aspiringactress16 : Writing

Darby's Dream to be added to The Creatures Script whenever I feel its appropriate

Darby's Dream to be added to The Creatures Script ..

A Story by aspiringactress16

this is something i wrote in class and i want to insert it into my script eventually
My Fairies

My Fairies

A Poem by aspiringactress16

this is about my friends and how much i love, adore, need, and respect them


A Poem by aspiringactress16

this is one i wrote when i was depressed last year


A Poem by aspiringactress16

this is about a guy i really truly care about, but I've lost him ,I fear, for good
dumped and left for dead

dumped and left for dead

A Poem by aspiringactress16

my friends BF dumped her and she thought about death so i wrote this to wake her up from her sick fantasy and now she's happy as a clam with a guy i b..
From my brain....and maybe my heart too

From my brain....and maybe my heart too

A Poem by aspiringactress16

there was a period in my life when a lot of my friends were thinking about suicide so i wrote this poem and a few others.
The Creatures

The Creatures

A Screenplay by aspiringactress16

this is the beginning of a script I'm writing. it's based off a dream i had so yeah feed back would be great thanks