You can't have everything in life, but how do we choose wisely, and how do we know that it was the right decision? Often our decisions are a permanent straying between head and heart. But which of the two should we listen to, and what if there seems to be no middle way? Life is made of choices, and how we make our decisions affects the directions we take in life.
I have been confronted with a decision that I cannot make for a year by now... or maybe I have already made this decision and still don't exactly know if it was the right one. Whether I listen to my head or my heart, both decisions break me. So what is more important: To spend your life with the man you love and that no one can ever get close to or to be just friends and find someone who can make your dream of having a child come true? There are so many options, I know, but no compromise that could fulfill me.
How do you decide? Do you listen to your heart or to your head, and how do you know if it was right?