![]() The Solace and WispA Poem by serenity14![]() What does it mean to love someone?![]() A meeting of eyes; Emerald concoction of promise The surrender of ill-will Bellied torn, remiss but
honest. Ideals before desires The grit of implications Here and now, or perhaps
forever So, you say, I’m Solace, in
the night I soothe the worries and
confusions So, I say, you Wisp, moving
without rigidity. You, who can be anything at
any moment, Who is adrift but never lost, Who has the ties to my soul? And never fails himself. Me, a Solace, if I would be, I would, if I could, seal
away Those hurts piled on the
shelves of your back So, you say, know me, know my
soul, and its entirety That it is mine, Freely given But still with a price I would slip the bills in
between those pages sealed away, I would kneel under your
weighted pains If a sun would rise in your
eyes If we may escape the shadows Tangle in our woes A cry A whisper of finality Of acceptance That the Solace and The Wisp
may once Be free of the restrictions
imposed by those before us Who speak on our paths Illuminate the truths already
known, but Harshly hide the inexplicable When the tide drops, The Moon spun into a pyramid The sun shrunk to a pin point Then may the bills, pages,
and ties Between us, fuse without a
seam I would have spent timeless
amounts to dust, and care for Those pages, You say I am the sun, but I
am not No, nothing but a shooting
star, Only you are shooting with me You and I are blinks of light Here one moment, Everywhere the next Leave your pages behind, Take my hand, And let us drift. © 2021 serenity14Author's Note
Added on July 13, 2021 Last Updated on July 13, 2021 Author