Madison Nevaeh Watts was born on December 24 2006 to her parent Mark and Jennifer Watts. They thought they had the most precious little girl in the world. She was their miracle. several months before madison was born Jennifer was told by her doctor she wouldnt be able to have kids because of all the problems she had been having. Even though her doctor said she wouldnt be able to have kids, they still tried and they wanted a little girl so bad. Finally, God answered their prayers. Madison was born.
"Oh mark, we have the most precious little girl in the world. She is like a miracle from god." Jennifer said while they were in the hospital holding their new born daughter.
"I know Jenn. Are we still naming her madison?" Mark replied
"Yes. only her middle name will be Nevaeh because Nevaeh is Heaven spelled backwards and i want a little piece of heaven to be with our baby."
"I agree sweetie"
Madison came home on December 25 2006. What a christmas it was.
"Merry Christmas Madison" her parents said.
She just smiled and looked at them.
Madison had the cutest smile in the world to them. Of course she would because she was their daughter.
Madison and her family attended church on a regular basis and had baby madison dedicated and baptised on christmas the following year. Everyone loved madison. As madison got older Jennifer tried to potty train her at an early age and actually was potty trained by age 1 1/2. Jennifer knew there certainly was something special about her daughter. Madison began walking at that age as well and talking by age 2. She spoke clear then any other 2 year old you would meet. There indeed was something about her that was special.
Finally at age 4 madison was left with a babysitter so that mark and jennifer could go out on a date.
"Madison you are such a cute little girl" Emily Wittiker said.
Emily was the babysitter. She just graduated from High school and is going into college to major in early childhood education. She was great with madison.
"Madison its time for bed hun," emily said.
Madison listened to emily like she listened to her own parents.
"okay emily." madison said getting up from in front of the tv and headed upstairs to her room.
Emily followed close behind Madison and tucked her in her bed and sang her a song and she was asleep.
Emily went down stairs and sat and read some of the book she was reading. Emily had just fallen asleep when there was a knock at the door.
Chapter 2-The Crash
Emily was sound asleep. There was the knock again this time lounder. Emily shot up from the couch. She walked to the door and looked. It was a police officer. She opened the door.
"Hello, I'm Sergent Hayfield with the johnstown police department and this is my parent deputy jenkins."
"hello officers. what can i do for you this evening" emily asked nervously.
"We would like to talk to you about an incident. Can we please come in?"
"Of course officers." emily held the door open so they could get in.
"Would you like some coffee or tea or something?"
"Uh no we are fine miss."
"are you the Watts' Babysitter?"
"Yes sir. is there a problem?"
"Yes ma'am"
Emily walked into the room where they were sitting.
"Please have a seat miss"
"I'm afraid that Mark and Jennifer Watts were hit in an automobil accident. they were hit by a drunk driver. Mr. Watts was killed immediately and the misses was rushed to the Emergency room"
Emily just stared that them like she was going to cry.
"Oh my gosh. Whats going to happen to madison?" Emily asked.
Just then Madison was awake and at the top of the stairs.
"Emily!" she cried.
"Excuse me please," emily said getting up to go tend to madison.
"Of course,"
"Come here Maddie. whats wrong sweet girl?"Emily said picking up madison to give her a big hug. she brought her down stairs.
"I had a bad dream" madison said.
"Oh im sorry sweetie," they continued into the same room as the police officers were in.
"Hello young lady. how are you?" sergent hayfield asked madison.
"Fine," Madison said with a sniffle.
"She had a bad dream" emily said.
"Oh im sorry to here that." said sergent. "Do you think she should here whats going on"
"She will find out sooner or later,"
"Jennifers request was that you bring madison down to the emergency room as soon as you can. She wants to say her goodbye to madison."
"RIght away sir. Madison wanna go for a ride?"
Emily went and got madisons jacket and they headed out to the car.
"Thank you officers," emily said turing back.
"Our pleasure miss,"
"Emily, where are we going?"
"We are just going to go visit someone,"
'Oh okay,"
They pulled into the hospital parking lot.
"What are we doing here?"
"We are going to see your mother,"
"WHAT?!" Madison in the backseat started to cry.
They walked into the reception area.
"Hello, i am here to see Jennifer Watts."
"Right through those doors and take a right,"
"Thank you so much ma'am"
They walked through those doors and took a right.
They were at Jennifers room.
"Knock Knock"
Jennifer looked horrible. But she looked at them.
"Oh please come in. I want to see my baby."
Emily grabbed madison by the hand and led her over to her mother.
"Mommy, are you okay?"
"Yes baby girl. Listen Madison. I need you to be a strong big girl for mommy. and know that no matter what happens to me i am always going to be with you and i will always love baby girl."
"I know mommy. I love you too,"
Emily reached down to pick up madison so she could give her mother one last hug.
"Madison make mommy proud in all you do. I will always be with you,"
Emily ran out and got a nurse. They gave her a shock treatment but it was no use. she was gone.
Emily reached down and picked up Madison and they hugged each other and cried.
"mommy, mommy," Madison cried ,"I love you mommy,"
They slowly walked back out to the car. Emily just stayed the night because she didnt want to leave Madison alone in the house by herself.
The next morning there was another knock at the door.
Emily answered it.
"Hello? Can i help you?" emily asked
there was a lady standing at the door. she looked to be a business lady.
"Yes, my name is angela waters. I am with the orphanage for girls. may i come in?"
"Of course. My name is emily wittiker. I am Madison's babysitter. I didnt want to leave her here in this house by herself. so i stayed the night making sure she was okay."
"You are such a wonderful person emily to do that"
"Thank you...I know how my child would feel if something happened to me or his dad."
"Oh you have a daughter too?"
"Actually I have 2 sons, Caden and Isaiah"
"Well they must be lucky to have you," said angela. anyway i am here to pick up madison. she has no other living relatives."
"Yes maam. ill go get her,"
Emily walked up and got madison
"Madison are you ready to go?"
they got down stairs.
Emily bent down to one knee.
"Madison, you be a good girl. I will come see you as much as i can. but i dont know if miss angela would let me. Madison i loved as you were my own daughter. I will miss you so much sweet girl"
Angela held out her hand and ecorted madison to the vehicle.
Madison looked out the window and waved goodbye as emiy stood in the door way.
Chapter 3-an amazing little girl
Madison was about to start school. Madison was 7 years old going into first grade. What a joy she was. She got excellent grades. In the class she was in she mentioned she knew how to play piano. Her music teacher took her aside so she could play something.
"Madison, can you play william tell overture?" asked mrs. settergren her music teacher.
"yes maam"
Madison began playing.
Mrs. Settergrens mouth dropped wide open.
"How did you learn to play madison?"
"To be honest maam i really dont know i learned it i just learned it."
"Wow, can you do anything else?"
"Well, guitar, i can sing, clarient, trumpet, and saxophone."
"Really? how did you learn that?
"Like i said i dont know i just did. but i love everything i do. oh, and i can dance."
"you truely are an amazing girl. I knew your mom and i remember when you were born, she always said how she knew you were going to be an amazing girl."
"you did know my mom?"
"Yes dear. She was such a wonderful person. and everytime i look at you, i see your mother in your eyes."
"Can you tell me about my mother?"
"sure madison. lets go upstairs and get something to drink then ill tell you anything you want to know."
they stood and bother walked up to get something to drink. Madison got a glass of fat free milk and mrs settergren got a glass of water.
"Okay madison, where should i start?"
Mrs settergren took a sip of her water.
"oh yes, your mother had the bluest i had ever seen. Thats why everyime i look at you i see her. your eyes are just as blue as hers. and her hair was as long and soft. You look so much like your mother that pretty much all you need to do is look in the mirror and you will see her."
Madison looked at her and smiled
"Oh madison, your mother gave me somethign to give to you before she died. " she reached into a box and pulled out a picture frame that said i love my daughter on it. It was a picture of Madison and her mother,
"She was so beautiful. " madison said
Madison jumped over and gave mrs settergren a hug
"Thank you so much mrs settergren."
"You are so welcome Madison. you are so precious. and if i didnt work at this orphanage i would adopt you because you need a good home with people who love you."
Madison looked at her and smiled. and walked away holding the picture frame close to her heart. © 2011 senior2011 |
1 Review Added on August 13, 2011 Last Updated on August 13, 2011 Author![]() senior2011Mount Vernon, OHAboutim 17 and 18 in 3 months:) i love to sing and write poetry and short stories:) im in track, band, choir, drama club, musicals, and spanish club. in my free time i like to talk with my best friend sar.. more..Writing