Michaella R. : Writing

I'm sorry, Oregon

I'm sorry, Oregon

A Poem by Michaella R.

I'll engrave myself in the world for her, so I'm with her all the time.


A Poem by Michaella R.

Hell is Empty! And all the devils are here.
The Buffet

The Buffet

A Poem by Michaella R.

I hope I don't gatekeep too much when I love
Sharks and Hounds

Sharks and Hounds

A Poem by Michaella R.

Sharks and Hounds are very similar
The light's dent

The light's dent

A Poem by Michaella R.

While asleep, My dad opened the door to check on me. I woke up grumpy because it was so weird to wake up seeing people moving behind the open door, an..
My Fear's Fear

My Fear's Fear

A Poem by Michaella R.

I promised myself that when I turn 15, I'll write and show my pieces to the world. I wrote this today. I had an idea to write many poems about my fear..