Title pretty much explains it.
Written to describe those people you can feel irresistibly drawn too.
Something I wrote recently, just as a means to express myself. Hope you enjoy.
Karisa hunts down a Wist, a rebel Dabinya (magic user), and the witches son. As always the Wist refuses to surrender without a fight.
Karisa has live with her cursed right eye ever since she can remember. It's the reason she's feared, hated, and the source of her power. But its also ..
I wrote this poem when I made the decision to move away from my Ex, who wanted me to stay near him as a friend, while he was with another girl. He rea..
Kiss Me Before I Die © 2011 by SheaRyhaiIf you knew how fate would turn out… would you still make the same choices?None of us would probab..
Eutopia, a city flying in the sky, is torn between its citizens and rebels. Asher, son of Judge Marcello, comes from the upper crust; and Violet, the ..
Max skips school for the first time in her life in order to sneak into an open house audition and sing. Theo is acting as a judge for the TV show, and..
What does it take to make others believe in your dreams. That’s all anyone really needs is at least one person to believe in them. [Drama/Romanc..