the music jittersas the lights scatteracross the thumping floor1,2,3,4.she breaksfrom the crowdof lusty animals,reaching towardsher frostymartini glas..
I see the sky in theclearest and purist ofblue, white.The trees twine togetherin an endless array ofblurred green. Theman-madecharcoalmuses in the wit..
I wonder (worry) ifyou ever think (love)of me. If you think (love)of me as much asI, you, I wonder (worry).You smile (frown) andI wish I could letyou ..
Peddling toward a markedgrave turns the worldfrom golds and redsto pale grey.The sky dripped the colorsof fall and washed themaway with the corpsessix..
Under a giant reflective big top,I was a performer on silks,twisting my body expertly throughthe water.In a lucid dream, I wasable to twirl in a weigh..
the loud chatter musesin a stream of mistas random indie musicchurns together thedelicate experienceof waiting in line(at the coffee shop)i never thou..