Marie : Writing

Past-Life Love.

Past-Life Love.

A Poem by Marie

Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars, they've seen us kiss before in another lifetime and heard our sweet words of whispered love. ..
The East Wind Blows.

The East Wind Blows.

A Poem by Marie

Elm leaves fall from their body twisting in the wind like a girl on a flying trapeze. They fall in sweeping spirals like ringlets on a little ..
An Angel's Kiss.

An Angel's Kiss.

A Poem by Marie

I had a lovely dream last night that you were here with me. Your arms around me held me tight and a beat my heart did excitedly miss as..
Storms of Life.

Storms of Life.

A Poem by Marie

The storms of life blow every once in a while to test our strength along each troubled mile. Blowing gale-force they topp..
Our Dream Came True.

Our Dream Came True.

A Poem by Marie

Our little white cottage overlooks ‘The Sea of Love’. Behind it distant hills and a blanket of night stars above. Our beach i..
Colour Me.

Colour Me.

A Poem by Marie

Skin: Rich as silk Colour me... Coffee Hair: Dark as ebony Colour me... Shine Eyes: Like pools of melted chocolate Colour me... Swim Lips:..
A sleepless Night.

A sleepless Night.

A Poem by Marie

Outside the window the street light glows casting shadows in my room. As time slowly flows, thinking of you… I feel you here an..
The Journey Within

The Journey Within

A Poem by Marie

Three roads lead to the little church that is built within my soul. I am the only worshipper,each visit makes me whole. I like to visit each new d..
Uninvited Guest.

Uninvited Guest.

A Poem by Marie

He may burrow his way Through a hole in your wall Appear out of nowhere When your husband you call Scurry across the floor As c..
The Maestro.

The Maestro.

A Poem by Marie

When Death plays his tune Souls follow him without question Spellbound like Zombies.

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