and stop me from moving. I heard the sirens get closer and closer 'I am sure the police will see me and I'll be fine…I just have to make some noise' I reassured myself. But my movements were soon stopped when the person behind decided to speak or the first time. "Stay quiet and I won't hurt you" He whispered into my ears. I felt a chill run down my spine… What do I do?! I was hopeless… © 2014 seri_24 |
Added on August 30, 2014 Last Updated on August 30, 2014 |