Tangled threads

Tangled threads

A Poem by Pól

How can one unravel

the tangled threads

of time,

for without darkness

light can never shine.

And how can we be guided

by words writ

in antiquity

for another time

or by random scribes

free to choose

that which is right

and decry that which is wrong

in tongues deceased,

exigesis impossible

juxtaposing precious pious precepts

with palpable prudish profligacy

'til the artists brush

glosses over inconvenient truths

and the eclectic broth

indiscriminantly discriminates 

its evil prejudice

drenching the Earth in blood

and scorching its face

with fire

and this is the word of the Lord?




© Paul O' Neill 2012

© 2013 Pól

My Review

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It's funny (not funny haha, funny peculiar) that as I was reading this I was thinking of religion, and lo and behold...so really well done there. I love that alliteration thing going on, too, and eclectic broth...so savory...just delicious words. I may have to take some style points off for making me picture Al Gore, *laugh* but other than that, really well done. Good on ya, Paulo.

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

Yeah-might have to rethink that line-although he's not the worst as American politicians go-even if .. read more

12 Years Ago

He invented the interweb for chrissakes! Still don't like Democrats, though *laugh*
the ying and yang of it all rarely makes sense when mankind turns out the light and gropes its way through the spiritual dark~ it will never end well~
you've a strong force percolating through the straining body of this write~ frustration, disbelief, angst and straight up displeasure with the off side of the human animal comes through like a knife~

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

what a beautiful review. Thank you

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2 Reviews
Added on September 26, 2012
Last Updated on May 15, 2013




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