FailuresA Story by catwomanMaking sense of failure myself
What is the purpose of life? Is it to make money,find love,become powerful?
I hardly think there is any singular answer to this. I believe that the principal purpose of life is to enjoy. Does this make me a hedonist? I hardly think so, I do believe that pleasure is what we should seek in life, but in order to do so, one must indeed work so as to achieve this pleasure. Very often there may be a point in life where we question it's fairness. We may work as hard as any and yet we may not achieve anything. But the key to achieving anything is of course perseverance. One cannot simply expect life to handover it's pleasures, we must pursue it such that there is no way but to hand it over to us. Though i say this with conviction, I am hardly a paradigm of hard work, In fact i am often weighed down by my procrastination and laziness. Each time I convince myself that i shall no longer neglect the work that needs immediate attention and enjoy later, i often revert back to my policy of leaving everything till the very last day. I can often understand the reason behind my constant failure at trying to do my best and yet can hardly find a long term solution to this.
i certainly envy those who are capable of focusing on what they really need to do and it appears to me that everyone around me is able to do it. I often ponder on things that would help me concentrate though it usually never involves me doing it in practice. For someone as laid back as me, what really helps to get focused is to encounter failure. There is nothing more stimulating than an occasional set back. It brings into perspective that nothing falls into place by itself. I was devastated the first time I experienced a major failure but when I look back now I see that it did nothing but good and helped me understand that failure is nothing but a wake up call whose frequency is inversely proportional to hard work and perseverance. One can hardly appreciate the advantages that failure brings with it when one is experiencing it, but as we move forward, one day we'll be able to look back and see that it was indeed a harsh well wisher which prompted a better response to the tests that life puts forward to us. Failure should never be seen as the end, but a new chapter,more promising than the one before. © 2015 catwomanFeatured Review
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