Ignorant minds

Ignorant minds

A Poem by Pól

The crack of wood against bone

jarring the senses

blood gushing to the head

boiling, the steam rises

in a frenzied mist;

rage, pain, suffering abounds.

Here, in this foreign place

subjected to a scorching venom

of a scorched land

brown barren hues stretch to the distance.

Prejudice, pure and evil

seeds as poison weeds

seeking comfort

in the minds of the ignorant, in the hands of the idle

that rip dignity from its lofty perch

joyfully joining the villanous affray

ignoring their shame

their hands, grubby

grabbing and tearing

 innocent skin  bleeds to their touch

their souls tainted

with an indelible stain

the stigma of cowardly deeds.



© Paul O' Neill 2012

© 2013 Pól

My Review

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This is a raw and powerful read, I love the way you describe ignorance, every line is spot on but, my favorite line is...

'in the minds of the ignorant, in the hands of the idle
that rip dignity from its lofty perch'

that one rips into the lifeforce of this read...thank you for sharing this with me.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thank u so much Frieda for ur overly kind words which, even though undeserved, are much appreciated
Frieda P

11 Years Ago

You're quite welcome, I love when someone's words knocks me over to makes me feel something, you are.. read more
when you expose this ignorance it really has quite an effect on the people who go through these kinds of experiences.. I know it too well and it just.. hurts.. but thank you for putting it so eloquently :)

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

How could anyone be mean to you?
Ouch! I felt that.
I think your poem achieves, paulo. It inspires in the reader an unavoidable sensation of the pain too often associated with ignorance. Xenophobia, sexism, racism, religious intolerance, a mob against one... I don't know if you meant it that way, but I can see it all in "Ignorant Minds"
A big piece.
Thanks for sharing.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

thanks Lakely- based on race but applies to all the "isms"- great review btw

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

thank u
you truly have a way with words friend, well done!

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thank u , Sacha
Amazing write. Well done. Keep writing

Posted 11 Years Ago

a wonderfully perceptive vision of cowardly deeds, well done.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Quite a gory depiction of violence stemming from ignorence, i could sense the agony, thanks

Posted 11 Years Ago

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8 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on November 13, 2012
Last Updated on May 15, 2013




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