We are going with the flow, but they choose to sail against the tide.
You can't please them, don't even try. They fake it, yet they didn't make it...
This poem is a simple summary of how life can be complicated, at the same time simple to live.
Dinner for two, it's only me and you.
Am already in love with you, but I want to fall deeper.
There's no where to hide here, the pain is deep, but..
I told my virtual daughters not to take love for granted, always remember that " Monkey see, monkey do"
My virtual sons are rude, and that's someth..
My life is a like a movie, and I wrote the scripts, the whole world is curious how the father of creation put water into coconut. There's no competit..
I don't want to be like you, but am ready to learn from you. We are all doing the best we could do, loving you is all I want to do.
Do you think am..
Some people want me to put on fake smile, pretending and living fake life. Everyone is balling; but some people are busy criticising my moves.
I kn..
My life is a like a movie, and I wrote the scripts, the whole world is curious how the father of creation put water into coconut. There's no competit..
Sometimes life is not fun at all,
Everyone I love always keep me in their diary, power is power; but none can be compare to the might of the almighty..
I just broke up with fantasy and illusion, I surrender everything to love; but am not mingling with vanity no more.
My first love was found when am..