In mind of summer fields and garments of liliesworn, stroking like gossamer andpressing pale, wan and tender andbringing blush to her cheeks like risi..
This is an old work. Three years, to be exact.
my enemies common visage
And of my lovers the same body,
Without difference being equally expendable.
Amber dunes
Sweet collisions of labyrinthine turns
Interlocked in the dual moons
Of your eyes, bittersweet spurns
Trimmed and laced with light.
Let me make it fairly clear to you, reader of mine: my two greatest loves are (and respectively, were) art - and dead.
My love story has a happy ending all of its own. Of course it’s happy – Lukas died happy (enough), and I killed him happily.
When she began collecting it wasn't for the ideas of people. She liked the feel of them, the press of skin against skin and the sound of breaking bone..
A motion picture is what our lives were like; a B-grademovie with the frames brushing by,but never really touching on us [like an on-screen lie].The p..
Crystalline powder and aching bones, remedied hopes andForlorn memories, glances over the dusted frames of the pictures,Grasping at the haunting sound..