The Mountain, The Sea, The Hell, and The HeavenA Poem by seeachedoubleyou4 short poems read together in sequence.THE MOUNTAIN: I am a mountain. I am massive, and I am immovable. I do not need to move, Because I am fine where I am. I let others walk over me, But it does not hurt me, Because my skin is so tough. Dust blows onto me, and stays for a while. Then it leaves without saying goodbye. But it does not hurt me. For I will always have dust to love. When people climb me, they pierce my skin. But the dirt falls into the spaces, And I am better again. I have nowhere to go, I am not able to do anything So I must enjoy the small things. I study the clouds As they argue and bellow over each other. When they are angered they separate, Then they travel across the world Together again. I watch the grass dance. Sometimes they look over at me and wave. I smile a big smile, Inside of my tough skin. I watch the festivals of trees and green Whenever the wind blows. All the bushes, and the trees, and the grass, Dance a great dance. Even though I get sad, Because I can not dance I can still watch. I imagine dancing with the green. This is a small thing that I love. And I love it because I have a long time friend. But when they die, I am sad. But, there will always be more tree seeds, And there will always be more dust, And there will always be more festivals of green. Because I am a mountain, And nothing can move me. THE SEA: But do not be the Sea, For she is cold And dark. She sometimes curls her fists in anger, And they protrude out of her thin covering But the anger dies down when the waves fall And it comes back to her, and stays inside for her eternity The sun tries to glow his rays on her They flow down from the heavens onto her skin They break through his skin, because it is not as tough as mine But what is tough in her is the anger Her second skin And it blocks out the sun And his darkness still stays inside of her She keeps calm and joyous at his shores and beaches, And holds her dangerous feelings in the darkest places inside of her second skin But this keeps her from letting anything out at all Which makes her second skin even tougher And harder for the rays to get in The rays strain, and sweat, and push against the second skin But all they can do is reflect and run away from the Sea Sometimes she lets this anger out in big fits Too big for the rest of nature to keep back Too strong for herself to control Her fury crumbles concrete and metal And also the flesh of those she does not know And she sees them cry, They cry tears And they leak blood She feels evil when she sees the faces of those who have done nothing She curls back her angry body And rolls off the land while leaving her tears of self discomfort along the land She looks at what she has done And the anger at herself adds to the seconds skin And the rays will never be able to get in For she has gone too far, and held it in too long To forget her own sin. THE HELL: The Hell is the saddest of all He does not want to be the evil of the world He sees humans descend inside of him and despair. He cannot help it. He says “hello” as they pass through his body But all they can do is scream In agony against him. They curse Hell and tell him he is the scourge of humanity. But he did not choose to be a terrible, terrible dwelling. He hated himself Because everyone hated him. Some nights he cried himself into a slumber Crawled inside of himself, like a fetus He just wanted someone to love hell THE HEAVEN: Heaven was smug She was born into a wealth of morality Everyone loved Heaven, even if all she did was nothing She was born into people loving her, wanting to be with her She did not carry the same burden as Hell, but she did not care. For she did not think of it as her problem. She was far, far above hell, so why should she have to deal with it? The grace of God granted love upon her For no man on this earth loathed her And no one besides Heaven could make this claim. But even though she was beautiful And clean, And graceful, Her true self was dark, for she was selfish. But not a person knew her true wickedness For she treated others with kindness. But true kindness she had never possessed Nor would she ever.© 2015 seeachedoubleyou
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