AJay9979 : Writing



A Poem by AJay9979

Fear of infidelity looms over the pileOf broken-hearted memories from before.The hypothetical indiscretion of himTouching the body of someone elseAs i..
The Hallway, Part II

The Hallway, Part II

A Story by AJay9979

This is a (slightly disjointed) continuation of user Scarlett F. Freeman's story for her challenge
If This is Goodbye

If This is Goodbye

A Story by AJay9979

Before you walk away to that dark shadowy place where you can let the voices in your head win, let me hug you goodbye. Give me a moment to slip my f..
Eartha and her Crippling Aerophobia

Eartha and her Crippling Aerophobia

A Story by AJay9979

The umami breeze plays with my hair, assuaging any fear. Even the serene city sounds could not compare to the impending silence. I let my heels slip..