Gloss Tea And Finger Crumpets With UnAlice And Jello Biafra Holding Up UnderLand~

Gloss Tea And Finger Crumpets With UnAlice And Jello Biafra Holding Up UnderLand~

A Poem by NoneOfYourBusiness akaKITTY KUTABAREakaCandyPole

oh dear~ the night is clinging like a magik tic made of diamonds and tocks~


Midnight tea pours itself in ink

painting tableau

as I adjust my dainty skirt of razorblades

in proper humility

bunched up by a hipbone

under UnAlice’s ministrations

turning my loose leaf pages over and under

stitching my skin book

into metal chair backing

curved to accommodate Jello Biafra

with his Cheshire smile


Califonia uber alles

from the flute of his thigh bone

into the gold coated silence of my cheeks;

I am caught

with wings fabricated by the great Yasumaro

before the staged pillage of a magik girl

peeled from the epic Kojiki

sewn with cherry blossom fibers

and smeared with raccoon eyes against the dilapidated


of a doorframe outside CBGB’s


I am such a clear window

but all the boys ever saw were the stained glass ghosts

falling to communion

at my leather Doc Martens


twelve eye holes


good enough to worship

never good enough

never safe enough

to love


But I digress

in pathetic woe my almond prattle

becomes passé

at the Café;

nothing really matters

in the club of rabbits

bouncing in strip cages

wondering how

they got from Minnesota corn fields

into smoke filled skin

and headlight eyes


Jello Biafra, my saint

perfumed my wrists in chemical warfare

and deep Henry Rollins colored me damaged

and made it alright to be so

but most curious was the girl made of peppermint wax

who ran the world between cracked walls

and little gods shooting heroin under the pounding speakers

and there, I, in my UnAlice pride

and knee high white socks

and pedigreed education

dared bring sunshine into the sideways worm hole

where wormwood played its music at the tips of my fingers

and punks licked the sharp years from the wasp of my waist

inhaling E minors and scooping myth cream from my white silver mind;

Jello said I tasted like pudding


Go ahead, smile

I am



UnAlice in a flash of white teeth

dipping a ladle in concrete

and green marsh

scooping milk and whiskey

and organelles

into flutes

for another soul drunk night in UnderLand

where we dance

and dance well

and dream hard

to keep OverLand

from crushing down

on us

weird folk


Go ahead

smile again

I am






© 2011 NoneOfYourBusiness akaKITTY KUTABAREakaCandyPole

Author's Note

NoneOfYourBusiness akaKITTY KUTABAREakaCandyPole
the oldest written work in Japanese literature is " Kojiki" in 712, in which "Yasumaro "recorded Japanese mythology and history ~

Jello Biafra and Henry Rollins, respectively from the Dead Kennedys and Black Flag, were lead singers/song writers from the 70's punk movement who screamed with social conscience~ I got a lot of my education about humanity from men like this while I was too young to be at any of these clubs~ lol

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"good enough to worship
never good enough
never safe enough
to love"
that is one huge punch, i'd say :). that "worship" thing made me see you floating on a cloud of words, petting them on their heads while crushing others' envious groaning under your heel - and all that with an ironic sparkle in your eye.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Reviews this is soul wrenching! You let the imagery seethe and bleed and then allow some respite...bend and sway, ebb and flow...wise in the skin and enlightened beyond!
One of my favourites love!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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yes, seriously playful wench, you are a clear window, high in the trellises of underland, and more fun than bowl full of jello

Posted 13 Years Ago

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had to come back and read this again:

swingblade meets song dog the invincible morning. whatnot this is extreame-ly okay and i would not change yr style no more and for my morning donut coffee i mostly concur

and to remember: myself this is good poem food and i envy what i cant do:
remembering of course that "envy is ignorance and imitation is suicide"* and so i go my fish way and you do too. oh girl go girl
*quoting old emerson

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

A translated memory, yet fresh, you smile, I smile, we smile.
Artfully done, the message well conveyed, an experience priceless.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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ahh- reminds me of the good old days when I didnt have to care and so I didnt. my poor goth-ridden parents did all the caring while I sulked into clubs with my death black eyes and my gnarled stockings. now i revisit those moments in reverse with my son. God saw fit to bestow me with a boy just like myself:)

Posted 13 Years Ago

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And now it seems that every musician believes he is socially cynical and free thinking. But they know nothing because they know not of these that came decades before. Boisterously bleeding the realities of an insane world... losing their sanity as they did so. Hard to float above when the world around you is obsessed with drowning out their sound and calling your lamb's wool black for pointing out the stains. Sad that the generations to follow will not have memories like these, just Justin Timberlakes, Brittany Spearses and Katy Perries that offer nothing more than a good beat and someone else's empty lyrics. And the generation blends and fades into oblivion when they produce no distinct sound of their own. Originality of life, love, music is a lost art.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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the truth cannot be gainsaid. irrespective of its vessel. sometimes the gutter mouth of punkrock kings can choir it better than cathedral saints.
fortunate those who have ears to listen and be moved. ... why does it seem that the ones who overturn the world always start out meeting underground?

Posted 13 Years Ago

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What can I say? You are simply amazing, rib twin.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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At the tender age of 12, they sipped from your youth restoring some hope back into their own pores. They inadvertently (and apathetically) pulled these elements from you. Your very presence there was shocking to even the most hard core. Musicians can save lives with that inner soul connection and can also spill life from us. An oxymoron kind of relationship.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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I am kinda breathless after reading this..I think this is one of my favorites, you dip your surreal pen into another cosmic dictionary and paint your imagination in colours that noone has ever thought of before..your visual intrepretation is stunning and I am no critic but I think you has surpassed even yourself..favourite..(but hey aren't they all) :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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25 Reviews
Shelved in 8 Libraries
Added on November 10, 2011
Last Updated on November 10, 2011
Tags: poetry, selene skye, underland, memoire, biography tilted, sideways kind of people, unfairy tales from underland, author, books


NoneOfYourBusiness akaKITTY KUTABAREakaCandyPole
NoneOfYourBusiness akaKITTY KUTABAREakaCandyPole

AsIf, Trippy Cottontail, Japan

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