Conor, Paul, Ciara, Megan

Conor, Paul, Ciara, Megan

A Poem by Pól

Conor, once so frail,
clinging bravely to life.
Now, big and strong
a fine young man and gentle son.
You loved, lost, learnt of grief.
Now she watches you from above,
her man, no longer a boy,
determined to make her proud.

Paul, the second, 
a tender life so brief.
You battled against the odds.
Four days struggle with all your might.
Its an honour to share your name.

Ciara, the first princess
brains to burn, skills to shine,
making me so proud on every hill you climbed,
on every challenge faced.
Off to foreign shores you left,
brilliance dazzling all you met,
and made a home with an English gent,
and two fine girls you rared.

And last, but never least, Megan
God's last gift, a second princess
Just a tender rose, in midst of bloom.
Considerate, modest , kind
and wise beyond your youth.
The world is your garden.



© Paul O' Neill 2012

© 2013 Pól

My Review

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so touching, I loved how you gave each of your children a stanza. You captured each of them so beautifully. I could almost picture them with your words...precious.

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

Thanks, Heather
Is this about your children? I thought you were a mere strippling? If it is it is amazing. I too lost a baby and it was the most harrowing experience that I have never faced up to. One mistake I am taking to be poetic licence, the use of the words English and gentleman conjoined!!!!

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

Yes, my kids. And being kind about the english
John Alexander McFadyen

12 Years Ago

It is a lovely piece. Hey its Ok to be kind about the English till I don my kilt and slit their thro.. read more
You beautifully capture the essence of each of them. A very touching and tender poem.

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

Thank you
How can you say this is rubbish? It's almost like a prose poem, you should try setting it out that way in a block format, just to play around with it etc.
It was like liquid to me, flowed very well and had a sweet taste to it.

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

Thank you so much

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4 Reviews
Added on August 26, 2012
Last Updated on May 15, 2013




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