

A Poem by victoria

I hate myself.
i look in the mirror,
i hate what i see.
i hate my eyes,
my skin,
my face, 
my weight.
I hate my life.
I just wanna die.
And end it all here.
Because i'm useless,
i'm ugly,
not worth it.
I don't know 

© 2015 victoria

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Even though this is one of the most depressing things ever yet people have at least felt it once in their lives. We all think this way, we all think at some point that we are not worth it and that we are not good enough, but we are not good enough to what standards? let me tell you, we all think we're not good enough to society standards, for example you said you are ugly..ugly because society says you are, or ugly because all you see are fake barbies? beauty is measured by your soul and your soul only and so is everything else, if you want to be beautiful then you can, not by make up or such things but by having a beautiful soul. If you were useless then you wouldn't have been born, we are all born and created for a reason, to leave a mark on the world even if it was the tiniest, and by your poetry my friend, you've left yours, I hope you never feel down ever again because you are beautiful.

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


I hope this isn't based on truth but if it is I know what it's like to feel that way but with time you learn to adjust into yourself and become happy with who you truly are.
The poem itself is melancholic and troubled, the structure gives it an edge because the lines are short and sharp. Excellent x

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

it is based ontruth
You can't feel that way--it's none of my business, but maybe get help?

Posted 8 Years Ago

0 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This is something I face daily, your poem really hit home. Its sad to fight a light then suddenly see it disappear. The pain and expression you clearly define here. I enjoyed the visit in see reflections of my thoughts. Thanks for sharing...


Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Whether it is what we see on the outside or from within, there will always be something we are not proud of, yet why do we care ...

To an ostrich, plumage make their knees go weak, but those knees ... who could ever be happy with a pair of legs like that.

To a giraffe, a long lanky neck and majestic gate is what makes their heart go wild ... yet who could ever be happy with having to point your tail in the air whenever you drink.

That ugly grey skin and white tufted beard is something only a mother warthog could love, warts and all to boot...

Yet, what would an ostrich want with a giraffe or a giraffe with an ostrich and what use would a dainty skinned tusk-less mother do to defend her piglets...

Us humans are much more diverse in appearance, sentiments and creed ... We can not be one thing without being another ... it is either poise and grace with a case of the bends when we move or plumed and feathered with a bulky cumbersome weight.

We are not made or built to please society ... we are made and built to appeal to another. We tend to think about what makes us ugly and repulsive and not what makes us appealing and wanted in the eyes of another. If you find yourself sticking out like a sore thumb, standing head and shoulders above others ... get out of the flock and enjoy the sweet tasting leaves on the branches others can't reach. If you find yourself stepped on and unnoticed, return to the planes and see how other's plumage pales in comparison to yours.

Find your "Plumage", find your "Grace" ... and flaunt it to the world for some where ... out there, more notable than you might think ... another is searching for someone, just like you ...

Posted 8 Years Ago

Hmm, I can relate to these feelings from time to time, but God has showed me how He sees me, and I am worth something, I am not useless, and I am loved completely by Him, and He feels the same for you. Sometimes it is hard to accept the way that we are, but know that God loves you just the way you are and He has a plan for your life.

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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15 Reviews
Added on November 3, 2015
Last Updated on November 3, 2015



dalmeny, Canada

i love writing poemsand stories i love reading!!! more..

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